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so honestly why don't more bands come to canada


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it is a real shame that bands seem to be discouraged about crossing afictional line. like when was the last time that hornsby came to canada, or van morrison to belt out some caravan love. Maybe they feel that ther eis no point to come here but it just pisses me off that i have to travel and spend my candian money in a foreign economy. WHo's with me. What bands are you pissed about not making the journey to the great north????

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Well I really wish Keller would play up here... Now, he is actually opening for DMB this summer, but that's no good. I wish we could figure out a way to make it him play a full show after DMB. The El Mocambo would work nicely!

So I guess my question is, are the bands not willing to come up here because of the border, are there just not enough people willing to take the risk and book these american bands? Or maybe it's a bit of both?

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I imagine the reason is the tightened border laws and hassle,not to mention the CDN vs. US dollar exchange,and given they are trying to make a living at playing music,I'd wager driving hundreds of miles and not as making much,added that in NY state alone (for example) a band can play a different venue everyday and still not leave the state,opposed to here in Canada where the venues are considerabley fewer.

Just how I see it anyway,with my limited involvement in dealing with bands/musicians while I was booking/promoting anyway.

Although,I am in no way "pissed" about any band that honors me with awesome music,but decides not to cross the border.

I'd really like to see the Gourds make their way up here.

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it is a real shame that bands seem to be discouraged about crossing afictional line.

Damn those fictional lines.

The plain truth is that it costs money, time and considerable effort to cross the border and play in Canada (likewise I'm sure for our Canadian bands playing in the states).

I'm not pissed about it though. What good would that do?

I just really appreciate it when good bands come play in Canada. Like last night I saw Gomez TEAR SHIT UP in Ottawa. But there were still 400 tickets available at showtime. Maybe that's another good reason; lack of audience...

Gomez are awesome. Everyone who hasn't heard / seen them should definitely get on it soon. Next Canadian date is August 6 at Lollapalooza in Toronto. Although they said they'd come back to Ottawa ASAP. For those who say Ottawa crowds are lame, 600 raging people last night might have a fair argument for you.



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I think money has a lot to do with it. It just doesn't make sense for independant promoters to pay $5000US not knowing what the draw will be like on a Tuesday night for a band that hasn't played up here before. It also doesn't make sense for a band to take a 50% pay cut to play to one of the smallest crowds they've had in years. A lot of shows slip through the cracks and nobody shows up. I remember working at Comfort Zone and having less than 15 people pay $5 to see Robert Walter's 20th Congress and Vinyl. Just across the bridge in Buffalo they do WAY better numbers than that, it makes an agent think twice before sending his artist up this way. House Of Blues Concerts should be picking up more of the slack though. They don't book half the shows they're offered and they only have to pay half of what an idependant promoter has to pay for a show.

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"15 people pay $5 to see Robert Walter's 20th Congress and Vinyl"

that makes me absolutely sick because i was one of the ones who missed it.

and now i'd kill to see RW20C OR Vinyl. Both are amazing bands!!!!!!

Dang, i didn't even know Vinyl was on that bill...

when was that 99?00?

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I think money has a lot to do with it. It just doesn't make sense for independant promoters to pay $5000US not knowing what the draw will be like on a Tuesday night for a band that hasn't played up here before.

Maybe the independent promoter has to do more market research then to avoid shelling out the cash. If House of Blues (who has lots of knowledge in this area) won't bring a band to town, why should we assume an independent promoter can do it better?

Or maybe I misunderstood your point. It's Monday after all :)

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Steve - that was April of 2000

I think market research is really difficult with shows up here sometimes. You can check out the kind of numbers bands get in the U.S. but that rarely reflects what they'll do up here. Getting feedback online like here on jambands is good and all but that doesn't mean people will be able to make it out on a Monday or Wednesday for a show.

House of Blues SHOULD be booking more of these bands, they take WAY less of a loss if the show bombs and all the money comes from Molson anyways.

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Esau and Rider pretty much called it. I couldn't add much more, maybe just that anything in your background might dissuade you likewise if you are a drug user... not that people can't get anything they could possibly want up in Canada.. which leads me to the fact that since it is a hassle we really have to convince bands/agents/management on a personal artistic interest. When you think about the bands that have been receptive to touring in Canada from our scene like D & T and the Slip it's been because it appeals to them to play to an audience that has (hopefully) less hangups.

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Well I really wish Keller would play up here... Now, he is actually opening for DMB this summer, but that's no good. I wish we could figure out a way to make it him play a full show after DMB. The El Mocambo would work nicely!

{sigh} Actually CH, I had the same idea when I heard about Keller opening for DMB that he could fit in a show either that night or the night after in his schedule (I checked his online listings), and I was thinking him with my buddy Matt Osborne opening would make an amazing bill, and it would be great exposure for Matt. I even dropped an email to Keller's booker (didn't get back to me but I didn't think they would on first contact). I was gonna follow up the next week by phone, but then that turned out to be the weekend that Matt passed away and I lost the heart for the idea. But I do think it could have worked really well, the El Mo or somewhere like Silver Dollar or Hugh's Room would work great for a Keller show.

I'm still pissed that Blues Traveler haven't been up here since 9/11. Anybody else noticed a greater drop off in acts coming across the border since then? I'm not sure if it's just my imagination.


Mr. M.

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Jay - Yeah, I emailed Keller's management as well and of course never heard anything back. But glad to hear that you mailed as well, at least they know there is some interest up here.

We seem to go in spurts with american gigs up here. But I'd agree it has seemed to have dropped off sinc 9/11.

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Blues Traveler played the London Blues Fest 2 summers ago. i got to watch for free from a perfectly cut-out hole in the fence. great show.

Actually you're right, I forgot about that show and that was after 9/11. I was there, good set although I usually find they're better in a club or hall than outside for some reason. They did the Ottawa Bluesfest the year before that (just before 9/11), but those are the only times they've been back to Ontario in years. And they haven't played Toronto since '98! :(

- M.

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i think its kinda weird seeing a band in a parking lot, regardless. let alone a band like Blues Traveler, in a parking lot in downtown London. but i wish they'd bring the BluesFest back to that spot.. i'd be able to sit on my rooftop and get it all!

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Like last night I saw Gomez TEAR SHIT UP in Ottawa. But there were still 400 tickets available at showtime. Maybe that's another good reason; lack of audience...

Gomez are awesome. Everyone who hasn't heard / seen them should definitely get on it soon. Next Canadian date is August 6 at Lollapalooza in Toronto. Although they said they'd come back to Ottawa ASAP. For those who say Ottawa crowds are lame, 600 raging people last night might have a fair argument for you.



I was at the show last night and was amazed by Gomez. I think that is one of the best shows I have been too in a long time. They did tear it up. Can't wait to see them again!

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I'd really like to see the Gourds make their way up here.

They played The Horseshoe in February.

Ahh,during my treatment months,missed alot of shows in the beginning of the year because of that.Still though,I never heard of the show going down anyway.

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Blues Traveler have been added to moedown

Thanks NR, yeh BradM tipped me off to that as well and it was on bluestraveler.net as well which I check pretty regularly (kept hoping they'd be added to 'roo but no dice - still hoping Popper will show up and jams like last year at least.) I'll have to see how things play out for moe.down, I'm in a wedding the week before in BC and I'm not totally sure when I'll be back, or for that matter how much it's gonna set me back. Tempting thou.

- M.

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