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Fat Cats, Diesel Dog, Harvard Mouse ... thanks!

mark tonin

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I had a blast on Friday night upstairs at the Lanc ... a huge thank you to everyone that came out for this show!

Cheers to those of you that made it out early enough to catch some or all of Harvard Mouse's set. We had fun playing and appreciate the support from our friends.

Diesel Dog ... I've said it before and I'll say it again ... this band is good ... really good ... really really good!!! One of my favourite bands, that's for sure. I love the balance and fullness in sound that is achieved with Doug's guitar/vocals and Ryan's keys/vocals, Ian holds down the bottom end nicely and gives everything a funky dance groove with his bass playing, Ricky's drumming is super-groovy and solid, and Summer adds nicely to the overall sound with her conga playing and vocals. I can't wait to hear this band outside at the May Come Together Music Fest - hopefully they'll be scheduled later on Saturday or Sunday night to give lots of people a chance to fully appreciate them.

The Fat Cats ... wow ... they've come a long way since I saw them at Halloween for their first show with Adam and Josh. The new lineup is really starting to gell, and the band was rockin' on Friday night. Lots of smiling faces and dancing bodies for their set, and it was nice to see some long time Fat Cats fans out for this show. I'm sure the band has some new fans as well after this show. The Fat Cats played almost all original material ... they have a collection of fantastic songs that get people humming and singing and reflecting on life. The whole band played really well, but for this show I was especially impressed with Todd's guitar playing. Holy sh*t can Todd Gillies play the guitar!

Cheers to all of the drummers that joined the drum circles that happened between bands ... the drumming definitely added a festival vibe and audience participation element to the show.

Special thanks as well to Eric Warren for going above-and-beyond the call of duty with his sound help, to Miranda, Lex, Jenn, George, and everyone else that helped out at the door, to Mark Wilson for the sound gear (even though we didn't realize we had some of it until it was too late! ;)), to Greg and Jen and Scot and Jeff and everyone else that helped out with promotion, to everyone that came out, and to everyone else in case I missed somebody (which I'm sure I must have).

I look forward to the next time!

Peace, Mark

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The vibe was definately in the air on Friday night. Wow, what a great show, Mark. A big thanks you to everyone who came out and supported the bands. Other than it getting so freaking hot up there I think it's a great place to party.

For those of you who didn't make it out, you missed the "Offical Godfather of Giv'er" play his heart out, then dance the night away (and yes he had "the grin" going). You are the man, Mark T. I'll be your sound tech monkey/M.C./Chief Security Officer (Worf ::) any night, just ask!!

See ya at the next show

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Was a really fun night thats for sure.Good to see so many folks I haven't in awhile and meet some new ones also.

Fat Cats cover of Early Morning Rain! ::

First time played with full band/electric,left me standing side stage wondering where I've been latley.Great stuff.

Diesel Dog as usual, had me moving and a shaking,each time I hear em the music sounds better,I definatley understand why the are right up there for me with Fatties,both have to be my favourite Canjam bands.Another great set from the dog,cheers.

Was great to see Havard Mouse finally,cheers Mark,I'm glad we made it over in time for your set.

Thanks to Willy & Leanne for the ride to KW and Scott & Deb for the hospitality and the extra fine tasty gumbo Scott made for dinner.Diesel Doug & Lexi my friends,thanks for the invite to the afterparty & Doug cheers for letting me tag along with ya to Simcoe,saved my ass from a hitch hike..lol and to Sarah & Korey for the ride from Simcoe back to steeltown,again saving me from a hitch hike.

MamaRed emlove.gif

What else can I say,that I haven't already to you,your beautiful... ::

Was great to re-meet number 2 and the rest of the St.Catherines crew,funny that I actually knew (sorta) a couple of the brothers myself,cheers for the 72 GD show,its a shaking the walls as I type.

It was such a fun night and a great night of music,one of the better nights I've had out in awhile now,the Lanc is always a fun bar to see shows,always has a great vibe,just wish they put another person on the staff for those nights though,that poor girl behind the bar was looking like she was goin snap at one point,I just walked away and went outside for a smoke...lol

Cheers Mark for putting on another great night of music at the Lanc and for your awesome energy which always seems to rub off on me in some way making me grin ear to ear usually within minutes after talking to ya and for the remainder of the night.

I could go on & on here (which I think I am)...

Thanks all for a great night although rare for me lately to go out,it was more then worth it.

PS. number 2 have you had a chance to listen to the show yet? I'd love a copy of whatever you guys were able to get,especially the Fatties set.

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first, I just want to second each and every thank you Esau covered there... and no, I haven't heard it yet, but I will look into getting that stuff out!! At the bar I work at on Saturdays, last night was the first time I was able to convince the dj to play a dead tune-- which appropriately enough was Not Fade Away-- circa 4.14.72!!! :: there were about 5 of us shaking it and everyone else was like whatthefuck!! hehe..

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official rating of friday night: barrell of red monkeys!

mark you can consider it my official position to do the door for the first set of any show i am at, i love doing door, but after the first set i am way to hyper (read drunk) to be competent! :D

it was cool meeting some people from the board, Little Miss Pink, Esau, Willy, i saw you but i don't think i actually met you, same goes for number two. see you guys at ctmf (?)

oh yeah, there were some diesel dog cd's at the door trying to be sold, does anyone know what happened to them?

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I second everything so far. Thanks Mark!! your shows always have that extra something special about them. I was glad to finally see the Mouse and the Dog Really impresssed me. Tremendous grooves. The Fatties were the best I've seen them with their new line up. I agree with Mark that Todd was brilliant this night. He should bring his parents out to watch more often........ They broke out some old school jams which was good to hear. Especially the As much as this> CRUELTY'S CURE> Maracas !!! Wow!!! Finally thanks again to Mark for playing Santa Clause at the end of the night slinging around free beer. I was getting really thisty but had no desire to wait another 20 min at the bar and not be able to dance and out of no where there is Santa... er ... Mark, Handing out beers. How perfect is that!!!!!!!

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That whole night was a bunch of fun - but also seemed to pass before I could blink. Started late - unfortunately we missed Harvard Mouse (BIG boooooooooo and apologies again Mark) :( That said, the music we caught was amazing as usual. Highlight of the night for me was the Fatties playing Early Morning Rain - WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! The energy in the room was phenominal ::

Everyone there contributed to making my smile whole.

Backbacon, Insta-gator, Tigger and Deb, Mark Tonin, The Give'r Gang, Max Webster and your amazing house crew (don't know if anyone else in the house is on the sanctuary), Esau, Sara x 2, Greg, Brian, Jeff and Victoria......a pleasure as always

Mama Red, Dancin' Man, Super Freak (Hope your birthday was wonderful), VVilly and Liana - the more we're together, the more I look forward to seeing you all again.....thanks for all your wonderful energy!

Number 2 and the St Catherines boys, it was great meeting all of you and sharing!

Diesel Doug thanks for the after-party - lots of laughs and smiles. Max Webster, I soooooo sorry we didn't make over to yours!! DOn't think I said good-bye so...see you later! Floyd - thanks for the copy of Diesel Dog Live at the Lanc!! It's headed to the hands of a person who loves and generously spreads music - backbacon ::

Mark TOnin, I don't think I said good-bye to you either......so sorry. Was wonderful seeing you dance and smile. Thanks so much for putting on such wonderful events where everyone can go and know 100% they will have be surrounded by GREAT music and GREAT people! TIgger, I'm sorry I forgot to give you your Doc Watson CD back and Max Webster, a GIANT thank you for the DVDs.

My novel is done....thank you and goodnight ::

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Good times had by all!!! Great to see everybody havin a good time, despite the beer line ups. What's a girl gotta do to get a cob o' corn around here???? The night went way too fast...and my slobbery wastedness was in full effect by the weeee hours...Floyd can attest to that!!!! BAH HAHA... My first Mark Tonin party-your rep precedes you. See y'all soon!!!

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Mark Mark Mark, It is we, the fortunate folk that get to partake in your efforts that should be thanking YOU!!! so THANK YOU!!!!! Another great time at the Lanc had by all.

Deisel Doggy, you guys are awesome. I heard a new song in there i think but not sure, your set was a bit short it seemed to me but oh well it was quality! :)

Fatties, i gotta say i'm not real familiar with your original material but the more i hear it the more i want to!! Sooo tight and the jams are up there with the best around IMO. Real real fun boys, thanks a ton.

To Babsy Mudcock (both of you) it was great to have you down for another one of these shindigs. The neighbour upstairs hates me for the dogs but fuck him he's old ;) Keri, ditto for you my friend, too few and far between bro. Now that you have 'other' motivation to come on up i hope to see ya more, old times buddy, old times.

To Scotty to effin hottie!! Thanks for havin us over Saturday night, it was a bit of a surprise for ya and you were hospitable as hell. All the bling in the room was makin my head spin!!!!

What a weekend starting at Antibalas in London, unfortunatly the Hamilton show was ruled out by sheer exhaustion ( i had to work all weekend on top of these crazy parties) but i'm sure all you Hammy's represented nicely (review??)

Esau, i knew you'd make it bro, good form it was GREAT to party with again my friend.

Bokonon, nice to meet ya, its still so fun to meet new skanks.

And last but not least, TUNGSTEN GRUVSTEN!!!!!!!!! The sound was probably the best that i've ever heard it up there pal, great job on the sound the entire evening. Kudos, it really makes a big impact on the whole night when the sound is as good as it was Friday night!!!!

Later ya'll i'm going back to bed for another 15 hours,


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Yes, a hot sweaty room and long beer lineups don't mix well. When I finally got to the front of the line after trying various unsuccessful approaches I decided I'd better seize the moment and buy a case of it. It was fun handing a bunch of them out to people ... ho ho ho to Montana Haze :D I will definitely talk to the bar about more bartender help and cooling the room before the next show that I run up there. Still one of my favourite rooms though, along with a great parking lot and the Grand River a short stroll away.

Greg - I remember watching you as you were watching the band from the side of the stage - you had a look on your face that was a mix of happy grin and blown mind - it must have been during Early Morning Rain - I wish I had a camera to capture the look on your face.

Floyd - glad you got off of work early - it was a treat as always to have you there.

number 2 - nice to meet you, thanks to Esau for the introduction - although to be truthful, I'm not sure if I'll know who you are the next time I see you, so if you recognize me, be sure to reintroduce yourself to me. A few new faces and names are blurred together from Friday night ...

Bokonon ... now I know who you are ... energy matters ... thanks for sharing lots of it, and thanks for your help!

MamaRed ... what can I say ... any place where you are dancing and smiling the way that you do is going to be a fun place to be!

Super Freak ... happy birthday! I know it was a busy night because I didn't see a number of people until well into the night, including you. I'm really glad you decided to spend your birthday with all of us, as it's always a treat to have you around at a party!

Babsy Mudcock, what can I say that I haven't already said ... when you are around, I have a great time, people have a great time ... again, it's that energy thing. Thanks for coming to the show ... it was a treat to have you there, when you got there, period. No apology needed on your part. Sorry I didn't make it to Diesel Doug's place ... I got a ride to Max Webster's, and by the time my brain sorted out that you guys were probably at Diesel Doug's, I needed to be at home with my head on a pillow. So there's my apology back to you :D

And Schwa, you are a blast to party with - great energy that makes people laugh and smile. Sorry I pooped out on getting back to Scot's on Saturday night, but when Scot called, Liana took one look at me, half-asleep and somewhat dazed and confused laying on my bed, and said "you aren't going anywhere." She's a smart woman and I was a tired man so I closed my eyes and went back to sleep.

Wow, I sat down to read this thread, and wrote a book instead. Time to get some work done!

Peace, Mark

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wow, what a great night!

thanks so much to mark & the bands & everyone who helped put this one together. i had such a blast. so drunk...so fun....hahahahahahahaha. great to party with all you cavern crawlers, between the board & the locals it was like a big giant reunion of sorts! hats off to the after party action too, whoohooo.

yes, the lineups at the bar were insane -- prompted me to buy (& evidently ;) ) drink in bulk. i thought that bartender was gonna have a nervous breakdown at one point, here's to hoping her sanity survived the night!

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Sounds like everyone had a good time! We had a blast playin' for everyone. Thanks Mark for putting on such a good show. It's great to see so many good people out to enjoy the music. It just makes playing that much more enjoyable. I haven't seen a dancefloor that packed since newyears! Awesome. Thanks do Diesel Dog also. You guys put on a solid show. We will have to do that again soon!

I posted some pics up so everyone can take a look.

Good times. We'll see everyone again soon.

later, Josh

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Take a look at Drawbars pics, turned out great. Nice jammin' with the Fatties again. Esau was floating for the Early Mornin Rain, glad I could help out. Ryan took the CD's with him so no worries, and Babsy Mudcock was the fan of the night, along with some other girl who got a DD CD because it was her first night hearing the Cats.

Tonin, I had the setlist and lost it. I also am having a hard time with the DD setlist. Anybody from FC remember what you played?????


Dirt Road

Wish You Well


Come Too Far

Jungle Boogie




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Hey Mark great night...lucky I don't drink so no bar headaches for me! A quick comment on your setlist...as Robin and I were driving down to the show I threw in Grateful Dead 8.14.71 which starts out with a smokin' Bertha...as we pull into the parking lot you guys are already into your Bertha up on stage...I took a double take and looked back down at my stereo...we both kinda looked at each other and smiled...good omen or what?


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I'm always late posting to these threads...

Very unfortunate to not have arrived in time to see Harvard Mouse. Maybe I'll have to have you guys come play in Chatham just to be able to see you play. Hmmm...

A really great night! Go there during DD's set. Stood in the beer line for about half of it. (Thus no pictures..) (Where are my priorities...) but, like always, was thorougly enjoying what I was hearing.

I didn't stay inside for much of the drum circle but think that is a great idea and definitely brings a certain heady element to the whole vibe of the night.

The Fat Cats really impressed me. That's about all I can say about that as it was in the latter stages of my time at the Lanc, and well, you know.

It was a great party atmosphere at The Lanc. Definitely my favourite bar in the area. Gotta love wood panelled walls! Very cozy up there. It was great to meet a handful of skanks that I've never met before. Always really fun and interesting. Anti-Cary & Co. - went to a different after-party so we didn't get to party together much but am really looking forward to doin' it up some time soon with y'all!

Thanks for a great night bands and Mark T. Oh, and all my friends who rock my world. I definitely could handle a monthly (or so) Lanc get-down!

I posted some pics from the night, including some from Deisel Doug and Lex's party:



Also, for those who I was hosting avatar pics for (schwa, instagator... who else?) the old gallery was shut down or something so all the pics I had in there are no longer on the internet anymore. I'll re put them up soon.

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Great pics Keri ... thanks for sharing. I just had a chance to look through them again. Lots of smiling faces! :)! Thanks for making the drive to Kitchener for the show and the weekend festivities.

Sat. May 8 up at the Lanc - Harvard Mouse & Rose Garland - deadicated to the drummers. More info to follow soon.

Peace, Mark

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