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Michael Moore at Oscars


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the problem in situations like this is precisely that... figuring out who the hell to believe... in the end each and every cause has their own agenda... their own means to an end... i prefer to think of each side of a debate as a type of Kraft macaroni and cheese... i think of the moore-types as original KD and the republican jump-ups as spirals... the original, not-so-flashy, good ole cheesiness vs. the wacky, yet somewhat alluring extreme pasta... doesn't matter which you like best, in the end all that butter, carbs and processsed mumbo-jumbo is gonna leave you either dead or incontinent...

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The link that I posted for David T. Hardy's site seemed to have the most even-handed criticism of Moore - for instance, he actually made a point of putting the gun incident on a separate page as stuff he didn't feel like he had enough real evidence to be truly critical of, even though it might be a bit shaky.

I'm all about checking out legit criticism of folks like Moore when the put themselves out there as the torch-barers of truth - there's no reason he shouldn't be held to the same standard as he holds others.

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I didn't see the awards show because of lack of sleep and the fact they suck.

Earlier in the evening, however, I heard him say on the radio in a pre-show interview, that "if I win the award tonight, I won't hold my tongue"

BTW Ms Hux, his career will never be hurt by that sort of performance. Mr. Mus and ChDonSur are right, he thrives on that sort of publicity.

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The backstory is that the shows producer (Cates) clamped down on all of the presenters making political remarks. People like Susan Sarandon looked like they were clenching their teeth just getting their lines out, she did the dearly departed clip trip which may have been an intentional assignment as she would have taken flack if she shanghai'd a memorial to make a political comment. Then they obviously knew Moore would win and make a remark and anyways I just thought it telling that the winner in the next category was the Twin Towers with a couple of good ol' boys who thanked the families of police and firefighters lost that helped in the film.

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