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Everything posted by ollie

  1. I saw a note on the BBC rumours page about these two Argentinians possibly being released in January. And now this. What's the deal with that signing?
  2. There is nothing wrong with Brad's voice and in comparison to a lot of the bands in this nebulous scene it's probably one of the better ones. I just don't get how it's an issue at all. I'm curious who y'all think are some of the better voices in the "scene".
  3. no! bad, bad ollie! no time for settling. Did I just imagine that you said this a couple of posts back?
  4. Ok, neither are best but which one is BETTER?
  5. I would just like to say that libertarians should vote for the Libertarian Party of Canada and not the NDP, Liberals, CPC, etc.
  6. FINALLY!! Now when is moe's new disc coming out?
  7. Anyone remember the Sarcastic Mannequins? Quirky duo from Vancouver. I saw them back when Zaphods was on Rideau Street.
  8. Right into the coffers of a corrupt dictator?
  9. That was an incredible finish. Spurs won a bleedin' league match! And into the UEFA Cup group stages!
  10. ollie

    Downloading help?

    As stated before, I'm a recent convert from Azureus to uTorrent. Take a look at that one too.
  11. The ones she signed "Fuck You" to? Are they fans or professional autograph seekers? If they are fans, why are they stalking Avril? I get that she's acting like a brat. But there are extenuating circumstances.
  12. If I had to face a hoarde of gladhanding photographers everytime I came stumbling out of a club then I'd be an asshole celebrity too.
  13. ollie


    I got Mars Volta and the Chili Peppers in 4 hours and I'm boucning off the fucking walls!!
  14. Hey smoothshredder, you are totally misreading me. It's frustrating!! Your insinuation that I'm kissing Hux's ass is so far from reality. We've gone through this before. I dislike your tendency to throw all the anti-Harper views in this forum under the "closed minded deadhead" umbrella. And I honestly wish you would post more regularly.
  15. Happy Birthday AD! Don't ever change your avatar.
  16. Why do you rely on deadhead stereotypes so much?
  17. Me too. I'd been using Azureus for a while but uTorrent takes up way less resources. Another thumbs up from me.
  18. The occassional home invasion story in the media is enough to scare me to keep my doors locked all the time. My mom once had her purse stolen from the house (in Westboro) during the middle of the day while she was working in the yard.
  19. Y'all don't lock your doors?
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