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Thanks To jambands,.ca


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As some of you may know, i used to frequent the jamhub site and was banned for an incident i had with an admin, and a few random posts i made, whatever, big deal, that site is fu©kin lame!!I still shoulda not been so rude sometimes,etc but whatver the site is Full of the most hypocritical,cliquey, bunch of people ever!! I'm not saying theres no good people there, there is for sure, lotsa my good friends, and lotsa people that know me in person but had no idea i posted there!!Anyways my point is, It's been a pleasure posting on this site, theres always something interesting,funny or intellectual to read, its great!! I dont know many of you, i knwo some of the same people, Like the nero boys,sean taylor, and some others, I just wanted to saY thanks for being cool with me postin here, and not jumping to conclusions about me based on what i'm sure some of you heard about me from jamhub! (wow i'm stoned hope this makes sense, thanks)


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Hey man, I like this place too, and I am glad you are nestling in nicely here. There are a lot of great people here.

But don't blame jamhub for the things that happened. I do not want to get into details, but I am sure all the stuff that happened there would not fly here as well. I don't think they do any banning here which is good. And I did not agree with the banning on jamhub, but to say that jamhub is more hypocritical and cliquey than here is not true at all.

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The ban in question was decided by Jamhub users.

They ran a poll there were 43 votes 30 said no question he deserved to be banned, 8 said no and 5 did not care either way.

How many people have you told to eat a bag of dicks on Jambands?

How many Administrators have you threatened to beat up?

I wish i could name drop to pretend i was cool by association.

Get a life you retard. Plain and simply you are not starting sh!t on Jambands so things are going well.

You can try to pretend you did nothing wrong but I think many would agree threatening someone on several occasions (that lives close to you at that) and constantly being belligerent for no reason would not be acceptable.

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The ban in question was decided by Jamhub users.

They ran a poll there were 43 votes 30 said no question he deserved to be banned, 8 said no and 5 did not care either way.

How many people have you told to eat a bag of dicks on Jambands?

How many Administrators have you threatened to beat up?

I wish i could name drop to pretend i was cool by association.

Get a life you retard. Plain and simply you are not starting sh!t on Jambands so things are going well.

You can try to pretend you did nothing wrong but I think many would agree threatening someone on several occasions (that lives close to you at that) and constantly being belligerent for no reason would not be acceptable.

Personally, (I don't know about anyone else) I don't give a flying fu©king sh!t what happened on someother board... Coming on here, and trying to make someone look bad is really kind of senseless. If 30 out of 43 people wanted to "ban" someone, and you got your wish, then why are you stirring up sh!t here??? There are enough people here that do that already... So, just be nice and chill out... and talk about something more productive like.... That the Grateful Dead are the Gratest Band of all of Eternity! ::

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Hey This sites great,all the people seem to be cool sh!t as well! Sure i fu©ked around on jamhub, but whatvever, can't change that!!

It different here nayways, theres worthwhile things to read and discuss if ya wanna, or funny sh!t, or whatver ya want, not just the same old bitching,and ranting about who knows the most GTB band trivia and songs off by heart, and sh!t liek that!!

Tickler your not in the east so, when i talked about the people being hypocritical and Cliquey, it is soo true man, if you lived here and went out to slot of the shows here, you'd see first hand!! Its hilarious!

Either way, thanks to everyone for not judging me by my "shady" jamhub experience, and being cool with me posting on here!!!



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Tickler your not in the east so, when i talked about the people being hypocritical and Cliquey, it is soo true man, if you lived here and went out to slot of the shows here, you'd see first hand!! Its hilarious!


:: Josh, I only moved to Kingston in October, I lived in Saint John for 26 years. I have gone to my fair share of shows in the east. I know most of the people who you are refering to on jamhub. If by cliquey you mean longtime friends, then yes we are cliquey. Our group of friends have always been welcoming to meeting and partying with new people, just like some folks are on here. I am saying don't judge everyone there because you got in a fight with 1 person.

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Dont get me wrong Bokonon, i love the east, i spent last spring and summer travelling in B.C, it was fun, but i missed the east coast! I'm supposed to be moving to toronto,to work in july or august, so i'll see how that goes. Then i'll have to get some people to show me around and where to go to to hear good music!

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Hey tickler, i definetely dont judge everyone because of 1 peron on there, but man You must know what i'm talking about when i say cliqueing, i'm not referring to everyone, just a certain section, that thinks they're the be all and end all of the whole scene, and wont talk to ya or look at ya unless you listen to certain music and dress a certain way! It doesnt represent the whole, in any way, but i can list off a bunch of peole, who fall into this category!!

On a different note, i had no idea you were from here, all this time, i grew up with ur cousin mike, i musta seen you around a million times and not known it.

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Hey tickler, i definetely dont jude everyone because of 1 perons on there, but man You must know what i'm talking about when i say cliqueing, i'm not referring to everyone, just a certain section, that thinks they're the be all and end all of the whole scene, and wont talk to ya or look at ya unless you listen to certain music and dress a certain way!

Apparently they don't like to be told "to eat a bag of dicks" either ::

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Hey tickler, i definetely dont judge everyone because of 1 peron on there, but man You must know what i'm talking about when i say cliqueing, i'm not referring to everyone, just a certain section, that thinks they're the be all and end all of the whole scene, and wont talk to ya or look at ya unless you listen to certain music and dress a certain way! It doesnt represent the whole, in any way, but i can list off a bunch of peole, who fall into this category!!

On a different note, i had no idea you were from here, all this time, i grew up with ur cousin mike, i musta seen you around a million times and not known it.

Yeah but every scene has people like this, you can't let it bother you.

I must of met you, I used to go out and hang with him for days out in quispamsis. I used to be bigger than him and beat him in wrestling matches. Now he could snap me in two. Thank god he does not hold grudges..haha. he is a great guy though. Did you live near him?

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Yeah, just down the road, I'm bigger than him now, he could still bust me up though, always has been able to!! But he never would, he's a great guy, good to see him lovin the shows, he's always out, its deadley!

I know everyone has those peole in every scene, its not that it really bothers me, its just annoying, ya know, makes me just wanna go up and shake them and be like, what the fu©k? hahaha

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Gr8ful the one who always has big hemp necklace and tye dye on says he does not like people who dress that way. Go back to your Divine Heist shows (the ultimate in cliquery), quit being a baby because you fu©ked up.

You can take the hollier than thouh attitude but you are just as guilty of dressing that certain way as those you say annoy you.

here is a nice response someone posted as you on jamhub:

thiiss iz compltly phukid i dont not know why ppl cannt luv all ppl. if ban hapns it piss me off and I'll phuckin get my phrindz 2gthr and well phuck everyone up and make they're noses blead. I donnt get why ppl don't get along evrr why do you gfight. im a hippy who lovez everyne peace. Oh yeah i'll phuccin rip ur face off.

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Gr8ful the one who always has big hemp necklace and tye dye on says he does not like people who dress that way"

I never said ihated people who dress that way, where are you getting that from, I could care less how someone dresses, Its the people who if"dont dress acertain way" and "dont listen ot a certian type of music" that wont have anything to do with you that i dont like!! Get your facts str8!

I sure as fu©k never posted that other thing about noses bleediong and what not, If your just here to cause sh!t, then you can fu©k urself! I'll most definetley will be goin to divine heist shows, their amazing, and as far a scliqueing, thats bullsh!t, maybe you should go to a show and see, there people of alll walks of life at heist shows, not just heads!!

Have a nice day....Jerk!! ::

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