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CTMF Pictures - Labour Day 2004


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More great pics ... thanks backbacon!

And if I remember correctly, the words "Puddle Me" are written on booche's forehead in that picture.

Can anybody help to locate these missing Items from the weekend?

1. My big blue mug ... please help! Does anybody have it! I need this back! I think I left it near the stage or on a picnic table in the stage area on Sunday night.

2. My buddy Chris left his blue sweater somewhere ... does anyone have it?

I know that there is a lost and found at Izzy's but thought I'd check here first.

Peace, Mark

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great pics guys! brings back great memories of my last CTMF for a while - i'm going to california as most of you know....so this one was a sentimental one for me! Backbacon great to see your 'ferocious' shirt in action! ah hahaha, i've told you a million times, but you freakin crack me up!

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