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Mystery Skank Gift Exchange (guigsy rocks!!!!!!)


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Hello all! I don't know if there's already been a thread like this or not but here goes...

BIG HUGE PROPS to guigsy for hooking me up with the coolest gift of the season!!!!!!! I got a beautifully binded book/photo album, 20+ pages, on Evolve 5 featuring all original photography from guigsy himself, and on top of THAT he sent me 7 discs of live sets from Evolve to correspond with the pics!!! Guigs the prints look amazing and the whole package blew me away. Thank you!! ::

Kind of puts my gift for Stapes to shame.. :o :o All my broke ass could muster up was a whack of Kev's Cuts and cd covers for them.

So, what did everyone get??? Thanks to dancingbear for putting this exchange together too.

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awesome!!! really glad you liked it so much, man... was starting to wonder if it made it there or not, hahaha.. i tried to do as many as i could that werent on my site... i think about half, or 60% havent been seen before... except to people i showed it off to before i sent it. hahaha. pretty sure it was your first evolve (no?), so i thought a time capsule of sorts would be cool... i'll get those other shows out to you as soon as i can get them... i know they're out there. ;)

edit: still checkin' the mail for my mystery gift... but i'll post when it arrives.

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Yes, thanks so much Dancingbear for organizing this exchange. It was a good experience for everyone I've heard from.

I was the lucky recipient of a handmade head band and this:


What a great book. I threw the CD on and flipped threw Jerry's art. Magic.

I still have no idea if my gift arrived to it's intended recipient. If anyone has any news on this, let me know okay? Me worry. ::

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As I already posted, I received an excellent book about "painting cats". [color:"purple"]As a result, all the cats in my neighbourhood have now been painted and look like various reptiles. My favourite is the large siamese that is frightening local school children, as he now looks like a komodo dragon.

Although my Secret Skanc refuses to divulge his/her identity, I would like to take this opportunity to send my thank you, anyway, to a particular old man residing in Ottawa, who I suspect is behind this. He is welcome to assume ownership over this gift, or continue to allow it to be anonymous. (If I am wrong, and the gift originated elsewhere from a different Skanc, then please consider yourself thanked.)

Either way, this Skanc Exchange was a great idea, and DancingBear deserves huge compliments for putting this together.

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awesome!!! really glad you liked it so much, man... was starting to wonder if it made it there or not, hahaha.. i tried to do as many as i could that werent on my site... i think about half, or 60% havent been seen before... except to people i showed it off to before i sent it. hahaha. pretty sure it was your first evolve (no?), so i thought a time capsule of sorts would be cool... i'll get those other shows out to you as soon as i can get them... i know they're out there. ;)

edit: still checkin' the mail for my mystery gift... but i'll post when it arrives.

yeah i knew there was a package waiting for me at the post office but i've been working 8am-4pm monday-friday lately so it was hard to get there on time... and yup, it was indeed my first evolve. and definitely not the last!

another package that i received on the same trip to the post office (this one from my parents for x-mas) was a DVD of the Branford Marsalis Quartet doing Coltrane's A Love Supreme live in Amsterdam... yowza!!!

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Thanks Fari Sari. Am I ever glad it arrived. thanks to whomever delivered it. I don't really share my paintings with anyone. I just paint for myself, but I wanted to give something homemade and that was all I could think of. So Fari Sari, you're one of only two other people that have one of my paintings.

Kevo, it's acrylic on canvas.

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Thanks to MattyC for being (at least) the deliveryjambandfan. The gift is just (OK, more than) what I wanted. I hope my Secret Santa can appreciate how much it (both sides) means to me.

And it was worth the wait; I think receiving that particular gift some other way, like in the mail, or outside of the context of a nero show, wouldn't've been nearly as good.

And Happy Hallowe'en!



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