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Dish The Dirt 2


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Okay our tour manager friend Friendly has inspired me to out all of the picadillos and hypocrisies of bands I can imagine. I heard some fu©king awesome gossip this weekend much of which I can't share in the forum but might if provoked. It really became clear how tour managers, sound guys, business managers, agents, entourages and artists collude with one another to keep the public from learning about their (often illegal) pecadillos. Seriously the way this works in the movie or music business is alot of people know the good gossip but are unable to vocalize it for fear of industry blackballing. Friendly knows a lot of this dirt I am sure and has undoubtedly bucked rails with Jon Gutwillig off an asian chick's ass but would never say anything about it or it would be the death knell of his career. The whole media process is about sanitization. The editors, publishers, centralized ownership and personalities while providing some insight are wary of losing further access to artists- and in particular other artists handled by the same representation. You can bet that even if I wanted it Madison House would never give me an interview with Denson because they know that I think their other act is a bunch of flouncing nellies.

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Bill Nershi is a lush and got me seriously messed up after a Montreal show. Actually, it was some french-dude in a leather jacket. It had a vibe of 'lets convert another one' and I felt like they were going to send me into Kang's backstage room (interview in progress my ass!) equipped only with a towel and a straw. Thankfully, MrsHux came to my rescue and drove me back to Ottawa before I was forever 'changed'.....their beer was warm too.

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Well okay but just to get the ball rolling and in a way that wouldn't reveal the source. Basically I got talking with industry guys about The Band and Garth Hudson and Levon Helm. They knew of my show with Garth at the Cathedral in Halifax even though it was poorly attended it is known in the industry. It was to do with monopolizing svengali wives such as Maud Hudson or I was mentioning this guy at the jazz fest's wife. Buddy mentioned that 'it's the third wife that buys all the sh!t the first two didn't'- which I thought was particularly compelling. Anyways we were talking about why Levon and Garth don't do more sideman work and I attributed it to them being bad at business, hard to deal with and at least in Lee's case potheads and maybe junkies. So here's the dirt he tells me about the long awaited Levon album like 9 years in the making that has had tonnes of people guest on and it just hasn't come together. Apparently at the sessions in New York Levon just got up and left and drove home to Woodstock cause 'the pot wasn't good enough'. But this was like in his words 'high test' Tragically Hip pot which I took to mean the Hip had picked up a big bag at the start of a tour and kicked it down to Lee's crew. Anyways I thought it was telling for a few reasons the least of which was Levon using kick ass pot as an excuse to get out of a session that was going nowhere!

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One of my favourite 'dirt' moments was after the Blue Floyd show at the Comfort Zone, which for the record was the loudest show *ever*. One of the band members comes outside, he's practicly just a kid, can't remember his name, but I'm sure he was a Betts. He says to me, "hey man, know where I can get some opium?", I'm like, "no, sorry man". He's disapointed as hell and says "what, this is China town isn't it?!" :D

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Yeh, I bet they sometimes have SEX too! (Hey, where do you think baby musicians come from?)

No offence zero, but I bet I have better stories I can't reveal about some of the brokers and traders I used to work with years ago. I'm sure any industry where the flow of money "elevates" people from real-world morality or responsibility does.

- M.

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One of my favourite 'dirt' moments was after the Blue Floyd show at the Comfort Zone, which for the record was the loudest show *ever*. One of the band members comes outside, he's practicly just a kid, can't remember his name, but I'm sure he was a Betts. He says to me, "hey man, know where I can get some opium?", I'm like, "no, sorry man". He's disapointed as hell and says "what, this is China town isn't it?!" :D

I think that would've been Dickey Bett's kid Duane or something. Another piece of dirt from this show, Marc Ford's wife had just had a baby a few days earlier, Marc had been off heroin for about 3 days and Marc was doing rails inbetween songs off the back of one of the speakers.

aaahhh... good times, I miss the Comfort Zone!

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welcome back Mr musicface... been a long time since seein ur posts around here... how are things? all gossip included in said response please...

Hey thanks man! Not too much out of the ordinary happening - 'been working and travelling a lot this summer, so my extra curricular web use took at bit of a hit over the last month or so. Also felt I needed to reflect a bit after organizing the memorial show for my buddy Matt - that took a lot more out of me than I had thought it would. I've been lurking from time to time but just didn't have the energy to devote to any serious conversation on the skank - insofar as the word "serious" applies to what all goes on here with you freaks. ;) But I'm back, baby!

- M.

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