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lets give a skancy welcome to Mastershake!


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I LOVE Aqua Teen Hunger Force, btw!

A friend of mine dressed up as Frylock for Halloween... he spent a week making the whole costume out of cardboard and foam with giant fries coming out of his head and painted out his whole face up and everything. When he got to the party, we were all like “so what the fu©k are you supposed to be?!?” Booyeah!

Welcome Mastershake!


Which Aqua Teen Hunger Force character are you?

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We have all four seasons of ATHF on the Xbox over here...have seen all the episodes multiple times and they're still hilarious. Last night I happened to watch 'Super Computer' from season three, I had totally forgotten how fu©king hilarious it was.

"So before Oog know it, Oog spine straighten, and me start to feather back dirty matted hair into wings for style, and me stop to use bathroom, as opposed to doing it as me walk."

"...dude, send e-mails from your brain. Also comes with rad new games like the Legend of Soletar!"

"Yeah! And it totally cures all diseases dude! I kicked my zits to the CURB!"

"Duuuuude. You're getting an Oogi Migtaaaaach."

I think my favourite is still Super Trivia though, with Wayne "The Brain" McLean.

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so it's tv related, that's why i don't get it.

um as far as the welcome letter goes, i don't remember what the subject line was or who we were welcoming to the board so i can't find it. i tried going through the list of usernames to see if that would spark my memory, but my brain broke just after "bandwhore" (she has that effect on people ;) )

but mastershake is quite smart and he knows many people from the board so he'll figure things out quickly.

oh and ladies, he's single, he's talented and he's drier than toast without butter!::

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