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Everything posted by fluffhead77

  1. We're going to be adding a bunch more skin templates to the site very soon including most game consoles ( wii, xbox 360, PS3), RB and GH controllers, a ton of new phones and so on and so forth. Hopefully there's something in there that fits your needs!
  2. That's not Alan Cross, not sure who that is, but it ain't alan cross.
  3. Won't be making it to these two shows sadly Listening to the new album right now though - not bad.
  4. Obviously. Hard core, TP, Ugandan goat porn....ok Bob Weir... not ok.
  5. Hey PP - thanks for the feedback - sorry you were having trouble. What browser were you using? We've been having some issues with I.E. 7/8 that are currently being worked out. I'd suggest maybe trying Firefox if you haven't already, and if you have giver 'er a go again as I believe several issues have been solved as of this morning across the board. Please feel free to Us the Discount code GTASKINS as well and that should save you 10%
  6. No crazy sales spike to speak of... yeah we made some custom skins for David featuring the Diggnation logo
  7. Hey Y'all We just launched our new website complete with the ability to make your own skins and even if I do say so myself, it does look preeeeety good. It's still a little buggy but have a gander and let me know if there's something you see we should address. There's a discount code in it for you if ya do www.gelaskins.com Cheers, b
  8. yeah - brutal - thanks for the GIANT tease Mike!
  9. That's quite a statement considering it's fall
  10. Heard some great new shit this week... 1) New Sufjan Stevens track - Too Much Love - so DOPE! 2) New Zero 7 album called Yeah Ghost - easily my favorite in recent memory 3)Blackstone Heist - saw a song accompanying an amazing stop motion video of a guy painting a giant Battlecat for a He-Man tribute art show. Grabbed the EP for free from their site. Sounds like Radiohead meets the Allmans with touches of funk and jazz and prog. Very very VERY cool shit. Stop motion video: Blackstone Heist www.blackstoneheist.com Happy Friday Everyone!
  11. I wanna go baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad now
  12. Um. You did what last night? How the hell did you swing that? That's AWESOME! Was Brian Eno the coolest guy ever?!? Wait, don't tell me - I don't want to know if he was a douchebag. Did you all talk about your love of DAniel Lanois? I reckon that's the most appropriate conversation in that crowd...
  13. You caught the Vetiver then - wicked - they're a fackin' great band. Check out the Fruit Bats if you can at some point... they're good friends with the Vetiver/M. Ward/Devandra Banhart crew
  14. She was on FIRE! Any youtube links?? Literally?
  15. fucking fuck fuckity fuck. I have 2 weddings the night of that T.O. show...BALLS!
  16. For those of you one the fence about this, GO! Jaybone and his lovely wife took me for my bday last year and I was just blown away. The opening Van Morrisson cover was worth the price of admission.
  17. fluffhead77


    Just my moustache though... treat him well! wish I could - it's not in the cards this year...
  18. fluffhead77


    I heard a rumour that my moustache might show up.
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