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Question of the Day July 17 2002


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What do you hate the feel of?

like i hate the feel of icecream on the back of my hand or my arm when your scooping it out - god forbid it dries before i get it off ...

i also hate that stonewash silk that was popular for guys shirts in the 90s or heavy rayon --> yuck

am i the only freak? or do you hate the feel of weird things too?

2nd Question:

Whats your favourite icecream?

now and when you were a kid?

mines creamsicle icecream now

when i was a kid - bubblegum was very new and cool back then, but i almost always went for tigertail

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How about the feeling of very unripe bananas? You know, the slightly green ones, which, when you eventually get them peeled and they touch your skin, leaves a kind of sticky/starchy feeling that water has a tough time removing?


BRAD (Banana Rinds Aren't Delicious)

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i hate that nebulous feeling of a spider web that was inadvertently stepped through, 'specially when its dangling about the face!

i also hate the feel of waking up in the morning (usually still fully clothed and reeking of brew, etc...) and trying to decide if the events swimming around in the brain are the remnants of a dream or reality

tigertail ROCKED as a kid...nowadays I'd rather lick the schwetty balls on a dead moose (a la goofball Tom Greene) before eating it... a little graphic, I know, but it gets the point across...

Presently, I am a fiend for PC Coconut Cream...man that junk tastes sweet!

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Personally, I hate the feeling of a shirt that's just a little too tight. Or pants that don't quite fit right.

Mostly though, the feeling I hate is BEING TREATED LIKE POO which doesn't really happen too often around here in paradise (but sometimes)

My favorite ice cream, by FAR - always has been, always will be, is....

[color:green]CHOCOLATE CHIP MINT!!!!!

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I hate the feeling of my soggy drawers after I've been running around town in 30+degree temps all day!

I hate the feeling when I realize I'm running out of the dank!


When I was a kid, my favorite ice cream was Heavenly Hash (hey, when you're 7, you gotta party somehow!) but now I just go for a simple chocolate/vanilla swirl. Although, I'm more of a frozen yogourt dude these days.


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sorry to get graphis but i hate going number 2 and ya wipe and wipe and wipe but as soon as you hike up yer pants and walk a few steps you get that feeling what my friends describe as "grease-ass"

i really prefer to have a shower after i go number 2.

...trust me after doing parts of tours i'm ready to hit my own bathroom!!! ya know...home field advantage. [big Grin] unless i'm staying in a hotel while on tour. god-damn porta-potties!!! how do i hate those things!

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... i hafta second that motion, chewie

the one about porta-potties/outhouses, that is, not the 'grease-ass' (wonderin' why its your friends that describe it that way and not you)

nothing is worse than the smell of a warm outhouse, 'specially one with a couple black widows waiting to bite...my thoughts drift back to visiting some friends of my moms on the islands and holding off for what seemed like years...i'm sure Freud would have a thing or two to say bout that

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i HATE the feel of a juiced ciggarette on my lips.....or a soggy joint..... makes me want to puke.....

fave ice cream when i was a kid was chocolate. it's still chocolate, but now with some peanut butter on top...... mmmm..... and hot fudge......... with chocolate chips.......... yummy......... damn! now i'll end up eating ice cream for breakfast...........

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Originally posted by CharlieDon'tSurf:

as a kid...nowadays I'd rather lick the schwetty balls on a dead moose (a la goofball Tom Greene) before eating it... a little graphic, I know, but it gets the point across...

Presently, I am a fiend for PC Coconut Cream...man that junk tastes sweet!

Ever had a tigertail milkshake...PURE GOLD!

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feelings i don't like..

- hearing someone brushing their teeth really hard (to the point it sounds excessively hard).. baaaaaah! not sure why but it gives me shiverees, much like a street sweeping broom does.

- swimming through a lot of sea-weed. blah!

- discovering banana in my mouth.. fruit salad, or whatever scenario.. hate bananas.. and raisins

- something probing my ass.. (again, whatever scenario- dont like it)

- watching people eat anything that looks like vomit.. (im with sk on the cream of wheat..)

icecream?? I too was all about the heavenly-hash also. gold medal ribbon.. now im into caramel cone explosion. or strawberry.

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I don't like the feel of sand between my toes.

Generally, I'm not fond of pain.

I like the feel of silk, but not that sandwashed stuff.

Favourite ice cream? It varies. I'm not one for chosing favourites. That "One Sweet Whirled" stuff from Ben and Jerry's rocks, though. Come to think of it, any ice cream from Ben and Jerry's rocks.

(The Ben and Jerry's factory was a must-do for me on the trip to Vermont to see nero last weekend.)

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