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Everything posted by backbacon

  1. Hope it's super awesome! Can't wait to celebrate!
  2. I just bought one of these. $300 USD on line. (I tried purchasing one locally but was having no luck.) I have barely taken it out of the box. Speaking with a friend who has one and doing some research, it seemed like a great unit for a great price. Where are you located, rustle?
  3. Ticketmaster is a barebacker company.
  4. That's sad. He seemed like a nice guy.
  5. _____________ Just checked this out on Saturday night. Um... WOW!!
  6. backbacon


    They should replace Seinfeld with Michael Richards.
  7. Does anyone read the french forum? I spent like a day putting together that post I made!
  8. backbacon


    He did the same thing when he didn't win best video a couple of years ago. Even though he spent "ONE MILLION DOLLARS" on his video. Yup, he's a dick but I think he has some serious mental problems too. It looked like he was about to cry after he took the mic from Taylor.
  9. So are you going to the show, scottieking? Hope so buddy!
  10. Anyone seen him live? Good performance?
  11. I am looking for one. Could trade for a umm.. mix cd or something. [edit: got it, thanks!]
  12. I'm in too! Nothing in return from me either, I'm afraid.
  13. I've been thinking about 9/11/01 all day. Trying to strike up conversations with other students about it. (I'm in school again.) It seems people ten years younger than I just weren't as affected by it all. What was everyone up to when they first heard the news? I remember being on a ten minute break between classes. I went next door to the computer lab to check out a mainly NYC-based phishy message board I frequented back then. Read something that someone posted about 'bombs going on off... city under attack.. not sure what is going on..' I went back to class stunned. I to a few classmates what I had just read.. wasn't sure what to make of it all. After class, an hour and quarter later, the school was just buzzing with the news. The rest of the day of school was cancelled. I went to a friend's place and watched about fifty times the towers get ran into by planes. Finally went golfing. The course was totally empty.
  14. Yeah, I understand I need to get some proprietary hardware. Just worried about my current setup not being able to handle it/ not being able to properly go back and forth between my PC and Mac with the files. Thanks DRKN.
  15. Anyone have an idea what the chances are of running well Pro Tools on a PC or have experience doing so?
  16. http://hotfile.com/list/95569/d257904 I'm halfway through grabbing the 3.10 show dvd version. Anyone care to participate in getting one of the other 3 shows in dvd format? I would get them all but my bandwidth for the month is quickly dwindling.
  17. Happy birthday Rachel! Hope you're having good times!
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