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Everything posted by fluffhead77

  1. fluffhead77


    scallops have feelings too you know! Yes, the feeling they have is " Man, am i delicious, or WHAT?!"
  2. Show sounded decent but fairly flubtastic from TRey throughout.
  3. Yeppers - another one of my faves.
  4. Wow' date=' that's a hell of a sentence. [/quote'] hahahahaha Cully's most likely reliving some part of that year right now and his brain deferred to " '98 mode"
  5. fluffhead77

    Madrid Lab

    GReat blog I've been reading recently about food science and the "molecular gastronomic" world. http://www.madridlab.net/melonas/
  6. Listening to this Phish show right now and forgot how great they sounded Summer 98. Does anyone have a really good copy of this? The one I'm listening to is B- maybe.
  7. Keeerist there's some good looking stuff on this page!! Love the food Gawker feed in my rss reader - prolly doesn't help my eating habits though http://foodgawker.com/popular/gawked/
  8. sorry referring to Party Time not soundcheck
  9. even when listenable it's wholly brutal. 90% garbage...
  10. JEOMK this Gin is so hot!
  11. This thread should be entitled Vote for MEat.
  12. Posted to 1900 facebook friends and 1300 Twitter peeps. http://www.facebook.com/inbox/#/GelaSkins?ref=ts http://twitter.com/GelaSkins Bon chance Todd!
  13. The more I watch this show, the more I like it. Roger is hysterical! http://www.thetripwire.com/news/2009/11/11/my-morning-jacket-draws-new-fans/
  14. You don't like Esther or McGrupp, but you like Jennifer Dances. I here by petition to have Skelters fan badge revoked.
  15. Voted. Going to tweet this via GelaSkins account. We've got 1300 + followers so hopefully they'll be some good response!
  16. I've got it too, but haven't really used it at all.
  17. I pretty much had the same impression the first two times that I saw UM. However' date=' this past summer I ended up catching their late night set at Rothbury and they blew me away. It was the first time I gained an appreciation for how talented their guitar players are. It was a great show, less noodly and more melodic than I had seen in the past, while still maintaining a high-energy set. I'd love to be checking them out again tonight, but Todd's jamming with the boys tonight so I am homeward bound. Have fun folks. Hopefully there's a good turnout so we can continue to have jam oriented bands back up to these parts.[/quote'] I had a great time seeing them at the big summer classic a nuber of years ago - their set with Keller was killer. But I've seen them a few times since then and realized that their style just isn't my taste. I don't dig on the prog/metal influenced stuff as much as I do the funk/jazz based stuff and their repertoire seems to have much more of the former than the latter. Very talented fellows - All in Time still floors me, but just not my bag.
  18. Except that Shaffer is an unstoppable musical force that absolutely seeps musical professionalism? And fake orange tan...Seeps fake orange tan.
  19. HILARIOUS!! Que?tlove on the kit in the barber shop is awesome... for the record, Mayer does have mad chops but for some reason has resigned himself to writing bullshit love songs for heartbroken tweens. At least use what you got when you're young save the bullshit somgwriting for your twilight years. Worked for Steven Tyler...
  20. Are you fucking kidding me? You you find spearhead MORE poppy that John Mayer??? Are you sure we're talking about the same Mayer? John Mayer Spearhead
  21. awesome. I follow this dude and he's ( mind you, his dad) is hi-larious. Good for him...
  22. While I've never done it myself' date=' I've heard plenty of folks say that behind the stage is the place to be for the best light show.[/quote']
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