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No big deal, but it is "Kees" pronounced Case. Blame it on those crazy Dutch.

Congrats to the Swifts!!!

If you ever need a babysitter, don't ask me. I'm terrible with babies. My job will be to corrupt the kids once they are old enough to learn swear words and buzz words that will annoy the shit out of you guys --> Reconize!

--> Word!

--> Reprazent!

--> What Up Dog!

Peace, love and happiness to yas.


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Forcing your children to have rhyming names is cruel !!!! Save that shit for your dogs!!!

They will develop into problem children and turn to drugs and music to escape the harsh reality of the burden you have put them under... This pattern of behavior will spiral down to the point where they spend 4 nights a week in bars and constantly monitor internet discussion boards looking for their next musical fix... Enentualy, this lifestyle will catch up to them, forcing a prolonged stay in a suitable rehabilitation facility

is this the fate you want for your kids?

ok... bad example wink.gif" border="0

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As doubleB pointed out, he had no choice...

It's interesting when you have a choice like in a NICKNAME.

You use one, and then someone picks the same one, varying the spelling, but not enough to make an audible difference.

Maybe Chad could sign up as DubbleBee

I can't wait for someone to have a child and let US pick the name, live, online.

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Not this shite again.

If I have heard it once, I have heard it a thousand times. Are you really so self-absorbed that you think you are the 'real' Boo/uche?

We both know that I have been around this world ALOT longer than you buddy. My friends were calling me Booche back when you were in diapers pal!

The only reason the spelling was varied was a subscription I got to Relix 10 years ago. I thought it would be far easier on the both of us if I kept their 'mistake'. Just cause you got a license plate, dont get all high and mighty with me Mr.

I tried to be diplomatic about all of this, but I am about to give up Bouche!

grin.gif" border="0

~I cant believe what a little Chad and Brad can do to a peaceful day~

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Just in case anyone is wondering why ACE hasn't replied to any of these congrats is that he is in london to have the kids (or should i say Jen is) he should be home sometime late this week or next and i'm sure he will be very grateful. I will probably be talking to him soon and will convey everyone's best wishes.

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Ace: From the American Nomad, American Nomadess and my Daughter - CONGRATULATIONS!

Since I am a Daddy of only one (a most incredibly smart and beautiful 8 year old ray of sunshine [Chandlor JeTaime Grandon]), I can say this....


But reality....

I want to leave you with one thought.

I have learned more from my daughter than all of my teachers ever taught me...COMBINED!!!!!!!!!!

Get ready to absorb some incredible experiences!!!!!!!!!!



Jessica, Robb and Chandlor

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