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I've got a fever and the only prescription.....


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Garlic ginger tea.

Boil the hell out of chopped up ginger and garlic (lots lots lots). Add a tea bag near the end to subdue the heavy flavour if yee be weak of heart.

Nuthin can survive the onslaught of ginger and garlic.

I learned about that method when I was playing in Raggamuffin, it's an old Rasta remedy (or at least the Rasta's know about it and have been using it for a long time)

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lots of hot fluids, the garlic ginger tea would be good, mustard plasters work, but i'd suggest making a mustard footbath. get that powdered mustard and mix it in water with some vinegar...put onions in your socks...(i'm not kidding)...

and you could always smoke a fatty when you get stressed about it.

generally I just eat well, drink lots and maybe take a benadryl or advil when it gets painful...

good luck, my friend. you deserve to feel good.

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lots and lots of water, and SLEEP. lay in bed until you are so stir crazy you can't stand it... and then lay in bed some more. rest and fluids is really the thing that will make it go away. an entire tv series on dvd can help this process along (i made it through the first season of wonder woman when i was sick a couple of weeks ago. made it quite pleasant. :D)

i hope you feel better!

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Fluids are the best, ginger and lemon tea with a little honey is very detoxifying. Can you take any over the counter medications? Plain tylenol is pretty standard procedure at the hospital. PP is right about the couch, become one with it for a few days. Multivitamins are a good help as well.

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not that it's a remedy or anything, but has anyone ever tried cayenne in lemonade?

Cayenne is one of the best things to stop an infection/cold. But is usually has to be taken at the beginning. :(

My Mom boils red wine and then puts a towel over my head and makes me inhale it until it's cool (KFC commercial like). It makes you buzzy as all hell, but it works. Eucalyptus is also good to clear your head (if you have to drive or operate machinery).

Garlic, garlic, garlic. If you don't want to stink, drink a glass of orange juice after. If your hands smell, rub them against a stainless steel sink. If you go with capsules, try to find Allimax. They are 100% allicin (veg caps too...woo hoo)...very high powered! And you only need one a day. :D

For sore throats:

Albi makes Kama CAZE's that are awesome. It says to only take 3 a day, but (as Guigsy will attest to) you can take 3 at once if you want.

Citrinacea is like NeoCitran, but with echinacea and no added junk. (You shouldn't take echinacea or goldenseal if you are allergic to ragweed...also not more than 7 days).

Eat lots of real yogurt (or take acidophilus capsules) if you are taking anything to kill bacteria or viruses. The good bacteria in yogurt will help to replenish your intestinal flora, getting you feeling better quicker.

The all-time best infection fighter is EchinaSeal by St. Francis herb farm. It's a tincture and tastes like absolute sh!t, but it works. It has cayenne, propolis and wild indigo to give the echinacea/goldenseal a boost.

If you're just starting to get the flu, try Oscillicoccinum by Boiron homeopathics.

Okay, I think that's it for my alternative recommendations. Like has been mentioned before, SLEEP AS MUCH AS YOU CAN and don't forget to wash your hands constantly. A cold usually lasts up to 10 days. Beyond that, go get checked out. A friend of mine at work got pneumonia over the holidays, which turned into septic shock/liver & kidney failure. He nearly died and he's a healthy 35 year old. Take care of yourself!

Get a new toothbrush or store it in grapefruit seed extract as old brushes commonly reinfect people a few weeks after their initial cold.

I hope you're feeling better soon! :)

Oh, weird trivia:

At the end of the shower, turn the cold water on for a few minutes. That icy blast will help boost your immune system.

Colds are highly contageous the first 5 days.

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