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Posts posted by Alexis

  1. hey kevo!

    i live technically in hamilton. if you walk about 300 feet further south you'll cross the old hamilton/mount hope town line, but since the amalgamation came into being a few years back, it's all hamilton now. it's not really the sticks....you can walk to anything you might need to buy in the uber plaza in about 5 minutes, yet at the same time, i have a ginormous backyard, can hear the frogs burping in the summer and regularly see bunnies....there's even a couple bunny holes in my lawn. i'm also about as far away as you can get from the steel factories while staying in city limits, so i'm not afraid to grow veggies this summer. it's also fun to say i live in south central! and then mumble hamilton under my breath.

    have fun in seoul mang! stop by when you're back.

  2. k seriously dima....

    i've always respected you and been happy to see you out at shows. i've gone out of my way a bunch of times, especially when i first met you to talk with you and make you feel welcome and blah blah.

    i'm seriously disappointed in what you had to say. you insulted one of my best friends, my roommate, and a bunch of other kind people i love and what you said to AD, well, should never be said to anyone, ever.

    not funny man, and not cool. inside joke or no inside joke.

  3. they are quite perky....

    you hamilton folk are welcome to come and join us if ya like, there's PLENTY of backyard to go around.

    the 2 of you have yet to visit me casa, and still yet to visit the new and improved casa des alexron....alexron...the new evil partying magnate that will you get you till you're gone.

  4. i hope i've somehow managed to score the single version from limewire. the playing is great, the vocals are excellent, it just sounds like someone stuck a mic in front of their tape player to get the sound onto computer.

  5. a friend of mine and (who is in the scene but not on the board) and i have discussed the numerous people who are in the scene and wondered if there was anything behind it, some sort of social trend that could be documented. but then again, you don't really know how many adopted people you run into on a daily basis...it's not something that's really stated upon introduction.

    good luck with all this cyberhippie..my uncle is adopted and the medical history alone was really helpful with him. he waited until my gramma died before he contacted, which shows signs of other emotional issues, but whatever....it was like a fuzzy image suddenly becoming clear with his mental and physical health history and did him a lot of good despite the emotional trauma.

  6. wow, so much to say.

    i'm really REALLY surprised that no one here has yet mentioned the parents. you all talk about teachers and boards and everyone else passing the buck. how about parents? if parents don't take an active role in their childrens education, make sure they can read, read their papers and homework, how can they then fault the teachers? yeah it's the teachers job to teach your children, but at the end of the day, all responsibility for the child falls on it's parents. if you're kid is 17 and can't read past a grade 8 or 9 level, that's your fault, not the teachers, or the systems or whatever.

    as for the grading practices that DEM spoke of earlier....i can kinda see the point in them. if you can produce a 70% or a 95% on a paper, it is expected that you are capable of doing that on all of your work. a lot of kids are bored, and find better things to do than school work. that doesn't mean the work shouldn't be done. you could take advantage of that grading practice...don't understand a section of work? don't hand in the paper, get the same mark as always. i think if a marking policy like that MUST be instituted it should be with advanced/enriched programs, where kids aren't going to take advantage as much. i can see that policy being taken advantage by anyone with enough brains to understand it in a regular streaming program.

    I can think of a good example of this. in my OAC economics class, the first day, the teacher said "if you miss more than 10 classes for the entire course, and get over 80% i'll give you $100, this is a class you need to attend to understand" that wasn't true. 26 missed classes and a 98% final mark later...i had my $100. not everyone learns the same way, and the problem public schools have now is that they don't cater enough to individuals educational needs. some kids should be held back, some should be out sooner. some need real life experience to learn, some might not need to be held back if they had more perspective style learning, something like what shredder said above. but at the same time, when you're a kid, you don't know the employment possibilities that are out there. if you take a poll of 1st grade males, you'd probably get fireman, doctor, lawyer, astronaut, sports hero and a few others. i don't think streaming kids and not allowing them a full scope education is neccessarily the right thing, but i think it's a better method than what we have right now.

    As for funding, i'm not really sure how it goes, cause i don't have kids, and haven't really paid THAT much attention to it. as far as i understand, the private tax refund means that if your kid goes to private school (whether religious or not) you get a tax break because some of your taxes goes towards public education. If that's what's going on....damn straight, that's the way it should be. why the hell should i pay for my kids education, and make a contribution to public schools? would any of you like to pay for something twice? how about making all of our roads toll roads, and still have a portion of our taxes going to road creation and maintenance? sound fair?

    if public schools offered what parents saught out in private schools, then there wouldn't be a need for them, but they don't. they offer sub par education for the most part, and don't offer diverse religious content. i didn't learn one thing about any religion at my public school. and there wasn't a religion class offered either.

    and if you don't like or agree with all of the "seperatist/segregational" private schools based on religious content....make a change in canada. we let people come here and keep their culture, and language. immigrants can move into a localized mini version of where they came from and not really have to learn english and choose not to participate in normalized north american culture. if we allow that, why shouldn't we allow people born here or not to raise their children, and educate their children in the same manner? Acoording to their own personal values. i'm not saying this works, or that i agree or disagree with it, but you can't have one without the other.

    if you want to take away the private school tax break, than you've got to stop funding the RC BofE. As the country becomes more culturally and religiously diverse, i see that stopping anyways. We've got to be fair, and equal to all.

    And parents who home school SHOULD get a tax break too. not only are they not using the space in the public system they pay for with taxes, i would imagine that they are paying for all teaching supplies and associated costs out of pocket.

    education shouldn't be determined with a budget, but in the capitalist world we live in, everything comes down to dollars and cents. i'm sure a lot of people are unhappy with the education their children receive wherever that is, and would like to change, but simply can't afford it.

    i watched this "education in america" special with 20/20's john stossel...and i'll take it with a grain of salt, but one thing he talked about was how some schools are privatized in the US. And how that's working out really really well. if a school doesn't have a certain average GPA, they're shut down and another one is opened. I think that privatizing schools with government regulated requirements might be a good idea. but that would be very very very hard, because privtiation lives under the "evil" blanket, and we have unions and lobbyists that decide what we get to do, not us, the individuals affected.

    edit to add: so much more to say, but thought i'd stop there

  7. the hottie at the gas station where i buy smokes is in that same program and was worried about it. but i told him of your successes with it and he calmed down a bit.

    good luck steve! just try to be comfortable and confident and you won't have a problem.

    edit to add: marco, you rule

  8. i know i'm jumping in late here but oh well...

    i think that the whole reason these cartoons are being reprinted isn't because of freedom of expression, it's about someone telling us we can't or shouldn't. just because we CAN doesn't mean we SHOULD...but if someone tells us we CAN'T when we CAN then we damn bloody well WILL.

    it's like the whole topless issue a few years ago. i'm sure women went topless before it was legal. no big deal. then someone said we couldn't. and a bunch of people protested, and the law got changed so that we could, legally. it wasn't until someone said we couldn't go around topless that we shoved our ta tas in everyone's face. now that the controversy is over, it's no big deal again and you certainly don't see women walking around topless en masse.

  9. hahaha....this same mistake has happened to me. when i first got my drivers license whoever did the data entry typed TERRANCE instead of TERRACE (as it appears on my health card) for my middle name. my sin card has no middle name and on my birth certificate it says TARRACE. so...there are 3...but really, 2 of me out there. since your HC doesn't really count.

    but it hasn't inspired me to commit credit card fraud, and i HAVE the ID to back it up, which you don't. so lay low on that deal my friend.

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