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Everything posted by backbacon

  1. backbacon


    Wow! Thanks Velvet for allowing us to relive it all!
  2. Might want to try some isometrics. They're kind of boring. Also, if you go in a doorway and with your arms down try to push out with the backs of your hands for a while and then step out of the doorway you arms will lift up magically.
  3. I don't understand... you're getting too old to get in shape? I heard lifting weights work for getting strong. You can even use the weight of your own body, like by doing a push up or sit up or pull up. Anything that ends in up usually means you get stronger. Good luck, sounds like a stingy endeavour!
  4. Sooo JEFF Beck played for the Les Paul tribute? That makes more sense than 'Beck' playing, like was reported by the kids at school.
  5. looks like you gotta be Merican.
  6. My room mate went to the London show on Monday. They didn`t start til after 11. He didn`t like it at all. Bunch of shit guitar with Axl screaming all night. He wasn`t aware he wasn`t getting a free ticket when he agreed to go so he was extra disappointed in the show, having paid $90.
  7. Happy birthday Sara! Have a blast this year!
  8. "All of 'em, any of 'em that have been in front of me over all these years." -- Velvet Palin
  9. Just listened to this front to back with ease. It has a real nice lazy Deady feel.
  10. Actually, bradm, I'm looking to change one of the characters lines into more androidy speak. Bigger, more technical words... Kind of like c3p0 would use. Maybe I'll post the lines and see what we can come up with.
  11. Hm, those laws might actually help, bouche! I have this short isolated scene from a play to work with that we have to remake with all sounds that would be involved. I am totally changing it around and going with an android theme. I guess I'll just replace the words with tech speaky words.
  12. Does anyone know of any such thing... can't seem to find one.
  13. So very sorry for your great loss, Eric. My thoughts and love are with you, Amber and family. This is such sad news. I will cherish every moment I was fortunate enough to spend in Jesse's presence. What a true and kind soul.
  14. I betcha the son wore one of these shirts when he was little:
  15. Pfft, they got nothing on RM, eh Birdy!
  16. k, I'm done. Merry Christmas people!
  17. bouche is all like, "Fuck this is probably the last time I'll even get the chance to speak with a white visor/ white pants wearer.... I'm just going to enjoy the night!"
  18. The Sloth's like, "Fuck that guy's technique, I hold my pint super close to my heart so it knows help is on the way."
  19. bradm's like, "That guy is holding his pint at a most illogical distance from his person."
  20. What size is it in MBs? Are you looking to host it for streaming or just provide a dl link?
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