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Everything posted by backbacon

  1. I read OJ's book at work. Turns out he did it. That jail tale looks pretty wild. Just scanned over a bit... fight part; yikes!
  2. Worked fine for me. Great job, thanks, NaturalMystik.
  3. Here's an mp3 of that Motown Mashup: Motown Mashup
  4. A great Motown Christmas Mashup! from Mark Jeffery on Vimeo.
  5. Wow, what a great birthday. Happy birthday Rico!
  6. Nice going Caroline! Congratulations! And happy birthday too!
  7. Consider it done, Karin. I hope everything works out okay.
  8. Nice one! Thanks for all the help. Here's some 8bit DepMo to get you through the holidays! (I should have just told buddy to start with this gem and look no further!) Zip file "A monstrous gameboy megamix paying tribute to the bad boys of Depeche Mode, spanning over 14 minutes of nonstop chiplove, and using every last pattern of lsdj from 00 thru FE! Equally suited for use when dancing in front of the mirror alone in your bedroom or rocking the crowd to the ground at your next mega dance party! Tracks 1 thru 4 are offered in a single mp3 to ensure a seamless mix. Bonus track 5 takes the sweetest cuts of the megamix and offers them up in a powerpacked mini serving!"
  9. Question from a buddy: "hey dude....what albums are a good start to listening to some depeche mode?" I must admit the thought has never crossed my mind... any suggestions I can pass along?
  10. Just watched that video... what a great time! And then a fight breaks out, though.. aww man!
  11. ^^ I think that Bowie and Bing one is the best Christmas song of all time! Deer Tick put up a little video of them doing Silent Night. Here is the audio: Deer Tick - Silent Night
  12. Shouldn't it say "Because 2 grievances are better than 1 in this poster."
  13. My favourites from last year are Oh Christmas Tree by The Layaways and Christmas Wrapping by The Waitresses. Chris Rae's Driving Home for Christmas (see Birdy's post) is an all time favourite! I've been working on putting together a fresh collection for this season's parties but I barely have Internet (basically just using phone) and I would re up some of the past years' collections but my 1TB just died so I don't have access to anything until friday. Going to be wrking on the fly at the Canada post party this Friday! My favourite new acquisition from this year is a collection of old standards (Dean, Bing, Duke...) remixes. From 2003 it looks like.
  14. Great! I can get back to collecting those ABB Beacon run videos!
  15. TG, you guys hiring? It sounds perfect! I love science and I love T-Pain!
  16. Mmhm. He was also that little gay guy on 'Are You Being Served?'
  17. I can hook you up this weekend when I'm in town or over the holidays with some music that should work.
  18. You missed a period at the end...sloppy! I, actually, don't mind a lot of the peevy things mentioned but mostly just when they are actually used for a purpose. When they become just an end of the sentence filler (you know what I mean) or a mean nothing conversation ender (it is what it is)... peeve time. I agree 'pet peeve' is a stupid whatever.
  19. You can rightfully call duct tape duck tape now though, I hear.
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