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Barrett already boozing - unconfirmed reports


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....there are unconfirmed reports at this hour that our own Dave "Davey-boy" Barrett has already begun consuming alcohol in preparation for tonight's rock'n'roll show at Barrymore's.

If anyone has any info that will either support or refute this claim, please bring it forward.

According the Davey Boy's information minister "Mr. Barrett has never consumed alcohol in the past and it is therefore highly unlikely he is boozing at this time"...

God, all I want is a little truth.....

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Guest Low Roller

Rumours are also circulating that Barrett has nominated himself for the "David Barrett Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence"

He is expected to make the announcement tonight at Barrymore's, possibly while drunk.

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Guest Low Roller

Give the man the toaster! [Razz]

The bouncers were busy tonight. I watched the bouncers try to diffuse a fight in the bar for twenty minutes before the participants agreed to step outside.

Sadly, the Sloth was not one of the participants. [Wink]

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