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Everything posted by bradm

  1. He might be worth $29, if you haven't seen him before. (I've seen him a few times, and while the first and second times I saw him were "Wow!" shows for me, the next few shows were more "Meh.") Aloha, Brad
  2. bradm

    Go VOTE

    Contact either the Municipal Elections Office @ 613-580-2660 (elections@ottawa.ca) or the Citty of Ottawa @ 311 (311@ottawa.ca). You could also try http://app01.ottawa.ca/pollingstations/search-action.do?action=1 (I tried your address, Freeker, and it came back saying no voters were registered there, so I don't know what your and your housemates' statuses are.) If you don't have your voter notice with you when you get to the polling station, you'll be asked to show identification. Aloha, Brad
  3. bradm


    I just saw a bit on TV about a new thing (in the GTA only at the moment): Supperworks. At Supperworks, you come in and prepare meals (you can make six entrees [one entree = four servings] in about an hour), using their (professional) facilities and equipment, with all/most of the food prep (washing and chopping) done by them. They also do all the clean-up. It works out to about $4/serving, and you freeze what you end up making and taking home; they even provide little stickers with cooking instructions: thaw the stuff out, cook it for 20 or 30 minutes, and you have a hand-made meal for your family. And, since you're the one making it, you can leave out ingredients people don't like, or add stuff in that they do like. If I was four people instead of one, and had a freezer, this might be something I'd try. Aloha, Brad
  4. (Click on the picture. It's a real album. I found out about from The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century.) Aloha, Brad
  5. There wouldn't be any tapers if there wasn't anything to tape; right back at you, man/men! Aloha, BRAD (BNB's Really Amazing, Dude!)
  6. The Friday, November 10, 2006 show by Burt Neilson Band at The Opera House in Toronto is now available for download: http://www.archive.org/details/bnb2006-11-10.oktava.shnf Enjoy! Aloha, Brad
  7. On "60 Minutes" tonight, they'll be running a tribute to Ed Bradley. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/11/10/60minutes/main2172933.shtml One thing I didn't know is that Bradley was the voice/host of Jazz at Lincoln Center Radio. Aloha, Brad
  8. There's another food recall: according to http://www.hersheycanada.com/en/corporate/Hershey_release_English.html Aloha, Brad
  9. It looks like the bizarre love-child of Borat and (Trailer Park Boys) Randy. Aloha, Brad
  10. I'm back, in moderately good health (which'll only get better after/during my after-dinner nap ). The batteries are charged, all the gear is still in the backpack, I'm ready. (Hey, I have a rep to maintain. At BNB last night, I was introduced to someone with "This is Brad, the legend of taping in Ottawa." "Wow," I replied. "That's the first time the word 'legend' has been used to describe me, and it's about goddamned time." ) Usual logistics: I'm aiming to get there about 9pm. Aloha, Brad
  11. Thanks, 'ersh, that'll make things a lot easier when I get around to processing the recording. Aloha, Brad
  12. Other guestage: A trumpet player (whose name I didn't get) in "Yellow Pants" Mark Crissinger on guitar in "Whipping Post" Peter Elkas on guitar and vocals in "Hungry Heart" (Bruce Springsteen cover) A female vocalist (whose name I didn't get) in "Stop Dragging My Heart Around" (Stevie Nicks cover, with Mike doing the male vocal parts) There was also an acoustic number, with Mike on acoustic guitar, and a guest mandolin player and guest banjo player. They stopped playing (the second encore was The Band's "Don't Do It") at 2:45am. I listened to the recording on the way back to Ottawa, and it sounds pretty good. It'll take me a couple of days to get it uploaded, I think. Aloha, Brad
  13. http://www.intriguing.com/mp/_scripts/cheese.asp Aloha, Brad (Who Actually Owns A Copy Of "Rogue Herries" By Hugh Walpole)
  14. OB1, afro poppa, Deeps, (and anybody else who wants to help promote shows) check out http://www.theslip.com/info.php?i=2275 for info on being on the street team for The Slip. Aloha, Brad
  15. Caption Contest time... Aloha, Brad
  16. As an added bonus, they just got signed to Do Right! Music, and the label boss DJ John Kong will be there tonight "to spin some crazy deep funk beats." (I don't know whether this is in addition to or instead of DJ D-Mass, who usually spins on Thursdays.) Aloha, Brad
  17. bradm

    SCI - Done

    Do any of Bob's kids play guitar and/or sing? Maybe one of them could join SCI. Aloha, Brad
  18. What about string cheese? I know some people really like it, while others hate it, but I think I heard something about no more of it being made after summer, 2007. Aloha, Brad
  19. I'm liking aged provolone a lot these days. Aloha, Brad
  20. The part of me that makes it back to Ottawa after BNB on Friday night will do its best to be there. Aloha, Brad
  21. I would, but only if COCO (Cat's On Crack Orchestra) was on the bill as well. Aloha, Brad
  22. Any videos in Betamax format? Laserdisc? Aloha, Brad
  23. Does this mean you'll be at The Opera House tomorrow night? Aloha, Brad
  24. I'm eagerly anticipating the Dec. 17 Dusty Owl (which will almost make for a 2006 book-ended by Lauzon shows for me : Dec. 18 2005 - Dec. 17 2006). Aloha, Brad
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