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Everything posted by ollie

  1. ollie


    Yeah, nice labeling by that brewery. I was unimpressed by this and their dark offering. Not a lot of character to Ontario breweries unfortunately, outside of Wellington and Mill Street. Creemore doesn't seem the same. Edit to add: OK, Scotch Irish, Beaus, Heritage and Sleemans premium line are good too. I just wish they all were.
  2. League Cup semi-finals here we come!! Man City 0-2 Tottenham
  3. ollie


    That's probably why it's so highly recommended.
  4. Yeah, instead they're in the hands of a cheezy New Zealand director.
  5. Very sorry to hear about this Rob. Are your symptoms keeping you from working? What treatments are available and what is your long term prognosis?
  6. That's why I download the list every year. It guarantees that I'm only ever one year behind the times.
  7. These denials sounds as ridiculous wrestlers in the '80s saying that everything is legit. Kayfabe is alive in well in all professional sports.
  8. Anyone want to send me an invite to an oink-like service so I can grab all this?
  9. Bravo! You managed to include my favourite and most hated Christmas songs in the same comp! Cheers!
  10. ollie


    There's a new beer from the Scotch Irish Brewing Company at the LCBO on Richmond near Kirkwood -- John By Imperial Stout. It's strong at 6.7%. Highly, highly recommended. It's the best winter beer I've had so far this season.
  11. ollie

    Mr. Bungle!

    Love Mr. Bungle and Mike Patton in general. California's kind of old now isn't it?
  12. Yeah. But. We're getting paid to drink it.
  13. It also means we're getting drunk on your dime two more times next week. We're also Christmas shopping, gift wrapping, knitting, eating breakfast, gambling and playing Guitar Hero on your dime. Suck it up! Dear Work, So why do I still hate you?
  14. Oh yeah? What if I tell you that FP Santangelo is on the list? Awesome.
  15. Meh. I'm still more pissed off by the strike. I really can't work up any outrage over this.
  16. I wouldn't be surprised to see any players name on the list.
  17. Heard this in a meeting this morning and thought of you.
  18. Sorry dude, that was for the rubes. Emery's lingering groin injury forced him out during the first. Fisher and Scott Walker just had a nice fight. Walker penalized for a cheap head butt at the end. Fisher off for dental repairs. 3-0 Sens.
  19. Ok. Now Paddock has lost it. He just pulled Emery after going up 2-0 on Fisher's goal.
  20. I'm looking too. Thanks.
  21. 10 THOUSAND QUID for a book about Spuds. Shocking
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