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Do your civic duty


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Well folks, the time is coming to vote. If you're not registered to vote, check out www.elections.ca , enter your postal code, and it will tell you where to go to register. It's easy and only takes a few minutes. A few minutes that can preserve or change the state of our government.

Never to my knowledge have the polls looked so frightenly close. Every vote is going to count on this one so please, please, please vote.

Preaching over, you may now resume your regularly scheduled activities. ::

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Nono....I tell my friends to vote for who they want - but make sure you vote!

(mind you, I can make a pretty damn good case to vote Liberal)

And if I'm jobless come June 29th, I know of a great restaurant over in the Hull that has great prices, and the cooks are a great couple loaded with talent!

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Everybody talks about how low voter turn-outs are, but they make it a pain in the ass when you should be registered (ie checking the little box on your income tax every year to register with Election Canada)and your name is nowhere to be found every time. I'd like to see the demographics of the people who are not registered when they should be (government conspiracy to keep people from voting ;))

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Voting is FUN!!! It's cool to be part of the process, even if your just gonna spoil yer ballot. Write in your own name. Doodle creative designs in each one of the circles. Take a really long time to vote and tell the clerk you're still undecided when she asks what's wrong. Drop some weed on your ballot before you fold it up. There are 12 hours in the day to vote. You can do it!

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A vote for Green is a vote for Harper. They are the Canadian Nader.

Sure the Greens need they're 6% to maintain their status, and they'll get it. But don't throw your vote away on a reality that will not happen (Green winning) for the next 10-20 years.

If you live in a riding where it's going to come down to the wire between Liberals and Conservatives, for god sakes vote Liberal. I live in Ed's riding, no chance the NDP are losing here, so of course I'm voting for him. But if this was a swing riding where it was still up the air, I would be voting Liberal in a heartbeat.

By all means vote for who you want, but take time to consider the bigger picture. Your actions could result in an opposite reaction. At least we know how bad the Liberals are, do we really want to find out what a unified Right with unlimited power is capable of???

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I am looking ahead......way further ahead than 4 silly years! Like I said in another thread I am not going to vote for proven liars whose fault it is that we're facing a conservative G.

I accept that the conservatives may win.....this just may have a positive outcome.....ie....the voters may actually be pissed enough and brave enough to go further left next time around. Also all the folks who don't vote may also be pissed enough to get off their asses and vote.....heck 'looking ahead' I may just vote Conservative to hurry up the process because if the Liberals get in again that means the Conservatives will probably get in next time.....making a more left leaning G. 8 years away rather than 4. ::

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The likelihood that the NDP will ever run this country is not very likely. I say this with saddness because I would like that to be so. I think the best the NDP could ever hope for is to be the Opposition.

To say that if the Conservatives get in this time that would increase the chances for the NDP next time would have to happen by the NDP moving more to the centre. The majority of Canadians are moderate and are not even close to the NDP platform.

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...one should consider though that the further the U.S. shoves the world into the pits of hell and with the further degradation of the planet....and with a younger more envirementally terrified generation coming of age I do believe our country will become lefter leaning and if we can hurry up and prove that further right is not the way to go....well you can't realy say for certain that this country will always be filled with fence sitting sissypants? On the Conservatives=American thing.....

Currently Canada is like Xerox and the States are Microsoft....we've allready opened the doors and we are allready being bought out and plundered. This will continue with the Liberals or the Conservatives....one wants to use the front door while the other uses the back door.......I say use the front door and enrage the Country into getting away from both useless parties. :: :: ::......sheesh I was so cranky today....now I can't stop laughing ::

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I'd like to believe you may have something there- but on a much bigger level the thing that would really worry me about the conservatives getting in this time around is I believe there are some Supreme court judges to be appointed shortly and the next party in power will influence the picking of them (or so I heard- any one with more astute legal knowledge please speak up because the judges are officially appointed by the Governor in Council- but I'm not clear on how that person or office is influenced by the party in power....)anyway.- since the consevatives are looking to get rid of our rights to things like abortions- I would be scared of thier choices on that- especially beacuse those are choices that would outlive the government.

Chilling thoughts.

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hey just stirring the pot(though my insanity is starting to feel sane)....made ya twist though ::

Allthough going with my new idea the further the right the better because going extremist right would probably ensure we never went right again. As said my idea is to piss off as many folks as possible so all those non-voters would vote and all those fence sitters may get toppled over to the left.

It makes as much sense as voting Liberal to avoid Conservative. I'm just saying I smell Conservative if not now than after the Liberals have pissed everyone off for another 4 years.....let the Liberals fuck us over for 4 than the Conservatives to make for 8....or get this Conservative crap outa the way once and for all....if we don't go further left in 4 certainly we'd go Liberal again. Then at least the Liberals may realize they can't lie and cheat and still have votes.

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anyone that can clarify that supreme court thing?

I believe you are correct. This is a very important issue that isn't getting much press.


I'm even second guessing my vote for the Marijuana Party in a riding that is almost guaranteed to be Liberal. Voting in a Conservative party still without an official policy on many issues is like handing them a blank cheque. I don't think anyone who can't stand the thought of Harper as PM should take any chances. I would be way more cool with the C's if Peter McKay was leading them.

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anyone that can clarify that supreme court thing?

That is a little scary.. would have been nice if Jean had appointed them... he's the most left wing of him Martin and Harper (INHO).

A note about the CBC article... it only lists Ontario Court of Appeal possibilities... my understanding from professors and students at Queens Law is that Rosthein (sp?) from the Federal Court of Appeal was supposed to be almost a shoe in...

Don't know a lot about his politics etc. But I know his son used to go to Dead shows...

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Hey howler, your "think down the road" approach is certainly interesting! (read: alcohol induced ;))

But a lot can go down in a government in 4 years - look what George Bush has done to the U.S. and the budget SURPLUS Clinton left him....and that in just 3+ years....also think Mike Harris. 4 years of an extreme like that, usually means the next 8 years are spent cleaning it up.....and no party, especially a left wing one, can have an activist agenda if it inherits a govenment in shambles.

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