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Everything posted by ollie

  1. Dude, what's written on other boards stays on other boards. Anyway, I'm back from last minute shopping, finally finished for good this year, and enjoying a nice sandwich from La Bottega. Yum.
  2. I'm outta here! Merry Christmas everyskank!
  3. I'm outta here at noon so I don't mind so much. Thanks for coming in Dave. Guess Friday's work party really did a number on Mike.
  4. ollie

    loving balls

    Damn... video embedding enabled. Click the link! Schweaty Balls - SNL
  5. I took a bite of Mike's balls and it was tremendous.
  6. 1st one to PM me gets the same deal as above.
  7. I can only conclude that we have an insane amount of depth. I hope Phillips is still in form to make the team in two years. And of course I want Heatly and Spezza there too. My forward lines at the moment: Iginla-Crosby-Nash Heatly-Spezza-Staal Richards-LeCavalier-St. Louis Getzlaf-Thornton-Perry
  8. I remember it from its first go round on the radio in the eighties, which means I'm... VERY OLD!!
  9. On second thought, these might just be factual statements, Santa be all seeing and all knowing. Which kind of makes him like Uncle God.
  10. Wow. Talk about disgruntled employees. I wouldn't even go that far.
  11. Liverpool Touring North America Next Summer Montreal road trip anyone?
  12. Ha, ha, you *love* Michael Smith. You want to marry him. Christine's mom makes killer spaghetti sauce, I'll have to get her to post the recipe.
  13. Hey bokonon, I think you should meet Jackie K: http://www.terminus1525.ca/studio/view/3651
  14. i thought it was: Found On Road Dead Fucking On Road Dirt
  15. I think it's long enough but I would have liked to see a provision whereby he has to apply for reinstatement, ala Todd Bertuzzi. It's a shame because I like Chris Simon more than the average goon. And it's too bad that will be his lasting reputation because he had some really productive years in Washington.
  16. I can take it or leave it.
  17. All credit to Arsenal for their Cup run but I couldn't help be dispirited looking at their lineup and recognizing two names maybe. Depth much?
  18. http://fc02.deviantart.com/fs14/f/2007/005/e/0/The_Simpsonzu_by_spacecoyote.jpg
  19. I knew there was a reason to be drunk right now.
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