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Everything posted by fluffhead77

  1. Wickedly creepy Gordo video for his up coming tour
  2. That looks fucking awesome - I heart crispy cheeeeeeez!
  3. That's hilarious! We were waiting for Phish to do a cover of Nickelback covering Phish all tour...
  5. anyone know anyone getting rid of a bunch of hartford tix?
  6. I got your ticket here DIma. call me. 416.519.1360 Cheers brian
  7. As a professional blog writer of the wittiest stuff on the internet, I recently decided to quit my job as head assistant chef in charge of pickles at McDonalds and focus full time on my writing career. Due to my unique creative spark and rapier sharp wit, my blog has had unprecedented success and just this week I had another hit. Apparently they mistyped 'rim dent' in google but it still counts. Being a professional blog writer is not all Moët and chicken nuggets though, due to server and hosting fees, I made minus four hundred and ninety dollars last financial year but my wife works three jobs and has a credit card so it all balances out. If I had friends they would often ask me "Scott, what is the secret behind your champagne quality comedy?" and I would explain to them that it is just a gift and that some people are naturally born with an incredible creative spark while others just get to read it. Recently, I wrote about the time a bee flew in my car window and then flew back out. It was so funny and when I posted a link to it on World of Warcraft, a level 54 dwarf wrote back saying "awesome man" which made my day. Once when I was online in my dwarf clan, I met a level 41 dwarf named Cindy and we fell in love despite her being below my status. I would send her poetry about warcraft and she would edit it for me. As my wife works a hundred and eighty hour week, this gave me plenty of opportunity to organise a liaison with Cindy in real life. After arranging to meet, I packed my dwarf costume and battle axe and used my wife's credit card to buy a bus ticket to the town Cindy lived in. As it turned out, Cindy was actually a real dwarf. And a man. We still made love so as not to waste the money I had spent but I left feeling deceived and only partly satisfied. Why can't people just be honest? Dividing my time between writing professionally on my blog and online as Scott the Invincible are not my only creative outlets. I am also a professional cartoonist. I am much better than Carl Schultz as my ideas are more clever and creative. I would describe my art as cutting edge with my ears to the street and if you don't get my cartoons then 'yo momma' to you nigga. Here is one of my best cartoons, when I originally posted it my hits went up 400% and all four people said that it was unlike any professional material they had ever seen before. The cartoon above is funny on two levels which makes it lateral. Firstly, I was looking at porn but said that I wasn't so this is like British comedy and brilliant in itself without the rest. Secondly, I said "make it so" which is what Captain Picard says in Star Trek and I was wearing my Star Trek uniform when I said it. Do you get it? It is probably too clever for you. If I could give one word of advice to anybody wanting to be a professional blog writer like me, it would be to realise that it does not matter what the subject is, the important thing is how I feel about it. Balance is also important, I find that the best ratio is to have ninety percent of the stories about me and how I feel about things and the remaining ten percent linking to stories about me and how I feel about things. To commemorate my unparalleled success as a professional blog writer, I have released this limited edition, hand crafted T-Shirt featuring the internet's finest blog writer with hit counter. Each shirt comes with a 15 day free trial to World of Warcraft and an autographed photo of me wielding my battle axe. Own your very own piece of the internet today! God Bless David Thorne. This man is pure comic genius. http://www.27bslash6.com
  8. me too! Fuckin' AMEN to that!
  9. http://www.realdoll.com/ That'll impress the HELL of of him.
  10. Is anyone coming back to TO the night of the show next week? A friend of mine is coming down to her first show but may not have a ride back. She's a super cool lady just looking for a ride back into Taranta- anyone willing to help a sista out?
  11. Labor Days is a brilliant album! Flash flood is up there with some my all time faves. Here's my recommendations. Mr. Lif - Emergency Rations Z-Trip and Lateef - Ahead of the Curve Roots Manuva - Run Come Save Me (Dub Come Save Me is equally as good, but obviously more a dub reggae) People Under The Stairs - Question in the form of an answer The Kleptones - Detroit to J.A. (more of a mash up, but the opening two tracks are worth it) Danger Mouse and Jemini - Ghetto Pop Life
  12. The ol' cheesebuger in the can routine. Classic. Dinghy - I can see you rocking these in your bomb shelter when you get really old and weird http://www.trekneat.com/trekn-eat-produkte/produkte/katadynshopconnect/trekn-eat-snacks/tne-cheeseburger-in-der-dose/
  13. Happy birthday Mike- hope it was a good one!
  14. Miracle whip is a the scourge of society. The planet should be cleansed of its putrescence and it's name be put on a black list of words that should never be mentioned again.
  15. Pretty good list - missing "most beautiful girl in the Room" though...
  16. just finished doing the comic con thing here in SD and there's more than one of your kind out there Mike. You're not alone. note: I was there for work but did manage to grab some pretty sweet prints and shirts
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