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Kung & Zero are not losers


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Guest Low Roller
How convenient for me...I've been looking for something solid to be pissed off about. I'll go....but let's take this to PM's...


You tell 'im Douglas. I resent NewRider for posting a picture of Bob Sagat as well. ::

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Actually yes, Ontario does run Canada. We are the financial and economic centre of activity, and without us the other provinces would only last as long as their natural resources would.

60% of seats went to the Conservatives in "heady" B.C. You sound like a dreamy Ontarian who think the Province is something it's not...or rather that the Coffeeshops in Vancouver represent the fishermen in Prince George.

You can have all the "cultural" capitals you want though I guess :)

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How do you adequately respond to this kind of sh!t? I mean I’d love to take the bait and kung is the only one who can put this borderline challenge in his place but kung is dead. You all killed him. Accounts vary as to the death of kung and as the myth is separated from fact I will keep you informed. Right now the most reliable account is that he bled out after being gutted in the yard with a toothbrush fashioned into a shiv by a lanky Mexican chick with horn rim glasses. As to the kung/zero connection certainly there are a number of similarities the least of which is an erudite prose style and high level of insight into the human drama in and around shows.

Deek seems to have forgotten about the mutually parasitic relationship of the journalist and promoter. ‘Just make us look cool’. In any case how this waste of skin wants to have it both ways is beyond me. I mean he obviously bothers to read everything kung has written and doesn’t seem to deny the quality but then he wants to trash him for not contributing to the scene or being a negative influence. fu©king energy leeches.

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We are the financial and economic centre of activity, and without us the other provinces would only last as long as their natural resources would.

like i said... HUGE EGO'S

You sound like a dreamy Ontarian who think the Province is something it's not...or rather that the Coffeeshops in Vancouver represent the fishermen in Prince George.

in reality, i'm someone who lived in BC for 12 years

in plenty of rural areas, and never in Vancouver!!

it's not the culture in BC, but the people that make it the best coast for me

west coasters know they have it better than us here in Ontario..they just don't need to go on about it like some here do!

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hey deke, eat a dick! or maybe just go back to your usual flaming imbesol self and only come on here every once in a blue moon to make yourself look like an ass. you're so good at it!

okay, actually, you know what? i take that back, i don't even know you, so i probably shouldn't be throwing out insults like that. and quite honestly i don't want to waste the time to.

i really only came onto this thread to talk to superfreak actually -- girl, is that herself the elf in your avatar???? nice one! i used to love that little nymph, i haven't seen/heard of/thought of her in ages. anybody remember that fucked up little herself the elf movie from the 80's, where that crazy villain lady had all that ivy shooting out of her fingertips? good times, good times...

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Yes it is Herself the Elf! I found her on some feary site I was on. I have a book that I read to my kids but I have never seen the movie, unfortunately. The villian was Poison Ivy and her father was some other villian...can't remember his name at the moment. Feel free to steal her if you want, I won't keep keep her as my avatar for too long.

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If you've got to come on here because you're bored, then I suggest you go out and do something. if you think it's slow on this board, then may I suggest that EVERYONE else is out doing something. It's the summer time, the world is too nice to let it go by sitting behind some computer screen waiting for someone thousands of miles away to say something to piss you off, or entertain you or whatever.

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It was actually an unwarranted little jab but I'd like to take this opportunity to hold out an olive branch. Zero/Kung is a great writer and Zero may just be tolerable enough to enjoy.

No hard feelings Kung/Zero....Have a great day everyone.

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We are the financial and economic centre of activity, and without us the other provinces would only last as long as their natural resources would.

like i said... HUGE EGO'S

You sound like a dreamy Ontarian who think the Province is something it's not...or rather that the Coffeeshops in Vancouver represent the fishermen in Prince George.

in reality, i'm someone who lived in BC for 12 years

in plenty of rural areas, and never in Vancouver!!

it's not the culture in BC, but the people that make it the best coast for me

west coasters know they have it better than us here in Ontario..they just don't need to go on about it like some here do!

We're only dibilitated by the borders we create.....sure there are people here that have EGO's - those people are everywhere - but they're easy enough to avoid or simply ignore.

I have found everyone in every province I've been in/lived in to be, for the most part, wonderful.

Countrycowboy, if you're so put off by Ontario and so enamoured with the West, you should really think about moving back there....seems that's where you happiness lies!?!?!

Ontarible - I've heard people say that before but I have yet to understand it ::

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You know Adam isn't making such an out there remark really. There are some 30 million Canadians and 10 of them live in Ontario. That said as someone passionate about rural issues in an era focused on cities as the engines of the economy I have to believe we're all in this together. It's sort of like that group of single people on the Simpsons who didn't want to pay for everyone else's kids. The same could be said of city dwellers who don't want to pay for county side roads and sewage treatment in Bancroft. Yet when all those city denizens get off for the weekend a good number of them traverse those county roads to get to their cottages and getaways. Canada has a lot more resources than the ones in the ground.

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I have a hard time understanding that as well. Ontario can be pretty beautiful and I've met AMAZING people in this province. Plus another thing that makes Ontario great is we have LIVE MUSIC!!! I would break out into cold sweats with the lack of live music the West Coast gets. Occasionally they get some great acts but nowhere near as often as Ontario does.

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Hey folks!

The same could be said of city dwellers who don't want to pay for county side roads and sewage treatment in Bancroft. Yet when all those city denizens get off for the weekend a good number of them traverse those county roads to get to their cottages and getaways.

This is a fair comment Zero, but unfortunately only applies to a small percentage of folks. I only know a few people living in Toronto who trek up to cottage country regularly, but many more of them who use the TTC every day. And what of the millions of tourists who come to Toronto every year to be greeted by our pathetic excuse for a waterfront? The truth is the provincial and federal government have given a bum rap to cities for years, including great western cities like Vancouver and Calgary. I'm very concerned about rural issues too, that's where my wife is from and my in-laws live, but the truth is Canada goes as our cities go, and they ain't going well at the moment. Hopefully Mr. Layton and others that care about municipalities can push their agendas a bit more in the new minority government. My two-cents.


Mr. M.

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