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Everything posted by ollie

  1. How was it? I had no luck finding it on Sopcast.
  2. Says the guy that suckerishly bought tickets for this season last season so he could watch the Ducks trample the Sens in the Finals. Priceless What's your point fuckface? I never said I regret buying that package. I was complaining about PPV and the Support the Troops program. You're a twat.
  3. The Sens nickel and diming, along with the hard push for fans to give up their tickets to the Jan 17 game for the troops is really starting to turn me off paying for the product. The Senators organization can afford to buy them tickets itself. They rake in money hand over fist on game day. Do the Leafs have games on PPV? I've heard Calgary does. Any other teams? Shitty business model.
  4. Hey, who knew I was being discussed here! Yes, I do believe I used the phrase "first option" and not "solution", although I do like the idea that there is some sort of Ollie Solution out there. I just wanted to point out that avoiding physical confrontation is your best option if it's available -- you don't have to be hero. I will say though that I am bothered by the chest thumping that comes with some of the pro-"blow the muthafuggers away" opinion. Feels like a bit of an unnecessary hard man competition. Life is precious and decisions carry consequences. I think Traveler's post up above does a good job of pointing this out.
  5. uhh yeah you wouldnt shoot someone breaking into your house?? If you say NO' date=' you just dont have a gun, and i'm sure woudl use whatever force , items you could to prevent it[/quote'] Sorry to continue the debate but I have to respond to this. If someone broke into my house my first option would be to get the hell out of there and call the cops. Material positions can be replaced. Last thing I'd want is a confrontation with a criminal. Hoping for the best for all involved in this ugly situation.
  6. Yeah, it's an homage to the Dead.
  7. Best thing you've ever posted in Rich Stadium Kev.
  8. That's what you call a gut-check loss. Oh well, nice moxy after the Emery slash. Bring on the rats.
  9. ollie

    yayyyyyy God

    That's the opiate talking.
  10. No. P.S. Best of luck with the interview Blane!
  11. Kiss plenty of ass and you'll go far in government.
  12. Happy Birthday Brad!!
  13. Apparent Gibbs didn't know about it. http://www.washingtontimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071203/SPORTS01/112030083/1005/SPORTS
  14. In the context of your analogy, are you saying you'd like to be able to drive your Ferrari as fast as you want with no regard to the other drivers sharing the highway?
  15. I said: "considering that a lot of bit-torrent traffic is used to illegally acquire protected material." I know there are legitimate uses for bit-torrent. But the current problem is being cause by users downloading movies and other DVD-sized files. Let's not kid ourselves here.
  16. So if the alternative to bandwidth throttling is for Bell to buy more bandwidth then would you mind a rate increase to pay for it? That point aside, I cannot sympathize with buddy for exaggerating the truth and acting like a little bitch: 1. The "I can't" bit is a complete and utter lie. Decreased speed just does not equal "I can't". Further to that, if I'm using my computer while downloading a torrent, I don't *want* my upload speed to be much more than 30K/sec because then I have very little left for surfing, etc. 2. You don't have to be home from work to download a torrent. Queue it up in the morning before you leave work and let it leech all the bandwidth it wants during non-peak hours. There may be point in all that but the writer frames it in such a pathetic context that it's totally lost on me.
  17. Great set by the Hold Steady. I like the new tunes!
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