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Question of the Day 03-28-03


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If you could eliminate any type of insect or animal permanently from the Earth, what would you get rid of?

Man, I don't think I'd want to make anything extinct, be it plant, insect or animal. But assuming the question is trying to see what insect or animal annoys us most and for the sake of answering this, I'm going to go with Mosquitos or fleas.

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Big ugly tour style head bugs!!!!


I'll never forget my first (and only) dead tour, getting a ride with these, pardon the expression, 'tour rats' and we're eating at Denny's and this giant bug flies out of the guys head and lands on the table.... it was almost as gross as the food!!!

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This may not be an animal or insect, its is an organism....and for very personal reasons I would eliminate cancer.

Especially : Intraspinal ependymoma~

Can't dance as I used to.

** No insects or animals were harmed during the typing of this post.

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Cancer first and Japanese flesh flies running a close second, in Northern ON they were horrid last season, they don't bite but they swarm and eat the sweat on your flesh, they feel totally creepy, I'd rather be swarmed by mosquitoes and eaten alive.

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