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Slacking Office Workers, I Need Your Help


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the boss is away till Friday, and left me very little to do...

so i answer phones....and thats about it right now...

what can i do on this crazy internet thingy that is a good time waster...

keeping in mind, i'm in an office where anyone can see my monitor at anytime...


My sanity.

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Okay, this site is insane...insanely hilarious, that is! I can't believe the shit that people will spend their time on.

Not only do "fans" reconstruct scenes from Ewan McGreggor's films (*cough* with dolls!)...they even reconstructed Ewan talking about such reconstructed scenes on Leno. Pretty wacky!

My fave...


Hard to believe that some people seem to have even more time on their hands than us skanks. :P

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mwahahahahahaha! you are such a brat.... i love it. :D

2ndtube, this is work safe, fascinating, but sort of depresseing: www.encyclopedia-titanica.org it's not a very fancy looking site, but there is tons on it. you can read all about the people of the titanic, descriptions of the bodies they found (including what they were wearing and what the people had on them), survivor accounts, list of victims, original newspaper articles, learn about the boat, etc.

and this site is FULL of awesome and super interesting beatles information, in particular, everything you could possibly know about each song -- the circumstances under which it was recorded, what it's really about, all sorts of interesting info. www.iamthebeatles.com there is TONS of beatles trivia here.

this is a neat site too: www.foundmagazine.com

and of course, the ultimate in addicting timewasters: http://grouphug.us

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what can i do on this crazy internet thingy that is a good time waster...

You don't need the internet. Spend lots of time in the bathroom with the waiting room magazines. I'm sure you could find a big, floppy pair of Ethiopian boobs in a National Geographic that could do the job. And what ever you do,don't think about Little T. No reason to waist a perfectly good hard on.

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