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Everything posted by ollie

  1. Insanely wicked band forum please.
  2. We were under the giant flag during the national anthem. It was awesome! Go Sens Go!!
  3. Saw this on digg. Hadn't heard of Andrew Olmsted until now but his final post, to be published in case of his death, is quite gripping. He was killed on Thurday. Final Post
  4. I guess it's ok if I download it for you, huh? Thanks for the list, nice read!
  5. Same argument every year. That doesn't make it wrong.
  6. Just got a call from Christine at St. Laurent mall. She said today is Music World's last day in business and everything is for sale, including the stores' CD racks for like $20. Furniture too. If you're near a store, check it out.
  7. More than ever this year I think that college football needs a playoff system. Just doesn't feel like a legit national championship game this year.
  8. Can I buy tickets at Lauzon Music?
  9. Sports related crap I got: - Spezza 2K8 for the PS2 - Senators beach towel - Spurs home jersey, scarf and keychain - mid-'70s program from a Spurs/QPR match and football annual from 2000-something, both from a boot sale That's it I think.
  10. I downloaded this due to the Pitchfork list and it's an early contender for favourite. I'm loving the late '70s Bowie influence, although Brian Eno influence might be more accurate according to one review I read.
  11. This was the best fireworks display I've seen in Ottawa. So glad we went to this.
  12. Nicholson is back on form: Give A Little Love To Football... Lovely Spurs match on Saturday!
  13. I was impressed that Anthony Bourdain showed up.
  14. I think this can be resolved with a counseling session ala "Some Kind of Monster". Or just put the movie on in the locker room in lieu of a closed door meeting. It will be blubbering hugs all around by the time it's over.
  15. Don't miss this point. And under no circumstances buy a Monster brand cable. Bouche gets good prices on cables by ordering online, hopefully he'll post the address. I also don't think HDMI is *necessary* as component cable still looks wicked good. As for sound, I still run a stereo setup and it's totally acceptable. I seem to recall from a post in the past that you don't play music loud at home anyway so you might not get the benefits of 5.1 system. You can always look at upgrading your audio at a later date. As for getting an HD TV package, it's only worth it if you watch a lot of TV, and in particular sports. It's just too expensive to justify otherwise. If you plan to watch DVDs on your new TV you'll still get the widescreen benefit, and you can always upgrade your TV package later. Makes no sense buying a 4:3 TV at this point. There's no one solution for everybody, it depends on your needs.
  16. I'm partial to Sony when it comes to TVs. Here are a couple of 32" models worth checking out at the same price point and lower. http://www.futureshop.ca/catalog/proddetail.asp?logon=&langid=EN&sku_id=0665000FS10091835&catid= http://www.futureshop.ca/catalog/proddetail.asp?logon=&langid=EN&sku_id=0665000FS10088762&catid= As for a DVD player, you don't need to spend more than $100 to get something decent. Make sure whatever you buy can play DivX, it's a nice feature to have. In fact, the less you spend on the DVD player sometimes the better as some of the really low end ones are region free and will playvback a greater variety of non-North American discs.
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