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So yesterday at work...


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was the last day of the month,, and every month they make us lowley employees jump thru some sort of hoop, be it who collects the most cash thru western union, i work for a collection agency BTW, well for May it was Call Log, the collectors have to be on the phone like 4 hrs a day, im not a collector, im Trace, so my target is 90 mins a day, which is tiny, i was about 1000 mins over my log, and there was only 1 collector out of the whole bunch who hit her target for the month, so the draw was between the both of us, 50-50 shot at winning, well i won, guess what i won.......

a brand spanking new fucking 32" TV set!!! saved me about 400$

id like to take this oportunity to say WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FUCKINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ohh yeah free shit rocks!!!!!! especially when its a 32" tv damn i was excited, the bastard weighs 165 lbs, not a flat screen, but it still fuckin rocks!!!

and today my boss blair, cool guy, tells me that theyre doing the same call log bullshit this month and he asked me what i wanted to win this month lol!!! told him i wouldnt mind a new couch to sit in fronta my new tv and he laughed his ass off. but now ive gotta think about something thats worth about 400 that i want for this month

any suggestions?

this job fucking rocks man, paid sick days off too WOO!


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so you're the bastard that keeps callin...

i dont really call for money, im in Trace, i just find the big balances that are hiding out under rocks like deadbeats, found 49,000 one file today

yeah 400$ beer store would be sweet, doubt the boss would go fer it in case someone else won though

its got a S-video plug too, thats where you can run your tower to your tv isnt it? 32 inch monitor rocks my world

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First off, congratulations. You're right, free stuff is awesome.

Second, I find it funny picturing someone in your situation returning to your duties after winning that. It's comical to think of a person working for a collection agency being in an unstoppably terrific mood as they work.

Finally, I have to say that despite the fact that I'm sure you do a good job and you take down deadbeat scummy bastards quite a lot and it's just a job and all that, I can't get around having a weird karmic taste in my mouth thinking of employees of collection agencies winning cool stuff every month.

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not so sure the bossll go for that, i think hes thinking more along the lines of legal goods lol

no worries velvet im not offended, i think its just incentive to get us to do out jobs better, you know how ppl will work harder if theyre working towards something...

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another thought i just had, how it leaves a bad taste in your mouth, it really shouldnt, i mean these bums wont pay their bills, we just try and get the dough back for the folks that are owed it.

nothing wrong with that, i mean how many times have you been owed dough and felt frustrated right? everyone does.

and on that note, back to tracking down scumballs.....

if you really think about it, ive been in collectinos for a while, i used to collect hand to hand at PJC for years for bands, its not that different, well it is and it isnt

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