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brain cells of rats learn to fly flight simulator from glass dish

move over frankenstein

“Initially when we hook up this brain to a flight simulator, it doesn’t know how to control the aircraft,” DeMarse said. “So you hook it up and the aircraft simply drifts randomly. And as the data comes in, it slowly modifies the (neural) network so over time, the network gradually learns to fly the aircraft.”
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They should just train the rats to operate their guitar effects. They could outfit them with little guitars and small pedals in case anybody thinks they're not actually playing.



I like this idea. I could send the rats on tour and save money on food and transportation. I'd express mail them to each city and I'm sure a fast food combo could last for days and unlike me they wouldn't be the least bothered by it.

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not superior?? uh...have rats ever built anything? they just gnaw at things...eat your food, sh!t and piss everywhere. sure they're intelligent but just like Zero, that doesn't mean they're superior.

I think that rats have the capacity to learn tasks but to out think and out reason a human? they aren't at the point where they can create a society that evolves and changes and makes change. I'd eat a rat if i were sure the meat weren't diseased or infected with parasites.

the reason to go vegan is purely one of natural resources.

diet isn't really a good spiritual outlet...but good for all you animal lovers to care.

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wow, you guys took me really seriously, i forgot about the purple. and i am vegan for reasons of natural resources. and why have you been picking on me lately? i don't even know you but i feel like you are jumping on my back whenever i post anything and most of my posts are really not serious.

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now now ms. librarian...i'm almost never stern about what i say.

i'm just throwin out ideas and thought...i dont' expect anybody to think i'm right even if i'd like them to...if they do it's bonus...but i'm putting myself out there. why not? a message board is there to post on.

don't ever worry about me.

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