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Top 5 things you like best about where you live


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St. John's, Newfoundland

5.the ocean, from the tim horton's where i get my coffee in the morning you have such a great view :)

4.the 'ruggedness', most of newfoundland is still undeveloped

3.hiking trails along beautiful oceanside cliffs

2.the friendliness of everyone...people really are different out east, different viewpoint on things

1.whales, and icebergs!

0.5. the great accents and slang, yes b'y!

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The Danforth ( Greek Town ), Toronto

5. The view of the city - I'm on the 23rd floor looking west. Breathtaking.

4. The restaurants and bars - I'm a 5 minute walk from the Danforth Music Hall, Black Swan, Allen's Pub, a thousand Greek restaurants, tons of independent shops and stores.

3. My apartment rules, and it's affordable.

2. Free parking and I have a scary/high, but cool balcony.

1. Living with my girlfriend for the first time.

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1. The 'realness' of the city. MarcO is right. Hamilton hides nothing about itself. It's the city of closed doors and back alleyways, filled with beauty if you look hard enough.

2. Locke Street Bakery and Sweetwater. best coffee in the world.

3. McMaster. I know it's school, but to me it's a wonderful community filled with fantastic ppl. I love going to school here.

4. The incredible amount of music because of a few ambitious bars and promoters.

5. The views, the waterfalls, the trails and Cootes!

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Browntown :)

Home to many beautiful women & one I am rather fond of also..going to have the pleasure of seeing her tonight in KW too! That makes my month!

what about the barton st. double rinks?? ::

I played hockey there in the 80's before & after going to the Huskie league,my father coached there also.

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1. 5 minute drive to work and everywhere else I need to go. It's amazing how much more time I have in a day as opposed to when I lived in traffic hell, Toronto.

2. My band, my Huxie boys. :D

3. 40 Main parties

4. An incredible group of friends who have shown me all the great hings life has to offer us. Love, acceptance, fun, sharing, laughs, cries and so much more. You all know who you are and how much I love you all.

5. My job

6. Ottawa's also where I found true love. You can't beat that!

PS. Thanks Ms. Zimmy! ;)

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