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Everything posted by backbacon

  1. I assume you ignored my advice, skank_rock?
  2. Make the cat ride in the backseat.
  3. Try taking your Macbook Pro for a car ride. Seriously, that is what the lady at the mac store in Windsor told studog last week. He got a full OS update.. whatever that invloved. It was working when he picked it up and when he got back to Chatham it didn't work. She suggested he take his iMac for another car ride because sometimes that is the best idea.
  4. :grin: :grin: :grin: sounds just like him! Take that back you two! I've never been escorted out of a show!
  5. Yeah, my bro is taking care of all the planny stuff... I can't be bothered. I guess with Bell there was some sort of deal where they pay 150 of the phone cost/ hook up fee and the plan is $40 per month and the iPhone wasn't an option for some reason... don't ask me. I'm going with that Samsung unit. Thanks!
  6. I'm gettin' a cell phone. Any advice on gettin' one of these? I haven't had one for a bout seven years so don't know much about gettin' one. My brother is actually takin' care of the gettin' and he and sis are gettin' one of these: http://www.bell.ca/shopping/en_CA_ON.Samsung-OmniaII/68968.details#2 Should I get one of those too? I see that it comes with a free: ... so I'd be all set there.
  7. ... please provide all the juicy details for the skank community! Nothing beats getting lucky on a sunny afternoon!
  8. Great show! Showed up to find MG on stage already but got into a pocket here and there and r'd the f out! What a fun show. Not boring for a moment... even if it did... I would've just had to open my eyes and get a quick army eye full and then back to space land! Great night all around!
  9. Thanks Brad! Hey, did you catch any audio of that wild car crash!? I'm looking for a meathead yelp> smashing car sample! I sure miss the the one click lossless dl link the archive used to have..
  10. Congratulations Hal and Fista! That's great!
  11. Is the MG show sold out/ going to sell out?
  12. Looks pretty powerful. I look forward to seeing the entire film. Keep up the good work!
  13. I don't understand; that looks more like a building.
  14. Neil Young Archives Vol. 1 disk one Really enjoying The Squires material.
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