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Oh, one other little thing, just a comment - the "lifetime to see a band which will not be quitting anytime soon" thing you said, that type of thing always makes me think of going to see Stevie Ray at the Skydome the last time he was in Toronto - I was so close to not going 'cus, as I actually remember saying "oh well, if we don't get him this time he'll always be back next year." Luckily I did go, and it kicked ass.

Then few months later I remember sitting in my room and the news report came on Q107 about the plane crash... [Frown] But thank-god I saw him when I did. You never know what the future holds.



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I remember spending almost 100 bucks once on vinyl...and my buddies thinking I was crazy,but I got the last laugh,I had no hang over and one smokin collection of music!!Aww to be 14..... [big Grin][Wink] Yep I imagine were about the same age.(30+ish [Wink] )

Anyway, yeah, I agree with you, on the ticket thing also,but wheres the increase coming from,now ticketbastard does get their more then fair share for what they actually do for anyone, and they bands are no doubt making more money now-a-days then before,theres got to be a reason(sane or not), I have thought once in awhile that maybe its a power struggle between the~ ticket angencies vs the bands~ or ~promoters vs the band vs the ticket agencies~ I don't know...except that I will have to pay and pay...now if I don't want to pay the price I am gouged with then I don't have to....that was really my point, unfortunatly we the consumer are more less to blame(IMO)...really if we didn't go to the shows and didn't use the ticket agencies(which I know is literally impossible) then they would have to lower the price,but this isn't the case,How could we really not go to shows??I would lose my mind.So they know they have us hooked and until somthing different happens I imagine the prices will continue to go up.

I find its like the seasons;when its cold out people bitch and wish for summer, then when summmer comes.... its to dam hot!(everybody's done it).

Either way I still go for the music no matter what it cost me.

Cheers [big Grin]

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Dont mind my ramblin's ....water pipe broke and I've been hitting the hookah all afternoon,trying to relax after the sudden rush I got from the sound of water running through the ceilin of the basement here.......scramblin to save things,luckily all forms of music,....instruments,albums discs etc are all off the floor to begin with....whew!!

Well your right, you never know what the future holds...cheaper tickets or not.Guess that was a poor choice of words I used.

I missed SRV at copps col.,but not for the price of a ticket but just because I said that exact thing..."catch em next time round"... [Frown] Worst decision ever.

Cheers [big Grin]

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I love Phish. I will pay whatever they charge. I don't care. I am not rich either - I just spend my money wisely. You wanna talk about escalating prices? Put that average ticket price chart up against the average price of a movie ticket - I think you will see the rise is quite similar.

My point? As the price of ALL entertainment goes up, so does the price of everything associated with it. Venue fees, trucks and busses, gasoline and equipment rental prices have NOT stayed the same over the past 10 years - so why should the final price of the ticket? If you think that Phish is just testing the fans to see what they will tolerate by arbitrarily rising ticket prices then unfortunately you are way too cynical for me.

I have said it before and I will say it again. I have NEVER left a Phish show thinking I didn't get my money's worth. I cannot say the same for shows with other bands or movies - that's for sure!

Keep on keepin' on, and I'll see your smilin' faces on tour!

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Trevor - I can't tell you that I would never spend $200 on a standard 2 set show. I know many people have been paying WAY MORE than this from scalpers.

I think how much you would spend on a show is a personal desision based on many factors. You got to do a cost/benefit comparison and make your own choice.

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Originally posted by CyberHippie:

You can't tell me that you'd pay $200 for a standard 2 set phish show?

Of course not!!! Did someone say that was reasonable?

I really don't know what the cap is. I could personally say $80 but if it cost me $85, and I had the cash, I would pay it.

Once you get to triple-digits, well, I really wouldn't pay that for any show. Obviously, 2-day or more festivals are an exception.

It really depends on what I can afford. I'm not boycotting "It" because I think the ticket price is out of line, I just can't afford it this Summer. But I'm not gonna whine about it. Big hairy deal.

Once your pursuit of live music starts making your life difficult financially, I think it's healthy to take a realistic look at what's really important. Just a thought.

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I myself wouldn't pay that for a Phish ticket, but I have paid $125 Dylan ticket(w/Joni & Van Morrison) + a $375+ airline ticket to Vancouver + $80 hotel room + $100 ticket for Dylan(night before) at the "Rage"(1000+ person venue in Van.).Not counting herb and whatnot.

Thats $680.+

I think people would pay that for Phish if it meant the same to them as Dylan does to me.

Flew home days later.

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Originally posted by bsherman:

My point? As the price of ALL entertainment goes up, so does the price of everything associated with it. Venue fees, trucks and busses, gasoline and equipment rental prices have NOT stayed the same over the past 10 years - so why should the final price of the ticket?

Hey bsher, I mostly agree with you, but I to take a bit of issue with this point: the prices of trucks, gasoline and equipment have NOT gone up 400-500%, which is about what concert tickets have gone up in the last 20 years. Prices of expenses straight-up cannot be taken as the reason for the increases.

And I'm not blaming it on Phish - they are one band that are at least worth it, and they are also by no means the worst offenders here 'cus their ticket prices aren't as out of control as some of their peers.

But you can't reasonably chalk it up to a straight cost-to-profit comparison. There's other things at play here.


Mr. M.

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Well, I guess this is where the whys and wherefores come full circle back to the previous points made about high-demand acts in the late 1980s and early 1990s jacking up their ticket prices just because they could get away with it, and they did. here, I mean The Stones, The Eagles, all that. At the time there was such an outcry at paying $100 for a ticket for a major touring act; now, it's sometimes a bargain.

There's the real blip in the map of how concert ticket prices didn't match other price rises in other entertainment genres.

Wasn't it Michael Cole Productions, out of T.O., who ran those major tours? I know they did the initial Stones tours in the late 80s/early 90s. They were definitely looking to jack up those prices, and they did, knowing they would suffer no long term effects other than mass profits.

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Originally posted by MarcO:

I'm not boycotting "It" because I think the ticket price is out of line, I just can't afford it this Summer. But I'm not gonna whine about it. Big hairy deal

I agree... Although I'll do a little micro-whining. I think it sucks that tickets are considerably higher than in the past, it would be nice if they were cheaper. But I guess that's the way it goes...

Anyway I guess my point was there has gotta be a line drawn where a ticket price is no longer exceptable. I guess it's kind of a silly discussion anyhow [big Grin] See Phish or don't see Phish, complain about ticket prices or just buy them. Whatever floats your boat.

I just don't understand why OB1 seems to be so affected by people complaining about ticket prices. Chill...

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First an observation.

I don't know how many people on this board post opinions on Phish shows/tickets and HAVE NEVER EVEN SEEN THE BAND.

I think that sucks.

I'm not happy at all with the

?unjustifiable/justifiable? increase in tic prices.

Here's something to consider:

1. Phish is back

2. They are back

3. Finally, after two long years they are back!

4. As they have become well-established over

the years (95-97 onward), the trend is

quite obvious: LESS SHOWS.

[Eg: They used to do do ~85 shows/yr (95),

that had dropped to about 60 in 1998.

5. Quality NOT Quantity.

6. One of the conditions Phish set when they

got back together was that they wanted

to play even less shows per tour in as easy

a way as possible. (I interpret that along

the lines of what the Grateful Dead did

towards the end of they're career:

ie: 3 nights in Boston/4 nights at MSG:

multiple night shows.

7. Think of it this way. If you make $XXXXXXX

amount of money in the last few years

you toured before you took a break (in

your mid 30's), are you gonna come back,

play less shows, and hence take a paycut?

Hell No.

You don't get older people and play for less.

Things don't work that way. There are

LOTS of people in the Phish organization

that your hard earned or not so hard

earned dollar is supporting. Not to mention

supporting themselves.

8. If shows aren't fun anymore to you,

STOP GOING. There's always a deserving

person that didn't get a ticket because the

show sold out.

9. Don't like the price, best thing to do is tell

Phish by not buying a ticket.

10. The Great Went was my first show.

Limestone is a special place. Everyone

who has been there knows it. I have very

high expectations for "It"....maybe

because I'm kinda at a point where I need

IT. If ya know what I mean. Limestone is

a shitty location for alot of people I

understand, for us East Coasters if


always been incredible. I would totally

recommend it over a regular show, if thats

what it comes down to for some of ya.

You won't be disapointed. See yall there.

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Wow Kev now they are calling you QB1 like you're some kind of quarterback mor something! They must like you. The Lions could use a backup if you're interested. I do see where you're coming from though, because if it was the dead playing I would have no problems paying that amount. I also agree that the currency exchange is a part of what makes me so bitter about all these ticket prices.

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"I would totally

recommend it over a regular show, if thats

what it comes down to for some of ya.

You won't be disapointed. See yall there."

Well, I gotta agree with that one. I was hoping to see 3-4 shows, tour was released and nothing seemed close/good enough.

I still may cough up the money, based on that single point alone, cause I Went, and I came.

Anything goes out there, when you are 'out there'

Dammit though, I got old during the hiatus..... [Razz]

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What sucks is that I now work in Alaska and I have to fly down to Seatle for $300+ (US) to catch the Gorge (if I'm lucky).

What also sucks is that I have to cook these frozen Enchilada's in an oven for 45min because I don't have a microwave that can zap 'em in 5 minutes!

Fuck Conventional Ovens!

What doesn't suck is the Toxic Avenger Director's Cut DVD I just scored on E-bay for $10!! WOOHOO

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Originally posted by Esau13:

I go to listen to the music.....if it cost me double from the last time I went, then so be it.

Fair enough Esau, and for my own part I'm with you, but I'm in a position (as I suspect you are) where I have a good job and decent amount of disposable income.

But don't you feel any sympathy for the 17 year old kid who just got into Phish or Dave Matthews Band or whoever, and really can't afford 70 bucks to go see 'em 'cus they're working in a grocery store or something? When I was in high school, I was making like $4.75/hour, and seeing a concert like Rush or Pink Floyd was maybe 25 bucks for top price - so I could save from a couple of shifts and afford it. Now, part-time minimum wage in Ontario is, I believe, something like $6.50/hour, so the poor dude has to save for like three times as long to afford the $45 - $70 ticket for say DMB that goes on sale tomorrow. How is that fair?

- M.

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Phish doesnt suck.

The Hiatus Sucked.

Trey Band kicks so much ass, it makes me suck my thumb.

Vida Blue ?Sucky Poo? (jury is still out, but I havent gotten into it yet)

Live Phish sucks but doesnt suck (lets stay away from that one, shall we?)

Round Room dont suck nuttin.

The lack of a North East tour SUCKS for me (and that is the key here)

Everything just fucking sucks when it doesnt swallow.

Like MarcO, I got sick of everything sucking regarding Phish during the Hiatus. Since they have come back, the btiching has intensified, while I hoped it would subside. The way I see it now?

Well, some people have an idea in their head what Phish "used to be" whether that is the style they played in a particular time, the size of venues, the size of tours.........whatever.

People want to return to that glory, and dont realize that the greatest thing about Phish is their ability to change, and not let things stagnate. I think people are having a hard time coming to terms with all of that, and they may not even realize it. Heck, maybe I am wrong, but I can see it in plenty of places, based on the arguments put forth as to why Phish suck.

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