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Irie Guy

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Everything posted by Irie Guy

  1. So then when would Snoop be playing on the Sunday???
  2. So who has been bumped on Sunday the 6th for his Snoopiness. The Wailers Maybe??? Will he be on the Rogers Stage after Primus??? I can see the Panic crowd getting a lot smaller if Snoop Dogg is playing opposite them at the same time. A lot bigger name draw for the Casual fans who just happen to be there to see whomever.
  3. Glad I could help and glad I was on the right track.
  4. Well the only thing that I can think of, and only because it happened with me, is that your SD Card (Im gonna make a bunch of assumptions here because I have no details) is actually an SDHC card and your hub will not read SDHC cards properly. When you plug the camera in directly it provides the SDHC interface. I have a similar problem with my Canon SD850is. If I use a regular 2GB SD Card in it. I can stick that card in my Card Reader and have no problems. When I use my 4GB card which is actually and SDHC card my card reader wont recognize it. If I plug the camera in directly it will. I actually bought a lil Pocket SDHC reader which eliminated this problem for me.
  5. Panic virgins watch out as Mr Schools can blow your panties off with his bombs. Bwah hah hah.
  6. Can I add that things do just plainly work. We have been running an iMac G4 at home since 2001. Don't need to run virus or spyware software. Never had a problem. When you plug USB things in they work. Have used 4 different cameras over they years plue em in they work. My MacBook Pro automatically switches from wireless to wired when need be. It knows. I never have to worry about drivers. We are finally upgrading the 7 year old home Mac to simply have a larger HD and faster processor. Everything I want to do with my old machine I still can. It's just finally time. Yes you a pay a premium to run a Mac but I am the only one in my Company of 100+ people who has a Mac and I am the only who has never had a machine bloated with spyware and viruses. The cost of downtime to others more than makes up the difference in the up front costs AFAIK. Personally I don't care what anyone has or uses I just know what works best for me. But hey it's hard to beat a $449 laptop or a $299 Tower deal it's just not my cup of tea.
  7. lol, tried talking to my wife she wanted to know why I sounded like a woman lol
  8. It's Snow's Informer. That song was huge. I think at one point it was called the biggest selling reggase song ever.
  9. Doesnt sound too right to me either. But what do I know. Jay can probably chime in on that. They are probably using the fact that Maxi Priest is so well known on the production side of things that aspiring artists will be lining up to have a chance to share a stage with the Worlds Greatest.
  10. Irie Guy

    Magic Bus

    That was my guess too about the Panic Show. I'm sure they would do it if the price was right. Anyhow I really doubt you would want to take the Psychedelic bus all the way to Ottawa and back. 11 - 12 Hours on a School Bus, yikes.
  11. greatest selling living reggae performer in the world..... Wow sounds like a political spin. I can think of a ton of other performers with a better legacy than Maxi Priest. But the notion that he is "Greatest Selling Living" would be a hard one to challenge. Interesting though might have to make a second trip to Ottawa this summer for this one.
  12. We've been thinking about getting our next work from there. I've heard some good things. I just need to find the time to get in there and the few hundred that I may need for the work.
  13. Lots of advice here cheers. Thinking we will do the 401 416 route on the way in as I will be travelling in the dark and I dont really need to pay any mind to the directions, set the cruise to 110, turn on the Sirius and just go. On the way home maybe we'll take a slightly more scenic route as that will be during the day on Monday. Yours Truly, I appreciate the help but I have no idea what you are talking about with those directions. Get to Guelph and go on the 6???
  14. AD what's your normal average time for this trip. Southampton is just up the road (12 minutes) so it will give me something to gauge.
  15. Further planning for the Panic weekend in Ottawa. I see most mapping programs are recommending that we drive all the way down to catch the 401 and then take the 401 across to head back up to Ottawa. Yes the Highway maybe faster, but will it really save me time??? It seems kind of a roundabout way. Whats Hwy 7 like its been years. We'll be travelling through the night if that makes any difference. Want to keep the car time to a minimum as the wee ones have never really been in the car longer than 3 - 4 hours.
  16. What does it mean if you've skipped the entire Radiohead thing altogether. Don't own an album, haven't wet myself over a possible show, never really paid them any mind. Don't have anything bad to say but for some reason it's a band that just completely passed me by. Do I have to give up my keys to the music loving fan club.
  17. Actually all you can really do when Widespread Panic sets in is Climb to Safety while Pickin' Up the Pieces of the broken lawn chairs.
  18. Irie Guy

    More Panic!

    If we were Childless it would be a 2 Night Panic run in Canada, whoda thunk it. Gonna make it a family weekend in Ottawa instead.
  19. MoMack see the other thread on Priceline help. I booked Fri, Sat & Sun night for $60 a piece at the Marriott. Priceline Noob Needs Help
  20. Irie Guy


    First thing at 6AM is turn on StarPlayr and tune in Howard Stern. Then my default iGoogle page shows me what is in my gMail what is in my Facebook what the Daily Headlines, Local Weather etc etc all on one page and then I decide from that page where I'm gonna go first.
  21. After spending 9 weeks in Ethiopia with our boys last year we became very adept at changing diapers wherever and whenever needed. A simply plastic change pad is all you really need. Lucky a squirter was very rare.
  22. It's funny how desensitized you can become to the diaper full. With 2 on the go the diaper pail can be a real shit pile. But it's nothing like my wife Jenn who up until the boys came home was changing Adult Diapers for a living at the nursing home. The Shit Stories that she could tell would make Mr Lahey proud.
  23. Welcome Animal, I've been on this board for years. Mainly as a Lurker but post when I feel it's relevant. This board is a great community and a wonderful resource.
  24. I know that there is absolutely no way that my boys would keep those Headphones on. Heck its hard to keep pants on them nowadays. lol
  25. Well we are going to be there on the Sunday for Panic with our 2 twin boys under 2. Our plan is to hopefully keep them busy enough during the day so that by the time the show rolls around they will sleep in the stroller. We have a twin Jogging stroller. We plan on being well back where we shouldn't be a nuisance. We talked today and realize that our concert days will forever be changed. We can no longer go and be like we were but on the flipside we're not giving it up either. We fully realize that if things are too much we will go back to the Hotel. Being a Mom and Dad takes priority over being a Spreadhead.
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