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Detox recommendations?


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Haven't tried the Wild Rose, but we sell a tonne of it at the health food store. I like the kits by ReNew Life (http://www.renewlife.com/). They are relatively easy to do (depending on the kit). They have a new starter detox that's only 15 days (easier b/c you really have to watch what you eat, exercise & take care of yourself). I'd recommend that one if you're starting out. If you're tartgeting certain organs or heavy metal toxicity and such they have kits tailored to that as well.

Also, detoxing can really fuck with your system and people often end up getting sick if their body is sensitive. That's okay, just don't make too many energetic plans if you're going to be taxing your system for a while. ANY cleanse will make you ladies more fertile as well, so take extra precautions. Getting pregnant after or during a cleanse is very dangerous for a baby as all of the toxins in your body are on the loose. Drink as much water as you can in a day, get at least 30 minutes of exercise (walking is good), get enough sleep (when your organs naturally detox) and eat foods with a lot of fibre (please don't make me explain this one).

Good luck Sunshine! If you have any other questions just send me a PM. :)

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hey sunshine,

i've never tried one of those herbal store-bought cleanses, but i have been a faster for many years... i did a citrus juice fast this past spring and it was so easy and felt so good i would highly recommend it to anyone. i had previously been a master cleanser, but i don't think i'll go back to that. if you want feedback re. one of those herbal combo things, message boogieknight - he's got recent (current?) experience on one.

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I have never tried to detox myself but one very easy way to do it is go vegetarian for a week or so...drink lots of water, eat lots of green veggies, and eat lots of fiber...and take your vitamins...throw in a herbal mix...

I was actually reading about this stuff the other day...and I'm sure you know why ;)

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Good call rubberdinghy. Sugar has absolutely no use for the human body (besides being tasty). You need to avoid honey, stevia and basically anything sweet. Sugar can really lower your immune system during a cleanse (and also feeds certain bacteria and parasites...ick!). Eat as much raw as you can...although you actually eat very little on a cleanse.

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Be very, very, very careful with your cleanse!

A friend of mine tried one of the Wild Rose detoxes and almost died! All her electrolytes went haywire and she almost had a stroke and was on life support for a day. She thinks it had something to do with her low BMI and that she probably got water poisoning too. But it's made me very wary of trying it myself...

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This is one reason why I like the ReNew Life brand so much. They have really awesome customer service people available 24 hours a day. If you notice anything weird you can give them a call. I was so paranoid on the first cleanse of theirs that I did that it seemed like I was calling a few times a week. There's no point in calling TeleHealth. "Worm what? Why would you take wormwood and clove tincture?" Bahhh! Hopeless.

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I just dread getting really bad headaches in the process!!

A potassium supplement should help with that (99 mg by Natural Factors is the best). Also make sure not to over-exert yourself and you should be okay. Most importantly, LISTEN TO YOUR BODY, it will tell you if you're in over your head. Don't worry about wasting money if you quit a cleanse. Sometimes the old skin and bones just ain't up for it.

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why detox?

what does it do to you?

someone who has done it. what did the 'detox' physically do to u?

or is it a mental thing?

either way, the only people i've seen do these detox things are hard core drug users/abusers...

sunshine, your obviously not part of that category...

SOOOOO, why does someone in your position do a detox?

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There's nasty "shit" that builds up in your body that you can't even fathom!!!

Especially Yeast (this can cause many problems that you don't realize)!

And when I say "nasty shit" ...I mean nasty shit!

Try a Colon cleanse.....look it up on the internet. I forget the site, but there's some pretty graphic photos of what comes out of you!!

(Gateaux do you remember the site??)

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I would suggest speaking to a doctor before attempting a detox or a cleanse. I'm not saying that b/c I don't trust Kaidy Mae's advice but this is pretty serious stuff to be undertaking and your doctor should at least be made aware that you're doing it.

There's nothing in conventional medicine that advocates a detox to cure physical ailments. I suspect it makes you feel better in the psychology of it, plus the delerium of starving yourself and forcing your body to process its own fat deposits (where we do retain some toxins no doubt).

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I would suggest speaking to a doctor before attempting a detox or a cleanse. I'm not saying that b/c I don't trust Kaidy Mae's advice but this is pretty serious stuff to be undertaking and your doctor should at least be made aware that you're doing it.

Polkaroo, you are exactly right! Everyone should keep in mind that recommendations made on the side of a box are intended for people in tip-top shape with no ailments, chronic disease or worrisome medical history. Provided you are in good health, you really shouldn't be concerned. However, you cannot be armed with anything more important than knowledge. Read as much as you can before putting anything into your body. Completely depending on your doctor can be very dangerous as well due to the fact that many MDs haven't researched detoxing. You would almost certainly be better off talking to a naturopath as well as an MD. I consulted my doc, a homeopath, a naturopath and an iridologist before tackling my cleanse. Not that that was all necessary, but I find it really interesting and am surrounded by these wise folks anyway.

There's nothing in conventional medicine that advocates a detox to cure physical ailments. I suspect it makes you feel better in the psychology of it, plus the delerium of starving yourself and forcing your body to process its own fat deposits (where we do retain some toxins no doubt).

There are significant mental and physical benefits to cleansing. It is recommended that people who own pets or walk around barefoot outside (you know who you are, hippie!) should do a parasite cleanse once or twice a year. Sure, this is more preventative, but talk to someone who has had worms or a chronic candida infection and you will understand. We put a lot of toxic stuff into our bodies (even apples qualify, if they're not organic). Every once in a while you need to clean your tubes. I try to cleanse twice a year (or more if I'm exposed to out of the ordinary nastiness, i.e. Bonnaroo '03). I can tell you first hand that the major benefit to cleansing is a whole lot more energy. Whew! I had no idea how bogged down the body could get. Your organs get tired, cleanses are a great way to wake them up. They can be tough on your body, but I always feel awesome when I'm done. My immune system is stronger and I eat MUCH better.

Fat deposits most certainly contain toxins as well. That is just one of our body's natural defences to protect us from the shit we ingest. This is why, I believe anyway, that there is such an obesity crisis going on nowadays. Your body does not want to break down and lose that fat! It knows that it will be freeing up all those safely tucked away toxins and free radicals which are hard for your system to process.

Symptom to watch for the most: Stomach pains. If you have any serious stomach cramping or pains (or if you can't go to the bathroom), stop your cleanse immediately.

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I would suggest speaking to a doctor before attempting a detox or a cleanse. I'm not saying that b/c I don't trust Kaidy Mae's advice but this is pretty serious stuff to be undertaking and your doctor should at least be made aware that you're doing it.

There's nothing in conventional medicine that advocates a detox to cure physical ailments. I suspect it makes you feel better in the psychology of it, plus the delerium of starving yourself and forcing your body to process its own fat deposits (where we do retain some toxins no doubt).

conventional doctors are not taught anything about cleanses, so consulting a doctor would be pointless. speaking with a naturopath would be more helpful. in fact, naturopathic medicine recommends fasting one day a week in addition to longer periods a few times a year. plus, naturopaths would be able to advise you on specific beneficial herbs depending on your personal issues.

our bodies are meant to have periods of rest when we don't consume food. they really are designed for it. don't believe the fear-mongering 'don't starve yourself - watch yourself!' warnings you'll get. DEFINITELY listen to your body, but go into it knowing the side effects and pay attention to your self. do what you need to do. the first day of my citrus juice fast this spring i had a killer headache, so i ate an apple to direct some of my internal processing energy towards digestion for a bit... then i fell asleep at 8pm. after that though it was smooth sailing - good energy and feeling excellent.

i think what's crucial is going into it with the knowledge that your body is designed for such cleanses, and that what you are doing is beneficial... if you feel like you are doing damage then you probably are, but as long as it feels ok, keep it up.

and to answer your question secondtube, you really can feel your body cleaning itself out. it's wild, and impossible to describe, but your urine comes out heavier and dirty, your tongue is constantly coating itself with toxic waste... you can really feel your body working. my body feels thrilled that i'm giving it the chance to rest and clean out - it really does feel positive and almost thankful... ...when you do the master cleanse, every morning you drink a litre of body temperature salt water - it's the same density as your blood, so it doesn't get absorbed by your liquid digestive system --- it flushes out your intestines, so you shit liquid - but DAMN the nastiness that comes out even after a week or more of not eating - you'd have a hard time believing all that garbage was stored inside you unless you tried it for yourself.

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I appreciate the feedback Kaidy Mae and Moose. I think perceived vs. actual effects, perceived vs. actual benefits and in general perception vs. reality is where I take issue with these and other "natural" remedies.

Firstly, they can cause as much harm if not more than conventional medicine which, let's face it, has faced a battery of tests and certifications that homeopathic remedies have not. Secondly, while a detox or cleanse does indeed feel good (I know, I've done it) I'm only capable of touting the feel-good part as just that, because no one has proven that in the long-term it improves one's overall health or flushes out any toxins that weren't already rendered inert by our bodies. Your stomach can be completely empty and your poo will continue to be coloured because you're passing digestive and intestinal materials, dead blood cells and all of the usual things that get wrapped up with food waste. It has nothing to do with body toxins.

Similarly where organics or conventional agriculture is concerned, washing an apple under tepid water will remove 100% of any residual pesticides on the product, and with fruits that are peeled this is not a concern. I'd go so far as saying that depriving your body of the vitamins and minerals in the apple does more damage than eating it.

I'm not trying to reign on anyone's shit parade but I think the effects of a master cleanse/detox should only be put forward as having anecdotal health effects, and as something to be pursued in consultation with a professional...naturopathic or otherwise. We walk a fine line with organic food and holistic remedies where we want so strongly to believe these things are better for us that we're willing to overlook data or studies that prove otherwise.

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