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Q of the Day - 05/27/04

mikey d

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Well in less than a month I will officially be done highschool. It's a strange feeling, I'm sure most of you can think back and remember it. Though I'm ridiculously happy to finally taste sweet, sweet liberation it's still kind of sad: (forgive the cheese) I've had some great times I will never never forgot. I definately did the best I could with my years in highschool, I got involved, I held a position on the student council. I tried new things, met so many amazing people (students & teachers) and generally had very few dull moments. My question for you all today is:

'What are your fondest memories of your HIGHSCHOOL experience?'

For Me:

-My friends: some of the most amazing and talented young people (I perosnally believe) to have graced this city ever.(kev & earthfreak some a few of them perform a couple of weeks ago, and could probably vouch for this)

- Getting suspended for spraypainting 'Fuck Jocks' on a bathroom wall in grade 10 . . . I was young and angst-ridden

- The bands: I've had the opportunity to play/perform everything from jazz to pop-rock to improv thrash metal (no joke - we were called 'bitch fork') So many fun shows (especially when a band of mine brought out 350 people) in town with other bands followed by parties with so many free beers and other such displays of apreciation.

- The sessions: I'll admit it - I got high at school every single day this year, I didn't miss one. This is certainly not a regret though. We've got a nice little forest next to our school and some of my greatest times were just climbing a tree and getting stoned with a couple of friends.

- The parties - enough said

- Theatre - I found my passion in highschool, and this is it.

- The trips - new york, algonquin, etc.

- The girls - it's hard to find girls in highschool these days who aren't a complete manifestation of exactly what I dislike in mankind: vanity, ignorance and what have you - but I was (and am currently) lucky enough to find a few, and well, im sure you all remember the feeling of giddy teenage-love; its undescribable.

- gym class: it erased any sort of an ego i ever may have developed

- Every other class: wait a minute, what classes? . . . but seriously, those that I did attend I attended for a reason - inredible teachers that taught me so much not just about the courses but about myself.

It's been quite the journey :) How was yours?

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"What are your fondest memories of your HIGHSCHOOL experience?"

Walking out of the doors (after I graduated) knowing I'd never be back.

I don't see anyone,hang out with anyone or even talk to anyone I went to school with.I had to be there so I made it easy for myself,once it was over,all that went with high school...was left behind.

Forward & furthur.

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Let sum up my high school experience with this one sentence.

"My mother was the principal, my father was a teacher there and my sister was in a grade below me".

How much fun do you think I had?

I rather forget most of my high school days.

That being said I only went to this school because it was the only local French high school. I love my parents and get along well with them. It was the students that didn't make my high school experience that great. Don't get me wrong it had it's moments. However I liked college much better.

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All I remember from high school was feeling endlessly uncomfortable, tired, ashamed, unhappy, bored, stupid, painfully horny, disliked and misunderstood and not being able to wait until it was over. You couldn't pay me a million dollars to live through that again. We recently had our 10-year reunion and I couldn't even comprehend going, and I have no regrets about missing it. Even today, running into some of my classmates wigs me the fu*k out.

Sorry Mike! I fully realize some people regard it as the best yers of their lives but not me, man. It was horrible.

Hopefully some people will share some more positive experiences! ::

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high school?????

well high school was a mess. my school was called the Highlands and man we got high. ACID that all i have to say, lots and lots of ACID. oh and a 14 day canoe trip, on acid. My school was like Dazed and Confused. i even had to sign a stupid peice of paper to play football. we had huge feild,river,pit,bush partys. life was one patry after and other. it had it's up and downs. lost lots of friends and made some that will last the test of time. it was the best and the worst time of my life.

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Guest Low Roller

All I remember was the jocks, the genos, and the skaters, and not wanting to be like any of them so therefore I didn't fit in.

I was the kid who had a weird last name and spoke perfect french. I didn't make many friends, and I certainly don't hang out with any of them anymore. My fondest memory was getting out.

University was better because there was no more clique mentality that ruled the hallways of high school.

Congrads on finishing high school. Now run and never look back.

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Although, I have to say if I *had* to go back and re-live high school, I'd definitely take life a lot less seriously and bone a LOT more girls.

hahahaha.... yeah f**k acedemics. Sometimes I get mistaken for 18. Then I think OMG I could go back to high school and no one would know. Kinda like 21 Jumpsteet.

Move over Johnny Depp.

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im with the glad to be done crowd. i remember showing my principal my ass once when he asked to search me for pot. what a dickhead. he was big and eggplant shaped, we called him grimace. hey whaddaya know, a highschool memory made me smile :) i remember a few other good people i met there but not many, and even fewer i keep in touch with. ...and once a friends band got banned from the last week of shows many moods of music (a show of cover tunes by bands in the school) for breaking into bodycount/cop killer unannounced.

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Guest Low Roller
man you guys are bumming me out

Why man? We're merely saying that things are gonna get better from here on in. You should be thrilled! I'm thrilled for you! I may just go moon my old high school on sheer principle!

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I had a similarish good time in high school mike, yes lots of idiots and ignorancy and jocketry made for a less than stressful run. But I got involved in music and theater too (i miss drama). drugs, i spend my last three years buzzing too, and acid was definitley a pillar of those years. and made some great frieds that i still have. although there were the usual ups and downs and angst, and lack of sex and abundance of faces i hope never to see again. so to sum up, meh. getting to meet more mature people is nice.. not seeing 17 year old hotties everyday is bad. ::

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Shit, I liked high school. I liked university too but I had way more good times in high school.

My fondest is the last day of school. My band got to play the junior and senior assemblies, our first and only gig. We did two originals and "I Wanna Be Your Dog". For the 2nd show we came out with 666 and other satanic symbols markered across our chests. It culminated in a wall of feedback with me and the bass player holding up our axes like an upside cross. I so regret not getting any of it on tape.

Ok, my other regret is not taking the hippies more seriously and getting into the Dead and then having a chance to see Garcia. We bonded over Floyd and Zeppelin but I always shrugged off the Dead. Stupid, stupid me.

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I had lots of good times in high school... St. Mary's in Hamilton. The good times meter went kinda like this: gr 9 was kinda lame, gr 10 got better, gr 11 was the peak, gr 12 not as good and then gr 13 almost as crappy as gr 9.

highlights include:

- the first kegger experiences, in grade 10... first big parties, it was insane!!!

- getting drunk at the park across from school during lunch and stumbling around school.

- many lunch hour smoke sessions.

- skateboarding with friends after school (hehe)

- we went on a few trips to Tremblant, 2 busloads full of grade 12 kids, hhuuuuuge parties, i recall a 1oz doob which became known as the legendary Tremblunt. (alluded to in many a yearbook grad picture blurb)

- partying at "the pit" on the escarpment, at Chedoke golf course, on Chedoke Ave in general.

- Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, Sebadoh, cub, Phish, The Grateful Dead, moe., finding out about all this great music.

I made the most of it and had a great time and I must say its mainly gotten better ever since.. And still getting better!

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I had TOO much fun in high school... mainly because I rarely went. What a little shit I was. Kicked out of 3 different high schools for stupid things like being drunk in detention, telling off teachers and smoking on school property. My mom would drop me off in the morning, i would walk through the front doors... and head straight out the back. It was rare that I could make it through a whole day without missing a class - smoking pot, tripping out on acid and climbing trees seemed way more appealing to me at the time.

I was a silly teenager, lookin' for trouble and feeling invincible. And when I look back at it all now and really regret not applying myself. High school was such a breeze - why didn't I just go? I'd do it all over again if I could... only this time I'd actually GO.

(hehe, QQC - I remember grimace - VP of my 2nd highschool ... we called him the Eggman)

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ha, i was a st. mary's girl too! well, smh kitchener that is. eeeeeeaaaaaagggglllleeeesssss....

i actually had a LOT of fun in highschool. overall it was a great experience and there are aspects of it i definitely miss... having entire summers off, seeing some great people on a daily basis instead of once every blue moon when we make an effort to keep in touch, having the opportunity to unleash creative urges on a daily basis in art class, having next-to-no major responsibilities, being debt-free, experiencing the luxury of things like march break, feeling like i had my whole life ahead of me... heck, i even miss the uniform!

having said that however, i do agree that the day you walk out of high school, knowing you never, ever, ever have to go back is one of the BEST feelings in the world. i still float when i think about it.

if i could go back and change anything though... well, most importantly, i wouldn't have quit my ballet lessons so i could have more time to do drugs and party my ass off (i realize now there still would have been plenty of time for that, even if i had kept up with dance all through school haha), i would have taken more classes at school based on things that actually interested me, instead of what would help the university career i still haven't embarked on, and i would have joined the cheerleading squad (no matter how dumb cheerleading is, and no matter how annoying i found all the members of the squad to be. haha. all about that damn uniform! heehee). oh, and i would have made more of an effort to some way, some how make it to the one nirvana concert that came here, even though i was only in grade 9.

awwww, this is making me really miss high school.... but congrats mikey d! and thanks for bringing up all these memories. :D

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high school??? hmmmm... I enjoyed it, though I didn't have a clue as to what the fuck was going on... I had the attention span of a flea-- getting stressed out during exams because I was like "what the fuck is this??" the memory that puts it all in perspective... was grade 13 slave day... this girl bought me and made me wear a tight leopard skin dress with roller skates.. the same day, I had to present my independent study in English, and oh, I didn't get around to doing it.. so I had to get in front of all of my peers dressed like a bufoon, and talk about something I had absolutely no clue about.. thus I just said, "I think I am going to sit down" and I got zero on my presentation... that would inspire me to spend the majority of the rest of my days, playing cards or putting pop cans under mats and watching people trip on them...

and I want to be a teacher??? wtf? ::

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