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Quit F%@#%&# Crying


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What the hell is the matter with you guys. Phish has been gone for 2 years and finally they come back and all you people can do is complain about ticket prices. 1 year ago all I heard was man I wish phish would come back. Ya the "IT" is only one band but you all know what a phish show is like. Yes Bonaroo has thousands and millions of bands and its going to be the perfect festival and everything will be free and there will be no hassels. Ya right! Phish is making a dime just like any other business. So what. Its called being successful. How often does Phish play every year? And quit comparing prices now to the prices from years past. Yes its going to go up, most things increase in price as the years go by. So if going to a show is something you enjoy don't you think you can put a bit of money aside for it. Shit I blew $100 at some stupid dance club last night, wasting money on some "ho" wearing a plastic dress. I sure could have put that to better use. But I'm still going to Maine. Or what about that $30 or $40 bag a weed you buy every other night just to get by because you claim you can't live without it?Then there are the people who have to compare PHISH to the Dead and SCI and every little tiny jamband out of every city in North America. And then there is the miserable idiots who walk out of a phish show and it looks as if they walked out of a funeral home. Phish could have played there best show ever and those same people would talk about how the show lacked energy or Trey was too loud or the first set was too slow or Kuroda was off that night or that the show sucked because the beers were to expensive...SHUT UP. Why go to a show if you are going to be miserable. If you don't like phish then why are you always on the message boards complaining and bitching about them. There are a few bands that I don't like but I don't waste my time complaining about them. If you can't afford a ticket for a festival that comes once a year then don't go, thats fine, less complainers. Theres a reason why Phish is so huge its because.....THEY'RE GOOD. There are a lot small jambands touring around these days that I never miss because they're awsome, and thats what I like to do. I like to tour and see bands, so if phish is playing and I can get tickets I will go? The fluctuation of ticket prices should be that great that you have to get a load. Don't put your money problems on someone else. Its funny how everyone loves phish but will bash them any chance they get. Well I think I've said enough and I hope I pissed some people off cause you piss me off. Have a great night .

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Wow, sorry your so pissed off...

Personally I think Phish ticket prices have gotten out of hand. I would like to see them again sometime in the future, but I'll have to wait till I have more disposable cash.

Just out of curiousity, how much would you pay for a standard two set phish show? What's your max?

I'd say we are already in the neighborhood of $70 (cdn). Would you pay $140?

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I like Phish and all but I'm not going to fork over that kind of cash unless they use a gun! Phish are really good live but (don't freak out now) I don't think they are the end all beat all of live music. There is TONS of great music out there and to spend that much cash for 6 sets of Phish just doesn't do it for me.

If I had the cash to throw around like that I'm sure I'd do it, but right now I don't need to spend that kind of money on a band I've seen over 30 times.

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OB1 turn that frown upside down! [Wink]

You are definately hard core man. I haven't listened to any of the recent tour they did and have no urge to. When they went on their hiatis it opened up my eyes to a boatload of great music and I couldn't justify spending that much money for such a shitty bunch of money whores. I have to say that Bonnaroo is where you get your moneys worth. Screw Phish OB1!

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I think that a big part of the concern over ticket prices is due to the fact that Phish always kept their prices *below* the average price of other bands with a comparable fan base.

Although ticket prices have certainly risen, they're not out of line with what other major acts are charging for a show these days.

I can remember justifying paying $50 for a ticket to see Dylan at the Concert Hall in Toronto back in '96 or so by saying (a) it was Dylan, and (B) it was a small venue, when he could easily have played an arena. These days, when I see that a ticket for an amphitheater or arena show costs $50, I say, "Oh good, only $50."

I blame the Eagles, Pink Floyd, and the Rolling Stones for charging outrageous prices in the mid-'90s, as everything started to increase after that. Still, if people are willing to pay...

My $0.02,


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It's funny how the big, successful bands are the ones that really soak their fans. I agree with you Hamilton, it seemed to start with the Eagles, Stones, Pink Floyd and The Who in the 80s. Also, the last CSN&Y tour blatantly gouged the fans. However, if the aforementioned bands toured more frequently, I think ticket prices would have to drop.

With Phish, I'll spend the money to see them, maybe a few times a year, but I wouldn't follow them, or any other of my favourite bands around, no matter the price of tickets. I don't want to get tired of their music... and I can foresee that definitely happening.

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"When I see the back of a head, I punch it."


Phish is awesome, and i do plan on dropping at least two shows worth of dough for the summer tour (Limestone is OUT). Want to go to Deer Creek real bad. But i agree with Swifty, I know so many more bands now well, that it seems an even trade. There is so much more Canadian shit happening now, you would be a fool not to get into it, because its top band calibre and its in your own backyard.

(no border cross hasles)

Cinci was as crazy a show as i've ever been to, and i paid 80$ to see it. Worth every penny OB1.

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truly good to see your passion...

to drunk to read it all

if I can afford to go, I will, as has always been the case

tend to move some mountains when I'm in the mood for a show though...

money is bullshit, don't let it lead your life... easy come, easy go... if you want a house buy one... if touring is more important, do that, and be fancy enough on the road to make a few dollars and give some people some smiles...

happy travels all

be it Phish, the Dead, or a summer of Canadian jambands

[smile][big Grin][Eek!][Razz]

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Nice work OB1, I agree with that you're saying. Some people just can't afford to go to the shows, and that is unfortunate, because just because they don't have a few hundred bucks laying around doesn't mean they aren't good fans. What I find frustrating is people whoa re bitching because they have seen 3 Phish shows and they think the band sucks and the tickets are too much and blah blah blah. If people decide to spend the extra bucks on a bag of bud instead of saving for the show that is their choice. I save my coin for Phish tour and I truely enjoy it when I go. I love all of their songs with a few exceptions, and they are yet to dissappoint me. I have seen some bad shows,and some unbelievable ones. That is what keeps fans coming back - the fact that you never ever know what you're going to get.

People love to bitch about Phish, but I find that most of the online agruments hold little water because the people spewing them on the messageboards are so biased they don't see the other side of the argument. If you think the folks here are negative spend some time on rec.music.phish. Those people are amazing the amount of time they spend on a band they have nothing good to say about!

I am NOT going to Bonaroo because I am not a big fan of the mega festival with so many bands. I have been to shows similar, Gathering, HORDE, etc, and they are fun, but I don't like single short sets of so many bands. I find it kind of distracting. I would much prefer to enjoy 6 sweet sets of one band over a weekend, where the band can stretch their musical legs and explore their own tunes. The big Phish festivals are a blast. I have been to them all and enjoyed every minute (except maybe the porta-potties!).

To each their own though. I am a big fan of the Canadian music scene and the local jambands as everyone else. I love the fact we have so much great music here in Canada, but those folks saying that Phish doesn't offer anything better are off their rocker! I don't understand how someone can think that a local jamband, no matter how good or polished, can play as well, or instill as much emotion as a band like Phish. I know that I act like a little kid when Phish dates are announced and I ran around like a crazy person when they ended the hiatus. When The Bus go on tour it's not nearly as exciting (although still a bit!).

Anyway, I don't take much from what folks post on the Internet because they are such a small majority of the fanbase. They are a few of the hardcores, but most kind people you meet at shows don't review shows, don't slam setlists or bitch about much of anything. They are just so happy to be enjoying a beautiful crowd at a beautiful show. I admit Phish is an obsession of mine, and I am glad about it. I look forward to each and every new album, livePhis release, tour, or solo project. I also listen to tons of other music, and have other interests. None give me back as much as a Phish experience though.

How's that for a long rambling post! yehaw!

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Nice to hear some bitchin' about all the bitchin'!

I wonder if the exchange rate was better, if we might find ourselves bitching less?? If anything, all this bitchin' makes us look pretty stupid - we must be real suckas to continuously head down south so we can get half of what our money is really worth down there!

Anyway, I think there must be a reason for the crazy price of IT - you know phish is going to make it all worth it, i doubt they increase the price just to make their pockets bigger.... who knows what else will be going on at IT, other bands and what not? I remember seeing the slip at either oswego or big cypress...

So the $150 ticket price will definitely make the crowd a bit different, These big festivals used to attract every phish head and their brother's girlfriend's aunt's cousin's grandfather....if you know what i mean. There were always a bunch of people there just to have a good time, some don't even make it to the show if they go crazy on the 'zannies & booze' !! But this should just make the crowd tighter, there won't be any less wookies begging for miracles, but there will be less people there just for a good time (rather than the music) 'cause we all know you dno't have to dish out $150 to have a good time, especially if you're gonna pass out and miss the show, we can all do that at home.

Enough ranting for now...

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QB1, that was the best post I've read in a long time. Thanks for posting it.

And I agree with Colin. Let's try to keep things in perspective, people. See too many of the gazillions of second rate "jambands" [Roll Eyes] all the time and you start losing appreciation for world-class talent, which is why I won't pay $6 to see some bands and don't complain about paying $80 for others.

Phish sucks.

The Hiatus Sucks.

Trey Band sucks.

Vida Blue sucks.

Live Phish sucks.

Round Room sucks.

The tour sucks.

Everything just fucking sucks.

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Nice rant QB. I'm actually with you for the most part in saying it's not Phish - relatively speaking, Phish have actually managed to not jack things up to quite the idiotic degrees of many of their peers on the arena/stadium circuit. Hamilton & Jaimoe hit it right on the head, certain bigger acts have really driven the prices up over the years to the point where it's the accepted norm.

I'll give you a good example - I've seen Rush, a medium-draw arena band, on every tour they've done since '85. Their prices to me are a good barometer, since they've always been around the "market norm" rather than leading a trend either up or down, they always play roughly the same-sized venues (all shows I'm listing here were at Maple Leaf Gardens or Molson Amphatheatre), and they toured consistently every two or three years until their recent 5 year hiatus. Here's a rough breakdown of the prices I paid for their tickets over the years as best I remember them (the memory ain't what it used to be so please forgive any inaccuracies):

1985 - about $20

1987 - about $25

1990 - about $30

1992 - about $35

1994 - about $45

1997 - about $60

2002 - about $90!!!

Now, I don't know a whole lot about inflation or economics, but you can't tell me there's been a 450% increase in the price of much of ANYTHING since 1985 other than concert tickets!!! And you can't tell me Rush in 2002 were in greater demand than in 1985 - if anything they're more of a cult band now than they were then.

The problem as I see it - idiots like you and me keep paying for the bloody tickets. If the bastards couldn't get someone to pay, the prices would freeze and maybe even go down. But I got a funny feeling it ain't gonna happen. [Frown]

My two-cents.


Mr. M.

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I disagree a bit with what's being said about the crowd getting tighter. Phish, like it or not, is the 'cool' thing to do. For that reason, all the people there will be there for a good time. The people, that I think will miss out, and if this board is a barometer then its at least partially true, are the people that are there for the music full stop and weigh the amount of music they get at limestone to the amount they could get with that dough in other areas.

As for the wooks, its their livlihood. The cost of a ticket is the cost of doing business, just like I'm going to have to go buy a bunch of suits for my work this summer.

All that being said, don't forget that for events like these there are ALWAYS way too many extra tickets at the gate, you have to get rid of extras before you go in because of the camping etc. so no one wants to wait around and lose the heady camping spot just to sell joe blow's ticket who backed out at the last minute... I spoke with a friend last night who reminded me that we got the whole car of us into the Went for a C-note....

So against everything that I've ever said... go without a ticket if you can't afford one now.. they'll be cheap there...!!

I'm sure I'm not right... but I'm probably not entirely wrong either...


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CSN&Y tour blatantly gouged the fans.

Yes, but the expensive tickets had a 100 dollars from each ticket going to Neil Youngs Childrens Charity.

Also, we are talking about csn&Y! Definately a little more popular than a jamband.

And finally, i'd pay the top price of 270 dollars AGAIN, rather than paying 100 dollars on a jamband.

Just me of course. [big Grin]

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I go to listen to the music.....if it cost me double from the last time I went, then so be it.

I dont take it that seriously.

...on the other hand.......

If I dont like ticket prices then I jump a head and take his ticket.

Also never talk bad about the herb!! [Mad][Wink]

Cheers, great rant. [big Grin]

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I agree, when I was in H.S I only paid about $17 to go see the Dead(1984),but also minimun wage was about, well..abit less then $4.75/hr..anyway..I had to save and save to be able to make it to shows/tour,and if I couldn't afford it, unfortunatly I didn't go.(which still stands today).I believe that maybe its the band or ticketmaster that should really feel the sympathy for the 17 year old kid who makes minimun wage and has to work triple his regular shifts to go to a show,then again these shows are announced a long time before they happen and I think there is ample time to get together the money for tickets,now if there isn't...well thats the breaks.

Maybe if the goverment paid these kids better this wouldn't be an issue.So in reply to what you asked..,I paid my dues in the working world and missed my fair share of shows,now as an union electrician I make more then a fair wage and can afford to take time off,pay 200 bucks for a ticket or whatever...but I went to school and put my time in an apprenticeship so I could make this wage,why should I feel sympathy for somone who has a lifetime to see a band which will not be quitting anytime soon?

~Also, I mentioned I dont take it that seriously... [big Grin]

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Hey Esau, good points, and I'm 100% with you in one sense - I worked like a dog as a young'un to see the shows I wanted to as well, and I busted my hump to get my degrees and whatnot, and score my coushy university job that pays me quite well, thank you very much! I'm all for that.

But let's compare apples to apples for a second - when you and I were in HS and minimum wage was around $4.50 (apparently we're about the same age,) those crazy vinyl albums and cassettes (remember those bro? [Wink] ) we'd buy to feed our music obsession were, what, about 7-10 bucks a pop? Now minimum wage is about 6.50 (I think!) and in the meantime CDs are about 14-20 bucks. A relatively comparable increase.

At the same time, you've got comparable concert tickets (same general industry, same consumers) going up from around 20 bucks to around 90 - come on! Let's at least agree that the playing field should be a little closer to level.

And I DO think the government should raise minimum wage but that's a whole other argument! [Wink]


Mr. M.

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