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Thanks LMP!


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As you can see, there is a more appropriate header at the top of the page. [color:"pink"]LittleMissPink was a great help with that, and with any luck, she'll be able to help out with a few more things.

As everyone who's ever visited [color:"pink"]www.littlemisspink.com knows, she's one heck of a talent!

Thanks [color:"pink"]LittleMissPink !

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Ah, shucks......thanks LMP

You know LMP, I was thinking about the acronyms we use for your name and I was wondering why they sounded familiar. Well I figured it out......'member the story from my kid in class with the Loose Poops. Well, you may also remember when I asked him what was wrong he said he had "LOP" (hee hee) ::

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