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ya, i guess i should jump in here..

umm, i really cant say i completely disagree with the man who once had the best avatar ever, at least about the flow bit. in my first post i didnt talk much about the first half of the show, because, well, thats the reaction i would have expected, and sometimes its best to just leave well enough alone. however, what thewind said about the flow, i can agree with to a certain extent, up until the reddish moon. i said it the show felt like it was picking up steam as it went along until that point. i guess we can chalk that up to political spin... because, really, i kinda felt the same way for the first 6 or so songs... that it was kinda rough, maybe a bit choppy, maybe they were still finding their stride... when i was sitting on the couch at the back those were the words that were going through my head "where's the flow, maaaaaaaan??".

but, like i said, once they got to reddish moon, i think they had found their stride and kicked it into high gear, and after that it was off to the races, and the slip sounded as good as i would have expected them to. thats when i think it really got THAT GOOD.

so, i guess its my turn... have at me, luke. ::

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Whatever he's not a knob gobbler he just has a grossly distorted take on what effortless mastery is. I'm not going to get into semantics with you Esau it would be as if you saw the Dead do Morning Dew and drag it out for what seems like hours and some guy on the way out of the venue goes 'worst Dew ever'.

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I'm not going to get into semantics with you Esau it would be as if you saw the Dead do Morning Dew and drag it out for what seems like hours and some guy on the way out of the venue goes 'worst Dew ever'.

Oh please,don't confuse me with sematics,come on man...

Why would I care what someone else thought about a show I liked? Myself,I couldn't give two fu©kin shits,if I liked it thats good enough for me.I know I disliked some shows people thought were great(ie: Steel Wheels tour).

Question,has this persons opinion of what they thought about the show taken away any of the enjoyment you yourself expirenced last night? If so my friend,I think you may need to re-evaulate the reason why you go to shows.

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Are you trying to be a dick or just having a grumpy day Esau. It matters to me because when I look in the sky and it is sunny and the sun is out and someone else says there is no sun in the sky it throws you for a loop. The accusations this guy makes while based on his experience are not particularly well informed. He has also invoked the 3rd rate bar band chumps I loathe in defense of his argument. There is a difference the Slip are master musicians the hacks are hacks.

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Are you trying to be a dick or just having a grumpy day Esau. It matters to me because when I look in the sky and it is sunny and the sun is out and someone else says there is no sun in the sky it throws you for a loop. The accusations this guy makes while based on his experience are not particularly well informed. He has also invoked the 3rd rate bar band chumps I loathe in defense of his argument. There is a difference the Slip are master musicians the hacks are hacks.

What are the question getting to hard man?

ps.I'm in a great mood today.No need to redirect this into its Esau who is upset,notice the lack of absurd name calling I have in my posts.Doesn't seem to me I'm the one being a dick.

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well well well mr zero. for a big time music critic your lack of objectivity seems some what eschewed. didn't you watch almost famous??? you can't become their friends if you wish to rise to the ranks of greatest music critic of the century. you've lost your point of view. how can you honestly have so much to say about every other band that doesn't let you have dinner with them? I said that i recognized thier talent, they can play, no doubt about it. but from from the point of veiw of a non-idolizing fan i thought the show lacked any sort of flow. the last half of the second set was good but the rest didn't quite lock in. The rhythm section diffenatly lacked some tightness, which i thought even you would notice. maybe all that tin foil was getting in your way.

getting ballistic yet champ??

i have really enjoyed listen to your opinions on music. you have come out and said some things that need to be said when no one else would step up to the plate (myself included), but i have to say i am disappointed in your ability to seperate the fan from the music critic. maybe you should give almost famous another look.

seriously though, i thought that the slip were okay and like every band that puts it on the line, it doesn't flow or click every time. Maybe, tonight will be a different story. I just thought based on the hype the show was going to be a little different. maybe my expectations got in the way.

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since i've only seen the slip once....about a year ago in kingston.......my opinion should be taken lightly.

for that show i felt there were moments...but a good chunk of the show lacked moments. it was fun but, all in all it was good, not great. with all what is said about this band on our board i if feel as if a) it wasnt their night, B) i'm completely missing something or c) i think our board has a fetish/cult-like/brainwashing thing going on for/with/about the slip.

just my two cents..

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my enthusiasm for The Slip is compounded by the enthusiasm I find on this board, that's for sure. But no band is for everyone, except The Beatles (heh heh, hi Steve!).

I'm a natural skeptic when it comes to a lot of the acts that roll through town so it's fun for me to get on board with one I think is truly special.

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Your expectations did get in the way. I will concede not based on my own experience but Guigsy that the first half of the set may have seemed disjointed (although they came out of the gates running). How you can use the word Flow or a lack thereof to describe the Slip is beyond me. How you can say that the rhythm section lacked Tightness is beyond me. That is where I go ballistic. That was hands down some of the most adapt drum and bass work I have ever seen. Let me tell you I have seen a great many more and varied musicians then you I am certain and their dynamics were off the chart. Virtuosity without a doubt. Effortless mastery. Grace.

If I am working as a journalist and getting paid I have to feign objectivity, although rock journalism is all about subjectivity and the more the better. You all have to give your fu©king heads a shake from time to time. I know I have high expectations but what exactly is being asked of me. Give of yourself until it hurts (literally), relate back all of this sh!t that people can't be bothered to or are just as likely unable to, maintain a positive mental attitude, be objective, treat everyone with respect and say please and thank you. I mean this ain't my work place and you all ain't my board of directors. Hell most of you ain't even my peers.

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That Kingston show is a really bad thing to gauge them by. Basically I mean there were only 20 of us their and 4 of them were from Rhode Island! That was a real family kickdown of a show though that's for sure. I mean the playing was brilliant at points but the requesta fiesta was what made it so special.

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so now your adding physic psychic abilties to your little bag of tricks? how could you possibly know if you 'seen a great many more and varied musicians then (me)'? i have no doubt that my opinions are beyond you, your too busy nob gobblin (that's what you called it champ) to hear anything but gold, which okay. when you love a band then they can do no wrong. honestly, if you heard say, the burt neilson band, cover 19th nervuos breakdown like the slip did, you would say it sucked. becuase it was the slip you think it gold. lets not even get on the topic of vocals....

so ballitic boy, name call all you want, make threats tough guy, i guess when it comes to opinions you're the only one allowed to have one.

maybe the reason you don't have any peers is because you can be such an a$$hole, that of course is just my opinion.

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No I have peers they just don't hang out with a bunch of skidbags in bars. Being judged by their peers and finding one's peers is something everyone is entitled to. You are entitled to your opinion even if it isn't particularly well informed or even well reasoned (that's when you make a strong case for something and don't undercut your own position). You are so fu©king wrong about Burt Neilson doing 19th, I mean I know what you're trying to say but it's a flawed perception. I respect the Burt Neilson guys and their songwriting and even they wouldn't dare put themselves in the same league as The Slip. That's called having an informed perspective, I know all the people intimately have known them for years, know their personalities and foibles. Sometimes the emperor is wearing no clothes this just wasn't one of those times. And I'm not a psychic just somehow you strike me as a putz that sees a dozen or so bands a year over and over again. I mean in the month of September alone I saw over 50 shows (largely due to the Jazz Fest) many of whom were some of the penultimate imrovisers in the world.

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No I have peers they just don't hang out with a bunch of skidbags in bars.

hmmmmm..... call me hypersensitive... but i find comments like this really, really offensive. really. i'm not going to go off on an insult-slinging tangent but this is really the kind of retort i would expect from one of my grade 10 students, not an often articulate adult.

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so it's okay do have an opinion but if it's different then yours, i'm a misinformed putz??!!?? i have yet to hear your strong case for why last nights music was so tight, so perfect. I did hear about how wasted you got and how you're so fu©king headie because you know and ate dinner with the band. yes you like the slip. to YOU they are in a league of there own. to ME they didn't perform a show that was that impressive. you have no idea who i am or how many shows i've seen. just because you might know the difference between a D major and a D7 flat 9 does make you an expert on what my opinion should be. if think i'm such a putz or was it nob gobbler, then next time i'll introduce myself and you can tell me to my face

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