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Holy crap! I'm in Saudi Arabia!

Guest Low Roller

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Guest Low Roller

Hey Skank!

First of all happy belated Canada Day to everybody! I betcha some of you are still recovering from the festivities.

I've been busting my arse over in Saudi Arabia for four days now. The weather is about 50 degrees everyday. Thankfully everything is air conditioned here, so the work site is not unbearably hot. We've already installed two theatre size projection screens. These systems are crazy cool, and I'm drooling at the thought of playing some Xbox on one of these systems.

I haven't had a chance to really do any tourist stuff, but then again, that's not very recommended around here. I'm staying at a hotel which was shot up by terrorists about three months ago. Now it's probably the safest place in Khobar with military checkpoints, electric fences with razor wire and large barricades. We get driven from the hotel compound to the work compound every day. Both sites have very tight security, so I feel perfectly safe. This week-end I'll be headed into town to check out some sites, so that'll be the real test.

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al-khobar is a pretty interesting town, we were there for three or four days on our own. went walking through the market and got all sorts of looks ( i should probably mention that i'm a longhair - this is pretty much unheard of in the Kingdom).

stay safe, low roller...and good on you for actually getting internet access! when i was there (93??) there was nothing. anyone wanting the internet had to go to Dubai...obviously things are a bit looser, at least for the "guest workers..."

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Guest Low Roller

Gay marriages are illegal, and being homosexual is considered a crime. A little extreme if you ask me. Having narcotics will lead directly to the death penalty.

The culture is very different here, and it is hard to adjust. Women always wear black robes and face scarfs (sorry, don't know the actual name) and it is illegal for women to drive. The internet is heavily filtered; I can't even open any cheesecake websites like FHM or Maxim... yup, life is hard.

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