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come together fest thoughts from the past ...

mark tonin

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Wow, only 8 days until this year's festival ... I am stoked! In my quest to clear off some space on my hard drive, I came across this post that I wrote after the May 2003 festival ... I thought some of you might enjoy reading a blast from the past. Peace, Mark


Wowzie wowzie wow wow … what a weekend! I can’t even begin to put any structure to what happened at Frontier Town this past weekend, so here is my random blast of happy thoughts from what will undoubtedly go down as one of the best weekends of my entire life:

Watching it rain all day on Friday but then arriving at Frontier Town on Friday at around 6 p.m. just as the rain stopped. It didn’t rain once after that, and Sunday was absolutely perfect weather for an outdoor music festival … not too hot, not too cold, lots of sunshine, an almost full moon, twinkling stars …

Talking with the guys from PEI that I met in the saloon on Friday while the sampler disc from the Waterloo Bombshelter show was playing in the saloon. And thank you Esau13 for your kind words about that disc. I appreciate it. It is really cool to meet people that have traveled a long distance to an event. The energy that travelers bring to a party cranks it up yet another notch.

Rose Garland’s great dose of Dead on Friday night in the Saloon, and the positive feedback from the band members and their fans about what was happening at Frontier Town. It was nice to have some new bands and lots of Frontier Town first timers at this CTMF.

Waiting with Meagan for Jomomma to start playing on Friday night. Absolutely hilarious … one of those “you had to be there” moments. Yes it sucked that Jomomma barely got to play, but the wait was probably the funniest moment of the weekend for me.

Diesel Dog > Mark Wilson & The Way It Is > nero > The Wassabi Collective … I was stoked for this all weekend, and I had the BEST time as it all went down. Oh yes, and meeting Paul and Sorena from Highway Freeker on Saturday afternoon at the Bank and again at night in the Saloon while Caution Jam cranked out the tunes like only they can.

Putting the disco ball on top of Wi!!y’s van.

Getting ready to go to bed on Sunday morning, only to run into my buddy Scot, who had just woken up to pee. So we both stayed up and had a great stroll through the campground, laughing our asses off as we walked. Sorry to anyone that we woke up on this journey.

The conversation that I had with Jennifer from Wassabi Collective on Sunday afternoon … my favourite conversation from the weekend … thank you for sharing that time and energy with me. It is easy to support a band when the band members that I talk with give off such great energy. And it certainly doesn’t hurt when members of the band lead an all-night drum jam for 2 nights in a row, in addition to their scheduled set of music!!!

The Slip … I know that some people were disappointed that they didn’t lay down dance grooves, but wow, can those guys play! There were more than a few times when I could not believe my eyes and ears as I watched and listened to them.

Guesthouse playing Loose Lucy … brought back fond memories from a Dead show I was at where that song was played.

Friends of Hefner in the saloon and Acoutissabi around the fire to close things out. It was a treat to have two acts to choose from, and made for some room in the saloon, which was especially nice when things got funky!!!

Dancing all weekend with and among so many people I could never list them all, but here’s a bunch of names to start with. This list includes people that I distinctly remember seeing and being inspired by while dancing (not including band members), and whose names I remember. For those of you that know me, you’ll know that this list would be much longer if I had a brain for names. Not to mention the effect that 3 days at Frontier Town has on one’s memory! Thank you for the dancing inspiration blair, mud, backbacon, studog, adam, loletta, crystal, sunshine, shannon, erin, tungsten, denise, ann, dr. hux, ms. hux, bouche, booche, dave, stapes, willy, rafael, scot, deb, dancing man, super freak, greg (esau), allison, yo, karin, paisley, jason, swifty, swifty’s wife (man oh man I’m sooooo bad with names), and many many many more I am sure. And an extra big inspirational thank you to scottieking!

And it was especially nice to see Bouche, Sharon, KevO, and everyone else that helps with jambands.ca … people are always thanking me for what I do with the site, and to be truthful, at times I feel like I do very little compared to what others do to help the scene. It takes a community of people to make it happen, including the bands, fans, promoters, managers, etc. It is so nice when everyone comes together to celebrate what we have. And what we have is magical and special. I am a lucky man to be involved with this community!

Peace, love and hugs to all!


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Thanks for the kind words, Kaidy Mae ... I think that May 2003 and May 2001 probably rank as my favourite Come Together Fest weekends ... I've had a great time at all of them, but those two weekends were magical ... I think great weather on the May long weekend helps to take it over-the-top ... let's keep our fingers and toes crossed for awesome weather this May long weekend.

Looking forward to an exchange of inspiration next weekend with many wonderful people!!!

Peace, Mark

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I think that weekend was my favorite one as well.. it just had all the right music all the right people.. and really the right place. Not that the new place doesnt offer a great time, just FT really felt safe and like home...

I think my favorie FT memory is from the Recipe show when there was a rainbow streching across the sky behind the dance area and how the lyrics in the songs just matched perfectly in sleeping cities when mentioned k dont quote me here but i recall " we will fly under rainbow skies in a jorney to the sun " anyways... I just remember feeling that I was about to explode with just how much energy was comming from the band, from the fellow dancers... and i felt at that time that even nature was just there sharing all she had with us.... i think that was about the time that i fell in love with frontier town... hehe okay sappy sappy... but it's true.

cant wait to see everyone again :) and dance dance dance :P

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May 2003 was hands down my favorite... It had the best vibe of all of the CTMFs that I've attended... It had a great lineup, great weather and great people as well. Even though I missed The Slip, I still had so many magical moments that I doubt any CTMF will match it. Plus it was at Frontier Town, which added so much to the vibe... I imagine this year's will be amazing as well, I can't wait...

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Yup, May CTMF was fantastic! Aside from:

- Booche trying to pick fights with all the sleeping people at 9am;

- our car having to be jump-started all weekend (including the trip back to Ottawa);

- being so violently ill that I missed most of Saturday night

I HAD SUCH A GREAT TIME! I can't believe with all the crap I was dealing with that weekend, it was absolutely one of the best weekends I have ever had! I am very excited for next weekend! We've got our list started and I'll start packing this week!!!

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thanks for bringing back the memory of one of the best weekends i've ever had.

my first live slip experience, and wow!! anyone remember the roman candles going off over the stage, laterally, from behind i think? during the slip's set.. i have a distinct memory of these green roman candles being shot while they were playing imagine.. i see it everytime i hear the tune.

the music, the people, the saloon, the bonfire, the vibe... man, there was some kinda magic that weekend.

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quit livin' in the past man.

when i get home i'm gonna post a couple pics i was planning on posting before i left home... fun times from ghost towns gone by. very looking forward to this one.

i recall the may ctmf of yore... i chilled in the saloon while the slip played. i dont remember much specific. i think i went up on thursday and met a few others for the first time. crow was there, and the dude with the lcbo banner and free shots. and, esau saved me with an extra case of beer on sunday. cheers. hey, its all coming back.

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I think my favorie FT memory is from the Recipe show when there was a rainbow streching across the sky behind the dance area...

I have a great pic from that weekend of King Brian the Leprechaun, Mark Crissinger & I where it looks like a rainbow is coming out of Mark's head. I'll try to post it next week. Thanks for bringing that image back to me CT. Hopefully I'll see you next weekend. :)

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Yeah, all great times.

I have some photos to post too.

Here are a few from may '02 I think. There is no place like ghosttown.

benson on the loose!


photo mud


photo mud

Skank Groupshot


photo bouche

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forgot to add two of the pictures
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this picture is from my first ctmf... may 2002 (the cold one). if you dont know who i am, im not tellin' ya!


the next two are from canada day, 2003 i think.

blue quarter played one night... i slept through their set, and awoke to a gaggle of happy campers returning to our site talking about how great they were... since i missed the fun, i decided to make my own fun. i downed a few handfuls of fungus, and minded my own. most everyone else went to sleep and i began to build this sleeping sculpture with my friend dan, and everything from my trunk. everything... even little piles of hickory sticks placed on/around him strategically. once finished, i wanted to show off my creation. i first found a couple who were smoking a bowl of hash.. then somehow managed to convince teeterville stn. to play accordion... and so on...

i wish i could explain this better:



the best part was, dan swore revenge... he didnt like being decorated.

but, he passed out in front of the fire again the next night... hahaha, so i did it again!

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hey .... ho !

Here's a photo from 2003 !

Awesome Mike ... that's a great pic! We've got to get a group shot of the skanks for 2005. Have we decided where and when yet? I remember a discussion about taking a group photo, but I don't remember if a final decision was made about where and when. Maybe Sunday afternoon at around 4 p.m., as most people should be at the festival at that time?

Peace, Mark

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Maybe Sunday afternoon at around 4 p.m., as most people should be at the festival at that time?

Sunday would probably be a good day for a photo. I don't know the place at all so I can't even say "let's meet at the saloon!"

I miss the saloon. It was the perfect meeting hub.

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okay, I've got a few minutes so here are some of my favourite moments;

1) Dancing with Mud and everybody else Tonin mentioned above. (Mark - if you look at the picture Mud took of you dancing you'll realize that the little tuft of hair above your head is me. Mud kept trying to take pictures of the two of us dancing together but we kept blocking each other out)

2) Backbacon - takin' a "trip" at about 7am and listening to Keri talk to himself and his other self for what seemed to be about a good hour - straight. Was during that same morning that I a great and deep conversation with Tonin (first time we truly connected)

3) Instagator - humping the bar in the saloon so hard at one point all the bottles fell off

4) writting horrilby nasty and dirty messages above the bar with Shitidiot

5) watching some really fucked up biker dude take Carrgo's hat off his head and throwing it across the bar. Carrgo telling him to go get it. Dude-buddy wouldn't go get it. Carrgo goes and gets it. Comes back and just starts yanking on this guys ear.....up and down.....up and down......so funny!!

6) Keri and his crash test dummmy girlfriend head "Bianca". Making out then beating savagely......making up, making out, beating up savagely.........lather, rinse, repeat......

7) Burtman and Stephen Franke jammin' by the campfire late night. Next night Ray(?) from The John Henry's and Trish (one of our friends who grew up playing bluegrass) jammin' out great tunes by the fire.....both AMAZING!!!

so many more but I gotta go!!

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Dancing all weekend with and among so many people I could never list them all, but here’s a bunch of names to start with. This list includes people that I distinctly remember seeing and being inspired by while dancing (not including band members), and whose names I remember. For those of you that know me, you’ll know that this list would be much longer if I had a brain for names. Not to mention the effect that 3 days at Frontier Town has on one’s memory! Thank you for the dancing inspiration blair, mud, backbacon, studog, adam, loletta, crystal, sunshine, shannon, erin, tungsten, denise, ann, dr. hux, ms. hux, bouche, booche, dave, stapes, willy, rafael, scot, deb, dancing man, super freak, greg (esau), allison, yo, karin, paisley, jason, swifty, swifty’s wife (man oh man I’m sooooo bad with names), and many many many more I am sure. And an extra big inspirational thank you to scottieking!

And what we have is magical and special. I am a lucky man to be involved with this community!

Peace, love and hugs to all!


Dancing with you Mark is one of my most favorite past-times at a show.

Looking forward to this year.

2003 was Unbelievable!!!

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