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Everything posted by PalacePrincess

  1. ride....of....STEEL! handy that to exit you have to walk through the superman gift shop.
  2. i have been somewhat heartbreakingly avoiding these beastie boys threads because this particular b-girl will be freaking with the freak freak in a remote location for that whole weekend, but i would just like to say that the beastie boys are fucking awesome and you will all be in for a good show. i've seen 'em twice (incl.the ill communication tour and FUCK that was awesome), and both are in my top shows of all time. qqc & thorgnor & i had a blast at the last ACC show. they still gots it.
  3. I'M SO FRICKEN EXCITED FOR THIS SHOW! (by the way pink, the darling *five feet of fury* has agreed to pick up our tickets tomorrow!) they're kind of cure-esque, and they're swedish or something and really kind of awesome. there's music samples on their site, 4 or 5 songs? www.shoutoutlouds.com i think i might pop in and check out some shout out out out out out out out out outage at the starlight as well. things that are dancey are very intriguing to me. and that's like, local and stuff. easy as pie. we'll just have to see if my wallet and levels of sleep deprivation agree with me come the big day.
  4. Hits from the Bong in My Pants Sabotage in My Pants When Doves Cry in My Pants Porkroll, Egg & Cheese in My Pants Enjoy the Silence in My Pants Livin' on a Prayer in My Pants Brass Monkey in My Pants
  5. did they happen to offer you some magic beans for sale as well? there is no feature called "stalking" on facebook. the only thing even close to that is the "traktzor" application, but it only works if you AND the other person have it, and it doesn't tell them where you go, it only tells them if you have clicked on their personal traktzor page (which is not their facebook profile, it's a separate icon link thing you have to click on). schwampy, fwiw, people incessantly insisting i join them is what brought me HERE, and also to frontier town. i was getting pestered so much i finally just gave in and checked it out. and i'm so glad i did! i can understand the overkill line though. that's precisely why i am now ANTI burning man! *EDIT* schwampy, you should be honoured your picture made it into the photoshop group. hey, maybe it's your karma for making wook18 t-shirts. hahahaha
  6. mmmm boxy, maybe we will have to have a sleepover!!! more info: Fri, Oct 26 The Docks 11 Polson Street Toronto, ON, Canada Tickets on sale 9/6, 10am Ticketmaster outlets and at Rotate This 19+ --------------- Sat, Oct 27 Fillmore Detroit (State Theater) 2115 Woodward Avenue Detroit, MI Tickets on sale 8/24, 10am All Ages Ticket outlets: livenation.com, all Ticketmaster outlets, and tickets will be available at Record Time in Ferndale, MI with no service fees.
  7. i'm kinda partial to pee drinking crapface
  8. schwampy, i think your anti-facebook addiction is spiralling out of control. do you realize you spend more time thinking about and ranting about facebook than many people spend ON facebook? facebook is fun. and all these anti-facebook threads lately just make me laugh. do y'all not see the irony in discussing the evils of facebook, on AN INTERNET MESSAGEBOARD??? it is really no different! i can click on each of your little avatar pictures and pull up whatever information you have entered in your profile -- no different than a facebook profile. we chat in these threads -- no different than a group on facebook. people add signatures to their posts -- no different than the status updates. (as an aside, i freaking love the status updates, i spend more time laughing about random things my friends are doing or pretending to do than you would believe.) facebook is what you make of it. there are all kinds of different privacy settings, if you are uncomfortable being out there, you can make your account pretty much invisible -- so that people who search you out can't even find you. and there's no rule that says you have to open an account under your real name. i don't think it's necessarily exclusive to people, either. people have complained about feeling left out HERE because so many of us know each other in real life. it's not like if you turn down a friend request that person gets an email saying "sorry, you suck" the stalker argument? HELLO OUT THERE ALL YOU NON-POSTING LURKERS! posting here is less private than hanging out on facebook. it's a bit of common sense, anything you put on facebook you know anyone who is in your friend list can see if they want to. so if you have a stalker, take them off your list, or don't put revealing stuff up on your page. i think facebook IS an effective tool. come home, check your email, your answering machine, open up facebook and instantly see what's up with your friends. i can't tell you how many genuniely super fun get togethers have been spawned by facebook interaction. it's the easiest way to interact with multiple people you know all at once. and fun too! it's really just like hanging out here, but more intimately. don't knock it until you try it. i admit, before i joined, i was creeped out by it too. then i joined. really, it's not a big deal. it's fun, and a great way to connect not only with people you know, but people you've lost touch with. (btw, this whole thing is not directed at specifically at schwampy, but is rather my ode to all y'all who be hatin' on the facebitch) p.s. that is such a great karin/schwampness picture! i LOVE it! and p.p.s. i know schwampy. boy do i ever. he taught me how to do flips off the diving board! last summer! he's positively gymnastical! YEEHAW!
  9. www.dlisted.com www.tuckermax.com www.tard-blog.com www.davezilla.com http://grouphug.us
  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CHEEKY LADY! hope it's the best one yet!
  11. i can tell you right now, these are FAR more annoying for the wearer than the bystander, especially in crowds, and especially in outdoor locations. and yes, i am speaking from experience. hula hoops could be hugely annoying though. imagine trying to watch a show from your chair & you keep getting dinged in the head. hahaha that makes me laugh. can't you recruit some wooks to patchouli-b.o.-stenchy-and-spin-spin-spin the chairs away?
  12. why don't you all bring lawnchairs too, and stand ON them
  13. happy birthday, dingh-dong! hope you have a great day! here's a present, take it to bluesfest and enjoy with your friends: equals fun for everybody!!
  14. this is canadia, people don't sue here. go for it. stick an "at" in front of it. or just make it part of a sentence [bluesfest logo] is for dancing, not sitting. (or something better) and this is why you are family to me. i can't wait to read what happens! this will be the most exciting bluesfest ever, 2007 the year of the lawnchair revolt. please posts updates often, people! hahahahahahaha, BEAUTY!!!!!
  15. make sure you get pictures! or video. you are a budding youtube star, you know. this is what cellphones were made for!
  16. you know what, the guy who wrote this and the girl in alexis' best of craigslist thread would be perfect for each other.
  17. mind those socks of yellow
  18. hey, the starlight show's tomorrow, who else is in?
  19. ahahahahaha that is exactly what i was hoping you would say. beauty!
  20. haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaappy birthday, alexis!!
  21. ahahahaha! and awwwww! all kinds of great things that start with a! (and all the other letters in the alphabet). congratulations guys! it looks like you had a beautiful day capped off by a kickass party. which suits a union between the two of you perfectly.
  22. this thread is incredible. fisty is right, i'm equal parts repulsed and delighting in the pure awesomeness of this thread. MAGNIFICENT WORK! i wanna know about the cake -- is that a freakishly random internet find, a crafy photoshop job or did you really get a DQ employee to write manlove on a cake?
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