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Dealing with bitchy neighbours?


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Ok, I'm about at my wit's end here. I have this neighbour upstairs who is CONSTANTLY bitching about my noise level. I bought myself a sweet new pair of stereo speakers this evening (B&W 602's), not very big or anything though. I set them up in my living room and thought I'd see how they sound. This was just after 9pm. I put in some Keith Jarrett quiet jazz and played it at what I'd call a reasonably loud volume for about 4-5 minutes and then turned it down some. Before the end of one song she was pounding on the door, threatening to call the landlord, then the cops.

This is within the space of about 7 minutes of music.

Previously she has pounded on the floor (my ceiling) over the sound coming from my computer speakers at low volume as early as 6pm.

Now, if I was living in a building full of retirees I'd understand, but the average age here, as far as I can tell, is under 30, I've got neighbours who are screaming violently at each other for days on end, and another guy downstairs pumping LOUD hip hop all day long. However, as far as I understand, I don't have a single defence if she decides I'm too loud for her liking. What to do???

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One word - gabber... One volume level - loud... As far as I know, you can crank your stereo until 11pm... I say give her something to really complain about... I went through the same thing in Mississauga, if the landlord does come calling, ask to see where it says it's a quiet building... If it doesn't, tell your neighbour to deal with it or move...

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I'm not sure if that rule applies here though, Del. My buddy, who was here at the time, said it doesn't. Seems pretty rediculous to me. I don't think I've ever made a noise complaint, as I figure it just begs for bad karma.

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If you get in a war with her, all is lost. Try the other route: be nice. Talk to her, find out if there are times when music is and/or isn't OK. See if you can negotiate a decent "maximum volume" level with her. (If you have the equipment, see if you can measure the db level in your apartment, and upstairs.) Also check with your landlord, and he/she might be able to resolve the situation. You could also see about installing some sound insulation, like a heavy drape/curtain on the ceiling (or on the walls), or even types of drywall that are much better at absorbing sound than the regular stuff.



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You gotta move Blane. Things will only get worse.

One of the first things I inquire about when checking out a potential apartment building is how thick the floors and walls are. I've never had a noise complaint and I've had both Bouchard brothers, Esau, Basher etc... over to my apartment, plus I play guitar and have 5 PSB speakers with DTS audio on my stereo/home theatre.

Move into an older apartment building if you can. They are built to last.

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I DID ask about it when I moved in, but either I didn't get an honest answer or she moved in at the same time I did. Thanks for the advice all. I don't quite know how I'll make it through the summer if I have to be tiptoeing around here while jazzfest and whatever else is going on.

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I would keep track of every complaint,time of day,day of the week,what it was about etc etc.

Also,if you have other neighbours,inquire with them about this lady,perhaps she has complained about them also (or is a nut job that cries at everything) and maybe inquire about the volume of your music,see if its been an issue for them also.

After that,if its a decent time of the evening I would just turn your music on & if she complains or threatens the police,tell her to call them.Worst they will do is tell you to turn it down if its too loud,if not you can exlain to them that she complains about the slightest sound.

Going to your landlord may be an idea also,perhaps she's all talk & no action,if you confront the landlord about this first it may be a good idea.

Cuz,shit,you pay to live there also.Why should she dictate how things are.

Just a couple thoughts...

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i think brad's on to the best solution. negotiation. if that doesn't work, tell her that the music keeps the voices in your head at bay, and who really wants to hear "kill kill kill maim destroy all neighbours" anyway? if you still are having problems, murder or a moving van in that order.

just my $0.02 :)

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Trying to negotiate will lead to an even worse situation. The last thing you need is for her to meet you face-to-face and know that you have new speakers.

She's obviously angry about something other than your music so negotiation will be a crap-shoot at best.

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Yeah, that's kinda what we were figuring Jaimoe. Anyone who has to be in bed by 9pm probably has more to be angry with than the neighbours' music.

Anyhow, I'm going to go talk to the super and see what he can suggest. Moving would suck as I probably spend two solid weeks painting fixing walls, etc. and would have to break a lease.

It's just crazy, cause as I type this the guy in the apartment DIAGONALLY below mine (like we don't share a single wall or floor)is playing music so loudly that it is coming into the far end of my apartment, yet nobody seems to ever complain to him (perhaps due to his LARGE stature and dark complexion? ;) ).

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I'd investigate exactly what rights you do have. Call the boys in blue and ask 'em...how late can you play music that is audible in your neighbour's apartment? How loud is too loud? What are the repercussions? I've dealt with many an arsehole neighbour (never again will I live in a townhouse) and find that, sadly, trying to negotiate is a dead end. If you can crank it until 11, do so. If she wants to call the cops every time you want to get down, eventually she will be the pain in their ass.

I once knew someone whose neighbour called the police every time her dog would bark. It got to the point of such craziness that the police told the neighbour not to call anymore unless there was an emergency. Perhaps you can get your neighbour blacklisted as well. Sucky that it has to be this way though. Either way it's not pleasant. Good luck!

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The 11pm rule has always been in my playbook. I'll respect quiet at 11. However, if you're not even being really loud, and that person is pounding on the floor, keep it up until they come knocking. Answer the door naked.

Here's some inspiration:

SIR SEAN CONNERY has filed a countersuit against his New York neighbour, after the townhouse resident sued the acting legend for being a "rude, foul-mouthed, fat old man".

Last month (FEB05) ophthalmologist DR BURTON SULTAN filed a $30 million (GBP15.7 million) lawsuit against the former JAMES BOND star, claiming renovations Connery and his wife MARILYN are carrying out on the top two floors on the building, which began in September 2001, are a source of constant noise, foul fumes, water leaks and a rat infestation.

Sultan and his family claim the Connerys also owe $15,747 (GBP8,287) in maintenance and utility payments - another ploy "to harass the Sultans" out of their home.

In a countersuit filed by Connery, he accuses Sultan "has embarked on a campaign of harassing" the Scots star and his family.

The suit says, "It's clear that the condominium cannot function if it is run by defendant, Burton Sultan, out of his office... in Old Westbury as a tyrant."

Connery's spokesperson has dismissed the allegations, claiming the actor spends most of his time in the Bahamas.

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Yeah, if she's the sort who bangs on your door yelling rather than knocking on your door to discuss it resonably, sounds like negotiation might be sticky.

You've mentioned that a lot of people play their music really loud in the building. Maybe it's the cumulative loudness that has driven her over the edge and you just get the brunt of it because you happen to be the closest ceiling to stomp. Perhaps she works nights or shift work and hasn't had a decent sleep in weeks. Or a baby up there (though if she can hear your music, I guess you'd hear the crying ...)

Sometimes an EQ tweak can help. Even music played at a not-too-loudish volume can be grating as hell and seem louder elsewhere in the building than in the room it's being listened to in because of the lowend. ie: I like Matisyahu. I like my housemate. I like the fact that if he's going to play music at 4 or 5am he's considerate enough to do so at low volume. Yet those very things are the reason I'm a tired, grumpy version of d_rawk this morning.

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That will be me someday.

My buddy's ex-girlfriend was once sued by her downstairs neighbour for the price of repairs to the neighbour's ceiling. The repairs were made to fix damage caused by the neighbour, who used a broom end to bash his own ceiling when he felt that my buddy's ex was being too loud... which apparently was whenever she listened to music, watched TV, spoke, or washed the dishes. Eventually, it cracked and caved in on the guy, and then he tried to stick her with the bill.

The guy lost, but it was still a huge hassle for my buddy's ex - luckily, she had some lawyer friend who took the case pro bono.

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I had a neighbour downstairs in London who would complain if we rolled a chair (with wheels) across the office floor. Psycho!

Band_Whore, the Pikester and I did eventually get an eviction notice (after a mere 2 weeks) after we had a Caution Jam after party. Special mention to Studog & Bacon for their not-so-quiet hula hooping on the balcony at 5am. You Chatham fuckers... *shakes fist* I'm sure Les & Griff's early morning, booze induced argument about music didn't help. We worked it out with the landlords, but we probably should have bolted right then. They were totally intrusive! We were even told not to buy too much toilet paper because it was a fire hazard. Retirees don't often make good landlords. :(

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bouche has it right. 11pm is the cut off....unless there is a city bi-law like we have here in KW. If the police deem the noise to be excessive at ANY hour they can shut you down. Long story short, have the police called on you. They will set your limits for you and almost surely give you a warning on the first offense. I had a prick of an old man telling me I couldn't play music because he worked midnights...I WORKED MIDNIGHTS AT THE SAME TIME (frustrated smiley) I pushed him and pushed him and he was too pussy to call the cops, he called the landlord instead. Landlord came over to talk to me (he was a pretty cool slumlord) and he told me he couldn't stand the guy and to do what i want till the cops were called. This is extenuating i'm sure but fuck him. Like Greg said you pay to live there too.

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I'd totally respect 11pm. No problems with that. D_Rawk, I don't think it's the low ends as she lives upstairs, my speakers are fairly smooth (not too bassy) and I have them on stands with pins to reduce bass bleeding.

Maybe I'll call the cops and ask what my rights are. Doesn't look like there would be much negotiating with this lady. Thanks guys!

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You all have some crazy stories. I've got one of my own brewing as we speak.

I live in a 3-storey house. The 3rd storey is a finished attic with an A-frame ceiling. We packed it full of instruments and used to jam regularly up there. One day in September, literally a week after we moved in, the cops were at the door at 7pm on a Sunday because somebody had called in a noise complaint. Granted, we had the windows open, but I live in a busy main street, and I find it hard to believe that the noise was keeping anybody from sleeping. Both houses to the right of us are vacant, and we know most of the other close neighbours, and it wasn't them who called. Anyway this has been going on since September; anytime we play music, the phantom neighbour calls the cops. They must have walked over that one day in September, figured out which house the noise was coming from, and now they don't even have to move, they just call. Before moving to Hamilton, I had never lived anywhere else but Toronto, where the noise by-law takes effect at 11pm. In Hamilton (like KW evidently) they can get you at any time. Last time they came (they don't even send real cops anymore, just by-law police) we were told that the criterion for complaints is if noise originating from one dwelling can be heard in another dwelling. They only write you a ticket, though, if the offense is still occuring when the officers arrive at your door. We have managed to avoid fines so far, but we've sort of relocated a bunch of the instruments, too.

Anyway none of that really matters, what I mean to say is that if Toronto is 11pm, I can't imagine that Montreal wouldn't be the same or later. Forget moving, you just operate within your rights and if the crazy lady can't take it, SHE can move.

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