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Michael Moore at Oscars


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Cheers to him! Won an Oscar for Bowling, got up on stage and said something like:

I'm a documentary film-maker. We don't deal with fiction. We do, however, deal with ficticious election results electing a ficticious president and sending our troops overseas to fight a ficticious war.

He was booed loudly throughout his speech (suprise!) but it was sooo good to see.


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So......... they give him an award for making the top-grossing documentary of all time. One which underlined the ABSURD HYPOCRISY of the American VIOLENT GUN CULTURE. Then they BOO him while making a speech regarding the even MORE ABSURD and MORE HYPOCRATIC, VIOLENT abuse of power by their own government. Fucking loathesome Republicans.


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Here's the full text of his acceptance speech.

"Whoa. On behalf of our producers Kathleen Glynn and Michael Donovan from Canada, I'd like to thank the Academy for this. I have invited my fellow documentary nominees on the stage with us, and we would like to — they're here in solidarity with me because we like nonfiction. We like nonfiction and we live in fictitious times. We live in the time where we have fictitious election results that elects a fictitious president. We live in a time where we have a man sending us to war for fictitious reasons. Whether it's the fictition of duct tape or fictition of orange alerts we are against this war, Mr. Bush. Shame on you, Mr. Bush, shame on you. And any time you got the Pope and the Dixie Chicks against you, your time is up. Thank you very much."



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originally spoken by a less dramatic individual

And you know, wait one second. One second, please one second. Cut it out, cut it out . I get one shot at this. I'm sorry. I didn't say more than five names, I don't think, but... this is, you know, it fills me with great joy, but I am also filled with a lot of sadness tonight because I am accepting an award at such a strange time. And you know my experiences of making this film made me very aware of the sadness and the dehumanization of people at times of war. And the repercussions of war. And whatever you believe in, if it's God or Allah, may he watch over you and let's pray for a peaceful and swift resolution. Thank you. And I have a friend from Queens who's a soldier in Kuwait right now, Tommy Zarabinski, and I hope you and your boys make it back real soon.

well, adrien the resolution ain't gonna be peaceful (as we've already witnessed) but you did get a message not unlike mr. moore's across without inciting any raucous "boo's" from the crowd...

why is that?

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well, adrien the resolution ain't gonna be peaceful (as we've already witnessed) but you did get a message not unlike mr. moore's across without inciting any raucous "boo's" from the crowd...

why is that?

I think the main thing certain people were booing (from the sound of it) was the remarks about Bush being a "fictitious president". Which is sort of understandable, 'cus you've got some pretty staunch Republicans in the room, including some people who probably campaigned for him and may be even be friends with him. And as Michael Moore was quoted as saying in the Star this morning to a backstage reporter: "You better not report that the room was split 'cus there were like 5 people booing."

That said, Moore always presents his views in an intentionally provocative and in-your-face way, so he's definitely gonna illicit strong reactions. And he goes for that, he uses it, so I don't think you can really expect anything different.


Mr. M.

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yeah, he definitley wasn't boo'ed off the stage as many morning news reports would have us believe...

he was, in fact, applauded for his maneuver right up untill the "fictitious" president remark, at which time the dissenters kicked in - it definitely wasn't the whole place that erupted in jeering, either...

i was, admittedly, flipping between the Canucks schooling the Caps and the "awards" show, but was fortunate enough to catch this moment of political hulla-baloo at its finest! [Wink]

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That was incredible! Moore is my hero. I bet that's his first and last Oscar though. Sad because he never got US funding for his films, he had to come to Canada and other countries, an Oscar may have changed that for future films, but probably not after his comments.

Good for him. I agree with every word he said and the way he said it. Bad career move though.

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Originally posted by Ms.Huxtable:

Bad career move though.

he thrives on this stuff... his career is the way it is 'cuz he doesn't hold back... this will enable him more than anything else

don't get me wrong, i'm no adrian brody fan here (didn't know who he was until last night)... but to say it the way he said it is even more masterful, as demonstarted by the fact that he was applauded by everyone for saying almost the same thing as michael moore... its called The Jedi Mind Trick....

this is not the cause you're fighting for

this war against the war is really startin' to heat up... anyone catch aaron brown's tif with al-jazzera buddy... now that was classic...

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nothing about michael moore's 'acceptance' speech was surprising. i'm sure the academy members knew what to expect when they voted to give him the statuette and the 30+ seconds of live air time to a billion(?) people. it needed to be said and there was no one better to hand the podium to than him. i think people were much more uncomfortable with the things that kept coming out of steve martin's mouth than with michael moore's little diatribe of truth. someone has to say these things and he is who we are counting on to do it. he was given the award for doing just that. keep it coming.

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exactly... but, given the opportunity (which is just around the corner as I will be digitally added to Return of the King in the coming months, as Choado the porno hobbit who lives with Sauron) i would rather try the eloquent 'acceptance speech' approach than the obvious approach... somewhat surprising, but true

i too wasn't surprised by mr. moore, especially when he invited his fellow documenters up on stage in their full peace regalia

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Thanks for posting the actual video. It's much more entertaining to watch !

Here's a couple of links that try to discredit Michael Moore, but they just read like a pile of crap to me. They seem to be filled with ridiculous quotes that only seem to drive his points further.



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very clever and opportunistic of Moore to get a message out to about 10 times the number of people than who are likely to ever see one of his movies...

without stating an opinion on the current matter, i think that both sides of many issues are oversimplified and sensationalized by the uninformed elements on both sides.

one difference is that a radical liberal can often be annoying, while a radical conservative can often be dangerous.

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Actually I was going through some of the more ill-formed critiques of Moore's work and came across this:


Now, I'm a big fan of Moore's and of the film (I saw it three times, actually) but I was a bit concerned with some of what was written here. I still think it's a brilliant piece of film-making, but if nothing else this stuff re-enforces what Craig said, that there is hype and over-simplification on both sides of the story.


Mr. M.

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