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Spruce St 1 BdRm Apt available for Sept 1

Davey Boy 2.0

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Don't sell the place short: to me, the definition of a bachelor apartment is one with just one big living-room/bed-room/kitchen. IIRC, yours is better described as a "1-bedroom" apartment. (And it also has Pubwells as its local, a strong selling point in my book.)

Where are you moving to?



Edited by Guest
Add URL to bachelor pad def'n.
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Thanks all!

Well it looks as if we'll be doing a bit of a gradual move over the next few weeks and will officially move into the Louisa place on Sept 1, making the Spruce St. place also available for Sept.1

The hook here is that (and we just found out last night) our current landlord needs 60 days notice for our apartment, so we may be stuck with paying Sept. rent twice. Won't be the end of the world if that happens but naturally we'd rather not have to shell out the extra $670. So if we can find someone to fill the Spruce St apt for Sept that'd be ideal...

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