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Dog Shooting Incident - SCUMBAGS!!!


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Guys, I just have to vent right now. I just can't believe what I just heard, but it is a true story.

Just north of Whistler is a town called Pemberton. In the area are a number of recreational trails, including a mountain bike trail called "Overnight Sensation". Now, apart from the fact that the trail is named after a Zappa album, this story gets even more "interesting".

Yesterday (I think; perhaps today) two people, a young woman and her friend, were mountain biking on Overnight Sensation with the woman's samoy puppy. Apparently, two older hunters in the area (which as noted is a MOUNTAIN BIKE TRAIL!) were of the opinion that dogs scare away game and for that reason should be dealt with. One particular scumbag took aim at the young samoy with his rifle and shot him through the chest; killing him in front of his owner! The owner confronted him on her way off the trail, and he told her that dogs are a nuisance as they interfere with his huntin'.

The story is not yet reported in the news, but should be reported within 24 hours when the Pemberton cops make a statement.

I am just so furious right now, I want to drive up to Pemberton and randomly harrass people until I find someone worth "arresting" and dealing with him in the manner I see fit...

Unfortunately, even if the cops find him, I expect he'll get a fine of like 200 dollars, unless they can find some weapons charge with which to nail him.

I am literally shaking with rage right now, as I just heard this story.

Some people's kids.

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Seems like hunters have been going a little nutso lately...

From the Star:

Deer hunter kills 5 people, wounds 3

Teen, woman among those killed


BIRCHWOOD, Wis. - As several deer hunters made their way through the woods of northern Wisconsin, they were startled to come upon a stranger in their tree stand.

Asked to leave, the trespasser, wearing blaze-orange and carrying a semiautomatic assault rifle, opened fire on the hunters and didn't stop until his 20-round clip was empty, leaving five people dead and three wounded, two of them seriously authorities said.

The shooter was eventually captured.

Find the rest of the story here .

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and he calls the poor dog a nuisance... if I were the justice in charge of that trial I'd give him at least 15 years for being totally fcked in the head (edited response from the first things I thought I'd really want to do to him, which I'll just keep to myself)... and he should definately be given the "nuisance" of having his guns taken off of him immediately

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Vang was carrying an SKS 7.62-mm rifle, a cheap but powerful semiautomatic weapon, authorities said.

Mike Bartz, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resource's regional warden supervisor for the area, said the SKS is legal for hunting in the state and has no restrictions. He said it is not uncommon to see hunters with that firearm.

that's messed up

you need a semi-automatic to go hunting !?

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If they catch this guy, I guarantee that he may face jail time. There isn't a hunting licence that allows for a dog-culling. This bastard is going to jail, especially after the media and the lawyer of the dog owner in question gets involved.

I wish and hope you are correct. Unfortunately, however, licensing violations are not dealt with the same way that criminal charges are. As well, under all B.C. animal-related legislation I can think of, he would not be likely in violation of anything. (He didn't torture the dog; he killed it rather efficiently.) That is why I am hoping he gets charged under the Criminal Code for a criminal offence, such as for destroying that woman's property or something to the effect of discharging a firearm in a public place.

The dog owner's lawyer can sue him for property loss (the dog) as well as emotional suffering (as a result of losing dog) and punitive damages (intentional act).

I am just not sure that the Crown would call this a criminal offence, although I hope they find one that fits this case.

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Vang was carrying an SKS 7.62-mm rifle, a cheap but powerful semiautomatic weapon, authorities said.

Mike Bartz, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resource's regional warden supervisor for the area, said the SKS is legal for hunting in the state and has no restrictions. He said it is not uncommon to see hunters with that firearm.

that's messed up

you need a semi-automatic to go hunting !?

Heh-heh... that's gotta tell you something about the guy's skill as a hunter. Real hunters usually use regular, non-automatic-type rifles, non?

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Jaimoe, I looked into it last night as it was really bothering me, and you are correct; if the guy is busted and the Crown chooses to have some guts.

There is a section under the Criminal Code dealing with animal cruelty, and it carries a maximum sentence of 6 months. The problem is that the law does not usually mete out the maximum sentence except in very extraordinary cases. I hate to say it, but if a person were to systematically torture an animal, that would be worse than shooting one through the chest. It is for that reason that I fear that this scumbag will get off with a fine, if anything.

As I said, though, I hope you are correct and this guy is prosecuted to the fullest possible extent. Even if he does six months, though, it hardly seems enough.

(I wish you were the one prosecuting this sh!thead!)

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Since it's known who the guy is, maybe a protest is in order? Get some people to parade around/near the guy's house, with placards with his picture (ideally of him smiling with his rifle) and the caption "HE SHOOTS DOGS"; handing out leaflets giving the full story would also be useful.

I'd also have protesters on any access roads into the area, and stop each car and ask the hunters, "Do you shoot dogs?"

While the law may not do much to him, I think it'd be worthwhile to shame him back to the stone age.



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It is not actually clear who the guy is. My understanding is that the woman spoke to him at the time, and that is the last that he was seen. The last I heard, the cops had talked to 8 local hunters looking for him, and plan to speak to more. That will be the first obstacle to prosecuting this sadist.

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So the story has now been reported in the papers, with a development. It appears that some low-life scrawled "WHO CARES" across a poster seeking information on the scumbag hunters.

James and Veronica Woodruff couldn’t believe their eyes when they saw "who cares" scrawled across posters and placards asking for help in identifying the person who shot their Samoyed puppy.

"We just couldn’t believe it when we saw this," said Veronica, a former president of the naturalist club. "I am really mad with this attitude that I am getting from people. For someone to write ‘who cares’ across a poster, that is terrible. What kind of mentality does this type of thing show?"

The Woodruffs’ eight-and-a-half month old puppy Silva was allegedly shot by a hunter in the Mackenzie Basin Road area near Pemberton last Saturday.

For the full story, click here

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