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Canada Day @ "that place" - ticketholders - PLEASE READ


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Here we go everyone....about 24 hours to go!

We've sold 400 tickets for this party, yes 400 people will be sucking back pints of beer with you in 1 sleep from now.

Because we've already reached the number we wanted to get to, we're prettty much at capacity. This means, there are 0 tickets left to sell...so if for some silly reason, after 4 weeks of knowing about this bash, you and your 10 friends have been holding off on getting tickets until the door, it won't happen.

We have an incredible amount of beer for this party. We've set another record again this year. We went from 7 kegs in 2002, to 12 kegs in 2003, to 18 kegs in 2004 to (drum roll) at least 25 kegs in 2005.. yup, let the excessive boozing begin (in 24 hours). To add to that there will be an assortment of large juicy coolers to alternatively sip on as well as some x-tra alcohol suprises... However, even with copious amounts of alcohol, we may run out (whether it be 8pm or 10pm we eventually will finish).. if you are a person who wants to drown your liver in a tsunami of alcohol, I suggest bringing a pocket pint (plastic please)... you won't need it, but you will look tougher in front of your friends. Your toughness factor will be greatly diminshed when you're puking in the bushes, but hey, you'll always have 1-4pm. those were great times.

Folks, from here on in is the most important information for having a successful party, please read this carefully, then send this to your friends who are coming and anyone else who you know will be there, you can forward this e-mail, phone them, fax them, smoke signal them or just scream it in their ear... everyone coming needs to keep this info in mind, if we all do, we all benefit from a hassle free, problem free, and all around amazing party. Here we go with the top 10 things to a perfect party:

1) Parking - There is no parking in the backyard, since that's where we'll all be standing around, but there are spots on the streets for those who don't plan on sucking back too many pints. Since we were 10 years old, we've all heard about drinking and driving so no need to lecture people now. I don't think anyone would be that stupid, but thought I'd put a reminder here. We're right downtown guys, minutes away from every bus in the city, so get drunk, and let someone who hasn't put away enough beer to stop an elephant take you home.

2) Drinking beer and listening to music is a ton of fun. Cleaning up after all you drunk asses, not as much fun. To make things as easy (and as safe as possible) please don't bring any glass bottles with you... if you're on the cooler patrol, get the 2 litre Rockaberry that so many people had their first drunk experiences when they were 14....just hold back the tears because the high school quarterback won't talk to you. Any other x-tra personal booze, same thing.. hit the plastic please.

3) Don't be an idiot. Ok, be an idiot, but an idiot that people find funny, as opposed to the idiot that people want to beat over the head with a rutabaga. Have fun, drink beers, listen to the music.. do whatever, but keep the partying on the gravel in the backyard. As long as everyone stays in the courtyard, the chances of getting shut-down are slim. When you go into another yard, or out on the street with booze, you are opening up the chance that a neighbor gets pissed off an calls the cops. Last year, we had a run in with the neighbors because someone decided the line for the cans was too long and went over and watered the neighbors plants. They got pissed and almost called the cops on us. Don't be that person, you run the big risk of ruining it for everyone. If you have a small bladder, its ok, just get in the line before you absolutely have to go...there'll be 4 porta potties!!!

In the spirit of ultimate frisbee, everyone is a referee.. what does this have to do with Canada Day you ask? if you see someone being a tit (as opposed to showing them) ask them to smarten up, even give them a good ole grandfatherly slap on the back of the head. they will thank you later. This party will be as as good as everyone makes it...

4) Bring your id, especially if you've been on the oil of olay hard core and you look 17... If for some reason the cops do show up, we want to be able to tell them for sure that everyone is over 19... shouldn't be a problem, but its easy to take it with you, so be a dear and bring your plastic face. I have everyone on a list, we're all accounted for, we all have ID, there'll be no problems!!

5) Stage - the only reason you should be on stage is if you play in a band. Tons of room down in the courtyard to do whatever you want, no need to get up on stage and make an ass of yourself, you can do that anywhere. There will literally be thousands of dollars of equipment on stage, and the guys who own it would rather their gear working than broke. And believe me, you don't want to see a mad Glen Whelan... he grows spikes from his temple, and his back hair fluffs out and he grunts and shouts a lot... its scary.

6) Cups.. you get one. last year we had a bunch of people coming up and asking for a second cup, because they lost it, or ate it cause they were hungry, whatever. We cause enough garbage as it is, one cup.

7) Food for the Hungry - Friendly reminder folks to bring a pocket full of change, Dirienzo's will be serving sammy's and pasta for everyone looking for a tasty, cheap ($3-$3.50) meal to keep you going throughout the day. They'll arrive round 4ish and will be at it till after 6pm or later if people are still hungry. Again, if for some unknown reason, there are a few of you who don't want the best sandwiches in Ottawa, and you decide to run out for a slice of pizza or something - leave the beer cup in the backyard.

8) Drink Water - there will be large coolers of water for everyone to drink from, fill your cups once in awhile, the heat and sweat will dehydrate you, espically after a few beers, keep cool under the shade tents if you need to, you'll last longer and feel better (a bit anyway) come saturday.

9) Safety and First Aid - a number of us will have first aid kits on hand, just in case you fall, someone falls on you, or you get hit in the eye with a beanbag. Look for the people with kits on them, ask someone working the door, or if it's really urgent tell the guys on the stage to mention it. We had small incidents last year with some minor aid and it's better to be prepared then sorry.

10) Wear Red!!! - it's a celebration of our Country and Canadian Pride!! Obviously the more red and white the better...i'd like to look out to the crowd come mid friday and see a sea of red swarming round, the more red we wear, the more beautiful It'll be (Hux edit - Liberal Party "flare" is enouraged)

One last point... the weather may be up and down, be prepared for anything.. if you remember Hurricane Pedro last year, you'll know what I'm talking about.. bring a rain jacket, sunblock, tanning lotion, KY, aloe vera, anything to be prepared!! We'll have shade tents, rain tents, and everything there as well to help out...the party will go on regardless!!

Thats all folks!!

Again, this party will be as awesome as we make it; have lots of fun, keep it all in the courtyard, respect everyone and the neighbouring houses, if theres a problem stop it or tell someone who will before it gets out of hand and ruins this for everyone there. Guys this is the 5th year we've been doing this, and this will be the best yet!! Get some rest folks, Friday is gonna be the big one!!

See ya all at the door on Friday!!

Pottie (with minor editing by me)

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if you are a person who wants to drown your liver in a tsunami of alcohol, I suggest bringing a pocket pint (plastic please)... you won't need it, but you will look tougher in front of your friends. Your toughness factor will be greatly diminshed when you're puking in the bushes, but hey, you'll always have 1-4pm. those were great times.


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5) Stage - the only reason you should be on stage is if you play in a band...There will literally be thousands of dollars of equipment on stage, and the guys who own it would rather their gear working than broke.

Is there going to be a designated area for musicians to stash gear before/after they're on stage, kind of like an instrument lock-up?



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Rule #12: As Master Of Ceremonies, as long as everything is running smoothly, I am in charge. At the first hint of trouble I am absolved of any responsibility to the party, the property, myself, or others.

Not all of us are gonna make it out of this one. Good luck, and may the Good Lord have mercy on your souls.

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Hahaha! Sounds like you guys are going to have an absolute riot! I really wish I could make it this year. :( Oh well, it'll have to be next.

If I have any advice, it is to BRING YOUR HEALTH CARD. I can't stress this enough. Hopefully you won't need it, but it doesn't hurt to bring it along.

Sleep in the recovery position everyone! :D I can't wait to read about the aftershocks on Monday.

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I love the Google Ads I'm getting for this thread:

Custom Glassware

$0.12 shot glass. $0.44 pint glass

Beer Accessories

Looking for deals on beer stuff?

Quit on your own (!)

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Guinness - PubGlasses

Large selection of Guinness items

and so forth ...

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I will bring along some lovely scented incense to put in the portapotties so that they remain smelling semi nice, just in case some silly person decides that they MUST go number 2 at the party.....

c'mon people...for all our sakes, hold it and just keep them poo free!!!

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I love the Google Ads I'm getting for this thread:

Custom Glassware

$0.12 shot glass. $0.44 pint glass

Beer Accessories

Looking for deals on beer stuff?

Quit on your own (!)

Recovery groups, shrinks and

rehabs are part of the


Guinness - PubGlasses

Large selection of Guinness items

and so forth ...

Don't forget to have a look at some of those things. You never know what you'll find at the end of the click ;)

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