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tND Reviews

Groove Fetish

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holy fuck that sucks!

but I do agree that the Kitchener show (even without being able to pull a hoot at all because of radical nazi security) was tighter and fresher than the last time I saw then but they are still a once a year gotta be playing close by kind of band for me, I'm not gone on music that becomes overly repetative and sometimes they go that waytoo much in their shows for me.

Its' fun and they do seem to be morphing a bit more so I'll keep checking htem out when ever they roll back home.

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why couldn't they spike it with booze.

i'd love it if someone spiked MY drink...but few 6'2", 260 pound guys have the date rape problem like pretty young girls...assuming your girlfriend's young and pretty...or just female.

anyhow, i got to the sold out show expecting to see the new deal...but who gets on keys??


i couldn't believe it. he's almost as good as jamie. it's crazy.

the show last night had a way more mature sound...almost like their first show(this is live) but not quite as dark...i like the groovier sound - it's easier to dance to and the guys are definitely opening up more musical avenues. i dig the ambience and the more world grooves...i heard a lot more tribal/reggae/dancehall grooves. I wish the crowd got into the funk harder than the up and down trance stuff.

dan would go off A LOT more in my eyes...and being a bass player i'd love to see/hear that.

the boys were kickin it with no flubs. i had a great time and it was incredible to see everyone - especially BO and my friend dean watson. I hope he can get the music scene in ottawa to become a real contender. the more minds in this the better. i might even think about moving back with more nights like last night.

i dig the venue and i like the way the deal are shaping up...but seriously...i want jamie back.

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Originally posted by secondtube:


I assume CB is making a joke... about Raffi, the children's musician? I hope? With a beard, Jamie *would* look a lot like him, actually. I'm pretty sure that if someone else was playing other than Jamie, someone would have mentioned it by now - besides, who could possibly "sit in" for Jamie?


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So what did people think of the show last night? I saw the first set and thought they were even tighter than the last show I saw, and the lights were much better (except when they are shining right in your eyes for minutes on end...)

I'd like to give a healthy, enthusiastic two-thumbs-down to the fucker who spiked my girlfriend's drink though. Had to leave at the setbreak and rush my almost comatose GF home to bed because some stupid fuck likes to render women unconcious so he can feel better about himself.

Reminder to girls out there: Watch your drinks ALL THE TIME!

That said, how was the second set?


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enjoyed the show! they were way more fun than last time in O-town, and strayed from the 4 on the floor a few times, which was really nice. Didn't really think it was neccesary to through down a diss to the junos after inciting applause for being nominated. but whatever. the lights were a HUGE added element. JF is the man.

no encore for a soldout barrymores crowd?

I'll check em out everytime they're in town.. next time I'll go a little easier on the ole draught.. [Embarrassed]

sorry to hear about your incident AD- that sucks. good to see ya though.

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what a crazy night....a guy next to me dropped to the floor and had a heart attack...I was pretty messed but did what I could untill the paremedics showed and asked if I wouldn't mind moving....yes sir thankyou for releasing me!!! Hope the guy lived....

on the spiked drink topic.....lousy mother*^#@!!!!

My friend got realy,realy,realy unusually weird at the end of the night and I've been thinking all week that mabey her drink got jumped...I've never seen her like that and I've seen her in so many states over the years...yeah watch yer drinks girlfriends!!!!

As for TND......well to be honest it's foggy at best.....the light show was fabulous....I certainly remember that [Razz]

AD....hope your girl is allright....thankgoodness you were near by.....I'm curious what her state was like.....was she wacky confused and barely able to walk....yet not drunk like?

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I sensed that Kitchener was a particularly good show for them. The fact that they pulled out Pink Floyd Breathe in the second sort of confirmed that for me- a rarity for them I believe. You can hear the new artillery for sure and by the time they dropped Back To The Middle (HUGE) no one was complaining they play that too often. Agree with everything said their was some dancehall, some atmospheric, just more going on and more sophisticated.

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