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Everything posted by fluffhead77

  1. http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/OhmygawdPosters/~3/rCvsM0DBXkM/ For those that may have missed it at the show...
  2. fluffhead77


    They did a great job with it... Bravo!
  3. D/L'ed ep 1 but haven't watched it yet... Top Chef masters was AWESOME but I was severely disappointed with their decision. Samuelsson was always just meh...
  4. fluffhead77


    fuck yeah!!! NMH???! That's awesome!!
  5. The amount of his feathered earrings alone must be staggering...
  6. fluffhead77


    fantastic show... a real smoker! 1st set was very well played with a strong finish. 2nd set was massive- Mike dropping some serious funk and basically owning it. Never a disappointment in SPACatoga.
  7. I have eaten your weight in those things Dave...but never made them. I always got the impression it was more trouble than it was worth to make them considering how cheap they are in the store. anyone?
  8. damn. looks facking hot!
  9. Ohnoes! I guess it's not always ok to "shut down and ride"...
  10. i failed. I cooked all the bacon in a drunken haze and ate the whole pound in a sitting. I will try again!
  11. Jay : The New Your Times JUSt released an iPhone app today that had their top food critic giving his 50 top faves. You should get that.
  12. I'm on it. I'll make this weekend and let you know!
  13. Fuck the BJM. Now this. Now THAT'S a band I can get into!
  14. Happy Birthday buddy - much love!
  15. ^^ Exactly! only seen the mother superior - really??! Was that the gig in LA you saw? Man, the blade/lanois combo is just otherworldly... I hope for your sake you get a chance to see them.
  16. Thanks for posting this Kev, I completely forgot about this! I hear you Dave for the most part, not really sold on her either - couple songs are decent though. This pretty much is the same band he's been rocking for the last 4-5 years, sometimes a bass player change, but usually it's darryl.
  17. Happy belated birthday Jules! Hope it was a good one!
  18. Phorbsie - tis I'm afraid. But we'd love to have you in Toronto! We're busy snazzying up the office with lots and lots of awesomeness if that helps Mike - yes. But only if it's a 80's style crop top.
  19. Are you fucking kidding me??? holyfuckingshitthatsAWESOME!!!!!!!
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